Seven Minutes in Heaven
Seven Minutes in Heaven
PG-13 | 09 May 1986 (USA)
Seven Minutes in Heaven Trailers

Natalie allows her classmate Jeff, who ran away from home after a fight with his stepfather, to stay at her place while her father is away on a business trip. Natalie soon starts dating Jeff's friend James Casey, who isn't as faithful as she thinks, while her best friend Polly falls in love with baseball player Zoo Knudsen.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Johnny Utah This is a cute little chick flick. Jennifer Connelly stars in this cute little teen chick flick of girls growing up and falling in love The film is full of cute little awkward moments from a girl's point of view I guess. But I found it a bit disturbing that they portray every male older than school level as a predator on the hunt for young girls. They don't dare go full out with it, but they imply it every time an adult come into the picture, which don't have kids. The shrink, the baseball player, the politicians, almost everyone only; with the exception for a journalist But I think Jennifer look and act really well and mature, for her young age, her character looks and acts like someone who have decided what they wanna be when they grow up, but haven't yet realized that things don't always turn out that way But I feel they could have dug deeper into the characters. *****spoilers ******** spoilersI also found it a bit stupid that in the end the Jeff character just all of a sudden got along with he's stepfather, with out any explanation as to why, considering they had been butting heads since start, they should have included a scene or two that showed what compromises they had come to, especially since Jeff's parents, in particular he's stepfather was trying to control he's life down to the smallest details. I got the impression they wore trying to tell me that your parents are always right and you should just blind obey them and accept their rules The scene where Jeff wakes up next to Jennifer's father in bed was a bit stupid and unrealistic. How would he not notice that there was another person in the bed, which was a bed he was to have all to him self? That scene seemed kind of rushed and weary little planed to fit in with the rest story line
Sheila_Beers The title of this film is taken from a party game called "Seven Minutes in Heaven." The game was popular among my husband's friends when he was in junior high school in Brooklyn, NY, and he describes it as something like "Spin-the-Bottle," "Lifesaver Relay," and other preteen kissing games. According to the rules, a boy's name and a girl's would be drawn, and the chosen ones ordered to get into a dark closet together and to stay there for seven minutes. In the meantime, there would be speculation among party guests as to whether or not the two had the nerve to hold hands, embrace, and/or kiss each other in the privacy of the closet. At the end of seven minutes, the game leader would say, "Time's up" or knock on the closet door, and the couple would emerge from the closet. After being quizzed by the other guests, the couple would have to admit what they had done during their "Seven Minutes in Heaven." Then other couples would be chosen to enter the closet until all the guests had participated. The couple who admitted to doing the most would be the winners of the game.Such games have served as social "ice-breakers" for children and teens, but they can be embarrassing and intimidating to shy individuals. The film has been given this title because it deals with the teens' first experiences with crushes and romantic love.
Beth-the 80s chick First off, I'm a huge fan of 80s movies, and of Jennifer Conelly as well. So yesterday, I wandered into a local used book/movie store and found a VHS copy. I read the back and it sounded good and for $3.99, it was a good deal. So I took it home and popped it in the VCR. What a sweet movie! At my age now, I relate more to movies like About Last Night or St. Elmo's Fire, but still I remember what it was like to be 15/16 and in love with an older guy, etc. We all have those little crushes when we're younger. And if it doesn't work out, we're heartbroken and we think that we'll never get over it. But of course we do. Many times. It's that sort of sweet quality that I really got from this movie. The feeling of "Oooh! I remember when something like that happened to me..." is all through it. The characters are interesting and well-developed. I recommend it to anyone who likes 80s movies, teen films in particular, or to anyone who just wants to go back and remember a simpler time in their lives.
Moovlvr-2 Searching for this movie in the depths of my brain left me ecstatic to find it here. This is a charming movie that had me daydreaming when I was in grammar school. Classic.