Lightning Bug
Lightning Bug
PG-13 | 09 April 2004 (USA)
Lightning Bug Trailers

In this drama thriller set in the South, a young boy named Green (Bret Harrison) longs to escape his unhappy life but feels trapped in his hometown. A gifted special-effects makeup artist, Green has big dreams of working in Hollywood. But the boy's personal demons -- a drunken, abusive stepfather, a group of religious zealots out to destroy his work and the love of a girl who prefers small-town life -- may stand in the way of his dreams.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
poe-48833 So much of this one brought back memories- most of them BAD. When I migrated further South (I grew up in "the capitol of the Confederacy"), I was appalled to find myself in what I call "the Soft South" (as in "soft in the head"), where I was referred to as "a damn Yankee" and told that the capitol of the Confederacy was Atlanta, Georgia... "Green" is the kind of friend I would've given anything to have had (especially when I sat through J.R. Bookwalter's THE DEAD NEXT DOOR or perused my own FANGORIA collection). As for the Holier-Than-Thou crowd, be advised that they ARE here (there's literally one church every two blocks here in Crack Town) and they ARE Fanatical (two of my nieces, who were into Goth and Punk, were harassed to the point of having to leave school). The Fanatics have never been able to distinguish between Reality and Religion. (Have the anti-abortionists ever considered having their children spayed and neutered?) It's when LIGHTNING BUG devolves into clumsy clichés that it loses its way (and its Power). (Are we supposed to believe that a self-professed "gore fan" would faint at the sight of his own blood...?) Until that happens, it's a grim but Honest look at Fatherless Southern Kids (the kind I've known my entire life) who have no recourse but Fantasy.
badgrrlkane Very cool first time film from Robert Hall. Great performances from Bret Harrison (as I still am bummed about the cancellation of one of my fav TV sitcoms, that he was on Grounded For Life) as the main character Green Graves, ateen with a great talent for making models & for doing very realistic make-up of monsters & blood- n- gore. However, due to the fact that he lives in hillbilly land Alabama & his mom, played very good by the always awesome Ashley Laurence ( who was so amazing in 2 of my all-time fav's, Hellraiser 1 & 2) as a down on her luck very slow-witted trailer-trash mom who against her better judgement has a relationship with a terrible, white-trash mean m@#3#3f^&*&&r who is just one step away from beating her & her 2 kids to death & he also has to contend with the religious fanatics in the town, namely the character of Mrs Duvey played by Shannon Eubanks , who gives a great performance this side of the mom in Carrie, as a woman hell-bent on doing the Lord's Work & carrying & loving her pillow, who she thinks is her absent husband who left her holy-rolling ass for a stripper. Also good was Laura "That 70's Show" Prepon as Green's girlfriend & the young boy Lucas Til who plays Green's little bro. Was billed as a horror film.But it isn't. Horror fans will like it as it has a lot of horroresque material but this film isn't a horror film. But, it is something very special. *** out of ****
djconnell3 I had the pleasure of seeing this film twice at the Philadelphia Film Festival where it had the highest attendance of the nearly 300 films featured. It sold out both showings and earned a third showing as one of 15 films selected as the Festival Favorites. Audience comments at the Q & A sessions following the showings were extremely positive. LB was recently featured at the Trenton, NJ festival where it won an award, and can be seen at the upcoming Brooklyn Film Fest & the Boston International Film Fest in June.I strongly encourage you to get out and see this film! It is a well written, compelling story that draws you in. The juxtaposition of light-hearted, comical scenes with some downright disturbing scenes kept the audience on the edge. Throw in some spectacular performances by the actors ( my favorite - Kevin Gage as the drunken stepfather) and you have a winner!This is a solid offering from writer/director Robert Hall and it is WELL worth your time to check it out!
sweety_nyc1 For me, a film buff who has seen LOTS of indie films, Lightning Bug truly shows the indepedent spirit. This is a wonderful, heartfelt, semi-autobiographical, story of a young man struggling to find his way in the world and out of the rural south to become a success as a special effects artist.I have had the chance to see the film twice. Once in a small private screening and then again at the Philly Film Festival with a large audience. While I loved seeing it privately, seeing it with a large audience was incredible. The reactions of the crowd was very telling. The audience reacted with laughter, clapping and quiet reverence throughout the screening. Everyone was truly engaged in the film.Directed by Robert Hall, with an excellent cast, this very touching film is a must see!!!