ChromeSkull: Laid to Rest 2
ChromeSkull: Laid to Rest 2
R | 20 September 2011 (USA)
ChromeSkull: Laid to Rest 2 Trailers

After his gruesome encounter with a girl, and being outmatched by his own assistant, ChromeSkull resurges with a horrifying massacre of his own.

Wordiezett So much average
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
SlingShott78 People intend to forget what movies r all about. Suspend belief of reality and enjoy some of the best on film kills ever...between Laid to Rest & Laid to Rest 2 a low budget horror fan has some of the best on screen kills they could ever ask for!!!! I found the original in a used media store in my city in the 5 for $10 bins...sought out the sequel minorly n was lucky enough to run into it where i work at F.Y.E. If u in the mood for "decent" story line n spectacular kills seek no further as far as i'm aware as of my writing of this review, ( Hello run on sentence). hahaha These 2 films...this one a lil less cause it suffers from "good movie sequel syndrome...but the 2 back to back r a horror/slasher film fan's wet dream...male or female...Have Fun!!!Gory but iv'e seen worse...great kills!!!
BA_Harrison I know that I enjoyed the original Laid to Rest for its sheer enthusiasm and spectacularly OTT gore, but I can recall very little about the actual plot, despite having only seen it a year ago; perhaps that's because there wasn't much of a story to remember in the first place (the lack of strong narrative clearly didn't matter too much to me: I gave the first film a rating of 7.5/10).Chromeskull: Laid to Rest 2 is just as eager to please in terms of bloody mayhem, and does so brilliantly with oodles of really mean-spirited and excellently executed gore, but this time around the film-makers also try to build on Chromeskull's character, and it is here that the film comes apart quicker than one of the killer's victims. While a bit of back-story mightn't have been so bad, what we are presented with here is so overblown, convoluted, and incomprehensible that it only serves to confuse and irritate in the extreme.The film opens abruptly with no recap of previous events, immediately launching into the unnecessarily complex nonsense that passes for a plot, in which a secret organisation is revealed to be behind the work of our metal mask-wearing maniac. With a script even messier than one of Chromeskull's kills, the viewer is simply left with too many unanswered questions—Who are these characters? What is the nefarious organisation hoping to achieve? Why are the police so f•••ing inept? Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to hire Danielle Harris (she was in the extremely disappointing sequel to Hatchet too!)? It all adds up to a very frustrating and frankly rather tedious experience.If director Robert Hall proceeds with his intended third and final Laid to Rest film, I really hope that he succeeds in explaining matters in a satisfying manner; simply drenching proceedings with buckets of really nasty knife action just won't cut it next time.I rate Chromeskull: Laid to Rest 2 a 9/10 for the sterling work of the effects guys, but 1/10 for everything else (resulting in a disappointing average of 5/10).
homecoming8 "Laid To Rest" (2009) was a surprisingly well done slasher flick with a mysterious killer, an interesting story and very gory death scenes. Because of the fact that you were kept in the dark regarding the killer and his motives, it was sort of a mix between "Friday the 13th" and "Phantasm". "ChromeSkull: Laid To Rest 2" picks up right after the events of Part 1 and explains the character of ChromeSkull and the organization he's part of for a bit. Since the original leading actress didn't return, she's killed off in the first 15 minutes by 90210's Brian Austin Green's character. 90210's ?? That's right, and his performance is excellent. Loved his character, he did a fantastic job as the organization's ice cold killer/enforcer who's obsessed with his boss. Genre favorite Danielle Harris (Halloween, Hatchet II) is his assistant and it's always nice to see again. The story is well executed, you even buy the fact that ChromeSkull is still alive. The death scenes are even more graphic and gorier than in the first one. The Effects company "Almost Human Inc." once again did a great job ! The kills remind you of hardcore slashers like "The Prowler" , "Intruder" and "Friday the 13th 1 & 4". Most sequels are often disappointing but for me, that's not the case at all here. Director, please bring on the third one !!
gavin6942 ChromeSkull (Nick Principe), who barely escaped death, is hell-bent on continuing where he left off... and forging a new path of terror and destruction.Robert Hall wrote and directed this picture, just like the first part. And Hall proves he knows what he is doing in the big chair -- while primarily known as a makeup artist, he skillfully controls this story and makes it a very powerful franchise for the 21st century. And he has not left the makeup behind, either -- CG is used very sparingly, with more than enough practical effects and gore to satisfy any horror fan.The cast is also a bit stronger this time, with horror icon Danielle Harris making a sizable cameo and the well-known Brian Austin Green in a starring role. His character calls to mind certain aspects of "Saw", which I think is unfortunate, but also overcomes those comparisons. ChromeSkull is not Jigsaw -- he cares not for redemption or to test humanity.There is an expanded mythology in this film centering around "the organization", which I found to be a bit complicated and hard to follow. Maybe I need to view the first film again, view this film again or listen to the commentary. I feel there is a lot of potential here for exploring the organization, and also potential for sequels (though hopefully they do not proceed without having a solid story to tell).This sequel is more mature than the original, but relies on the same strengths -- fast-paced action, terror and gore. If that is the type of horror film you like, this is a must-see for you. I do not wish to say it is anti-cerebral, but this is not a thinking film... it is blood first, story second... and not in a bad way.
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