Cut and Run
Cut and Run
R | 02 May 1986 (USA)
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A reporter and her cameraman connect a surviving Jonestown leader and a TV exec's missing son to a drug war where jungle installations are being massacred by an army of natives and a skilled white assassin.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
GazerRise Fantastic!
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Leofwine_draca A gory return to the jungle for Ruggero Deodato and perhaps his last really gruesome film - certainly those which followed (a list which includes the likes of DIAL: HELP and THE BARBARIANS) didn't have as much gore and bloodshed in them as this or the director's own graphically nasty masterpiece CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST. Unfortunately, in the seventeen years since it was first made, CUT AND RUN has been the victim of censorship worldwide. The American print was heavily cut, the UK print butchered of all gore and the only uncut versions were in a foreign language - French I think. Thankfully this is looking to change with the welcome recent release of an Anchor Bay DVD which presents the movie in all its widescreen, letterboxed glory. This is definitely one film which needs to be seen uncut to appreciate the full extent of the special effects crew.It's not that the gore is graphic - aside from a couple of moments, it's really no worse than any other mid '80s horror movie, complete with splattery decapitations and a brief stomach-slashing followed by some entrail pulling. There's no cannibalism here as the natives are friendlier than most, instead preferring to kill their victims by shooting them with blow darts in the neck or sticking them with knives. Yet Deodato still knows how to shock and surprise his audience when they least expect it, throwing in a couple of neck-hackings complete with spraying blood, splattery gun shot wounds, females getting nailed through their limbs, stomach impalings and a brief gutting. However, all of these (superior) effects - notable through their realism, the special effects are magnificently realistic here - are put in the shade by one graphically nasty moment which features a man getting his entire body split in two after his legs are pulled in opposite directions by being tied to two different trees. Yuck! Certainly one of the strongest gore effects I have yet to see and unforgettably sticky.Otherwise the film takes the form of a straight action-adventure, throwing about three different sides into the midst of a remote jungle location and having them blast the hell out of each other. Drug pushers are being murdered across America and a reporter and her cameraman investigate the deaths, often arriving at the crime scenes before the police. They're employed by the wealthy Bob Allo to travel into the Amazon to rescue his son, Tommy, who has been thrown into a drug mining prison camp by dealers (shades of CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST here as the pair film the various atrocities they discover and broadcast it via a satellite link-up back to Allo in the US). Unfortunately a third party is also interested in the dealers, led by Colonel Brian Horne who was a close friend of Jim Jones.The setting is effective as usual for an Italian movie, lush green scenery beautifully shot, and all of the typical ingredients are here - attacks by crocodiles, blow-pipe shooting natives, a machete-wielding Michael Berryman (okay, maybe that one's unusual), jungle traps, rape, prison camps, and a voluptuous girl nude in the shower (the last one comes as no surprise seeing as this is a dyed-in-the-wool exploitation epic). In fact when the cast members arrive in the jungle about halfway through it makes you release how unnatural the scenes set in America feel - Deodato really does have some kind of spiritual connection to the jungle and makes it his own unique gory stomping ground! Also in the film's favour is the great exploitation movie cast, plenty of familiar faces putting in solid if not spectacular performances. Lisa Blount gives it her all as the stressed-out female reporter, kind of like a Heather Donahue for the '80s and is pretty as well as being sassy and assertive when the time comes. Leonard Mann, Willie Aames and Richard Bright play three male cast leads with a fair degree of skill that makes you feel for the characters vaguely. Then there's Richard Lynch as Colonel Horne whose character and acting is definitely inspired by Brando's Colonel Kurtz in APOCALYPSE NOW! Karen Black is on hand as Allo's ally but has absolutely nothing to do with the action whilst Eriq La Salle (more commonly known today as a doctor on ER) plays a loud - clothes-wise - street friend ala Antonio Fargas. Two Italian action stalwarts - Gabriele Tinti and the British John Steiner - are also welcome playing a pair of drug pushers who get graphically murdered. Finally we have Michael Berryman (THE HILLS HAVE EYES) once again playing a very scary chap, a white indio who jumps out of rivers and murders people in some scary shock sequences (my favourite being the opening scene in which he jumps about seven feet out of the water to gut some poor extra). The cast and the gore make CUT AND RUN the last jungle classic to come from Italy.
Vomitron_G Another short comment from The Vault, dated 2006/10/11:"Now we're talking business! Finally I was able to purchase the shiny uncut and uncensored Anchor Bay edition of "Cut and Run", Ruggero Deodato's notorious 'drugs & jungle'-fest. And yes, it's violent, it's gory, and misogynistic. And it even manages to tell a pretty decent, dual plotted story. An ambitious reporter (Lisa Blount) is after the story of a lifetime when she discovers a renegade colonel (Richard Lynch), who supposedly died years ago, is currently in the drug traffic business, producing cocaine in the jungle. Also, the son of a rich American TV-producer disappeared in that very same jungle. We pretty soon learn that he is held against his will by the colonel to help him fabricate and transport drugs. Further more, the colonel is helped by a ruthless native tribe. You guessed it: there's plenty of room for decapitations, disembowelment, dismemberment, violations of women,... This all boils down to some pretty cruel jungle mayhem. If you see it, then make sure to watch the restored uncut version, because otherwise you'll miss out on some of the fun stuff and even a few additional plot elements."
ElijahCSkuggs Well, he was in this anyways. But, he was awful in a over-the-top cheesy way, so some of you may find it funny. I did a little, but it was pretty awful.My second venture into Deodato territory was an equally as entertaining movie as Cannibal Holocaust. Not as good or as important as CH, but it moved at a action movie pace, had plenty of violence and some nice gore. The story revolves around a tag team news reporter and camera man who are set on finding a so-called dead man who is supposedly in charge of some big time cocaine action. A side story involves a young Willie Aames who is attempting to get out of Rio Negro aka Cocaine Central aka where the bad guys are, all the while his Daddy, who is the boss of the New Tag Team, is stressing to no ends and wants his boy back and out of harm's way. Not sure if they were both initially connected, but it seemed to workout pretty smoothly.After watching Cannibal Holocaust I immediately realized that Deodato isn't just some exploitative bum who just films disturbing imagery and wants to shock the audience. I noticed in CH that he shows a fine eye in making a scene more compelling, powerful or just plain more attractive. Maybe I'm only saying this because I've only seen two lush-looking jungle movies made by him, but when he shows a corpse on scene, it just seems a little more "dead". Anyways, what I mean to say is that he's turning into one of my favorite directors and I can't wait to see another Ruggero Deodato film. To back up Deodato you've also got a pretty nice supporting cast including the beautiful Valentina Forte, a hammy Willie Aames, and a rambo-esquire Michael Berryman.From the dangers of the jungle, to the dart-blowing tribesmen, to a couple different lead baddies, this movie seriously brings a plethora of violent entertainment to the table. Cut and Run really surprised me in the end, and it should really be a cult-classic among the masses, but unfortunately it probably won't be anytime soon. Here's hoping.
dispet unfortunately i could only view the softcore, cut, australia version. but even in this mangled version it was still an interesting film. while there were bad moments, and the young all american boy was one of the worst actors ive ever seen, this was an extremly intriguing film. it was a fun action romp, but deodata's direction is superb. there is a real slash of cannibal holocaust in this film, which adds so much more to it. instead of just being a simple action film, it becomes a very disturbing adn intriguing look into the dark world of cults and mad leaders. the occasionally documentary and mondo aspects add an impressive frisson to the scenes which shouldve looked like left overs from an Arnie or Sly flick.
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