Harry Price: Ghost Hunter
Harry Price: Ghost Hunter
| 27 December 2015 (USA)
Harry Price: Ghost Hunter Trailers

When MP's wife Grace Goodwin is found naked on a London street, Harry Price is summoned to investigate claims that her house is haunted.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
essentialfineart Totally unbelievable storyline and thin acting by the cast.
denruthgar I thought this was excellent, and would love to see a series come out of it.Everyone has been saying that Rafe Spall looks nothing like the real Harry Price, but does it matter in the scheme of things??? I just thought it was an excellent story, and would love to see more.I love ghost stories, real ghost stories that is, not horror, blood, guts and gore, so this was just perfect for me.I think if you want to see a true to life programme, go to the biography channel or look up Harry Price online, there are lots of details on his website.I for one thought Rafe was excellent, and would love to see more programmes like this instead of the usual reality housewives/singety sing song sing drivel.Well done ITV for once.
Leofwine_draca As another reviewer has noted, HARRY PRICE: GHOST HUNTER has absolutely NOTHING to do with the real-life paranormal investigator. It gets the era right but that's about it. What we have here is the usual lefty period drama nonsense, with a miscast and poorly acting Rafe Spall full of the usual mannerisms and the like but failing to convince for a second as the real Price.I would have enjoyed this immensely had it followed some of Price's real-life cases, like the mongoose or Borley Rectory. Instead, we get involved in some nonsense involving a guy's wife who keeps having ghostly visions. They also shoehorn a black guy into the story in a ridiculous show of tokenism. The plotting is slow and dull and the characters are quite laughable, but the biggest regret is that Price is so unrecognisable. Spall looks nothing like him and acts nothing like him, so why they bothered pretending that he was Price I don't know. Without the Harry Price hook I probably would have rated this higher, but as it stands it's a kick in the teeth for any fan of the supernatural.
David_Habert If your looking for a dramatic story about the real Harry Price and any of the actual cases he investigated, then you are in the wrong place.Because all this is, is about a fictional case of a politician's wife who is experiencing paranormal activity at her house. to the best of my knowledge the real Harry Price never investigated such a case. (I've studied many subjects of the paranormal including some of Prices actual cases to know that this program was fabricated to make it look like a real Harry Price case) If it showed dramatic stories of some of his actual cases like The Brocken Experiment, Gef the talking mongoose and Borley Rectory. Then I would have rated it a lot more. (depending of wither the facts were correct) I was left extremely disappointed.Even the "Ghost" depicted in this program looked crap.If you ever wanted to see a dramatic version of an actual case which took place Then go and see The Enfield Haunting, because they got most of the facts correct. On other hand if your looking for a ghost story about a famous ghost hunter, again your in the wrong place.However if your looking for a program which will bore you to tears, with a rubbish ghostly effects. Trust me this program is it.I'll leave it up to you, which one you like to do with this program. My advise. don't even bother wasting your time. Complete rubbish, avoid at all costs