| 02 September 1996 (USA)
Remembrance Trailers

To overcome the emotional scars of her own past, Vanessa Fullerton recounts her mother Serena's extraordinary life - and tragic death. Serena marries a dashing U.S. colonel, relinquishing her family's fortune. When her husband dies, an impoverished Serena struggles to care for her young daughter until noted photographer Vasili catapults Serena to fame. But Vasili hides a dangerous secret, a secret that leaves a painful legacy.

Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
rgonzales-ny This movie that I love, I was lucky to see it about 18 years ago, I like to see it again. How can I watch this movie again; I love the performance of Uncle the girl the most good that someone can have. Normally I do not speak in English but it is through these films that I am beginning to study this beautiful language. I hope they can help me. Thanks a lot
erin-bussenschutt As with all films of Steele's, Remembrance was another one that was severely underestimated for its story line and its all around excellence.A fantastic performance by Eva La Rue (As always in films starring her) provided the feeling that you are seeing the events of this girl's life before your own eyes, and that is something that viewers are interested in.All in all, a fantastic movie that was underestimated for its brilliance.A definite for the repetitive watching pile
Theo Robertson ***** SPOILERS ****** Oh dear , a predictable romantic melodrama . How predictable ? Let`s see.... The heroine falls in love with a man who volunteers to fight in the Korean war . I bet he comes home in a body bag . Hey I must be psycic . Heroine then falls in love with a film maker who is so hard working he can make for 16 hours a day then party for the next 8 . If he`s able to go without sleep then maybe he`s ... Yup thought so . And being a cocaine fiend maybe he might be a danger to his lover . Thought so , but if you`re unable to cotton onto the fact that the guy you`re living with carries a suitcase containing syringes and class A drugs everywhere then maybe you deserve all you get . Hey watch out for that car ! Oh too late . Hard to believe but this TVM actually has a happy ending
Monika-5 Like many of Danielle Steel's movies, the details of the book have been changed. But it's OK. Interestingly enough, the lead Eva LaRue Callahan was starring on All My Children at the time of this movie, a show Michael Lowry, who plays Vasili, later joined. A charming performance by Eva LaRue Callahan.