Hunt for the Wilderpeople
Hunt for the Wilderpeople
PG-13 | 24 June 2016 (USA)
Hunt for the Wilderpeople Trailers

Ricky is a defiant young city kid who finds himself on the run with his cantankerous foster uncle in the wild New Zealand bush. A national manhunt ensues, and the two are forced to put aside their differences and work together to survive.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
annieburke-72582 I wanted to explore the rest of Taika Waititi's filmography after loving everything he did on Thor: Ragnarok and decided to watch this one with my mom. (**THOR: RAGNAROK SPOILER**: Sam Neill who plays Hector, actually has a cameo in a play about Loki and portrays the actor who play's Odin) This film was so quirky with the concept of Ricky Baker, a troubled teen who is in the New Zealand foster care system sent to live with couple Bella and Hector, who live in the vast New Zealand bush. Ricky Baker had never felt comfortable in his previous foster homes, and warms up to Bella and Hector, whom he dubs his "Aunt" and "Uncle." Bella treats him with such love and kindness and even gifts him with a dog for his birthday that he names Tupac after the rapper of the same name. Suddenly as Ricky begins to truly enjoy living with Bella and Hector, Bella passes away. Taika Waititi makes a very memorable and hilarious cameo as a priest at Bella's funeral. Ricky is informed that social services will be coming to pick him up and take him to a new foster care home, since it was Bella's idea to take Ricky in and not Hector's. Knowing this, Ricky decides to run away into the bush with Tupac and fakes his own death. This is discovered by the scene stealing Rachel House as Paula Hall, Ricky's social worker and she and the police, as well as Hector make their own searches for Ricky. Ricky and Hector end up finding each other and sticking together for several months on the run from Paula and the police. Several run-ins with zany characters including the approximately named Psycho Sam and several hunters all end in a police chase that leads to Hector getting arrested for allegedly kidnapping Ricky based on misinterpreted statements Ricky told the hunters that Hector was making him do things he didn't want to do. Ricky eventually reunites with Hector after a while and upholds his promise of teaching Hector how to read. Overall, this was another zany, brilliant story from Taika Waititi that is well-paced, well-shot, and isn't overly filled with deliberate jokes and humor like Thor: Ragnarok; as the humor mainly comes from how the story plays out and doesn't need to be relied on by a comic-relief character. Although, Rachel House and Rhys Darby who plays Psycho Sam are very humorous and can be seen as comic relief, they just let the jokes flow naturally and don't feel forced to tell them.
morrismatalon I just saw "Hunt for the Wilderpeople" (2016) and it was absolutely wonderful. All the performances were good. I didn't hate the kid and Sam Neil was very good as Hector. There was a very believable bond between Ricky and Hector, and when they had the "get mad at each other and leave" scene, it didn't feel forced (partly because of the subject matter) and I loved that it didn't go on for too long. All the cinematography was fantastic. It was very funny and I love the kind of dark sense of humor that the movie had. I think this had a great soundtrack! and it's not just great songs that already existed and wasn't composed for the movie (though there was a lot in there), also the composed music is really good. It gives off a very mysterious feeling. All the characters were very likable, and not stereotypes (except "psycho sam"), and it was great. I wouldn't give it a 10/10 like some people are, because it has some problems. There was some stereotypes in the movie, (An example being "psycho sam" being the conspiracy theorist stereotype) I think there should have been some more time devoted to the relationship between Ricky and Bella, and I think the plot was kinda predictable. But, I still think this movie was very fun and enjoyable, and I'll definitly recommend it. i give this a 8/10
mmunier Kiwis people taking the micky out of themselves for your entertainment. If you're not one of these people who like to eat the same best food in the same best restaurants all the time, you may enjoy this crazy story very much. And it's what it's all about; to have a good time for a short while, let your hair down and just take things as they are, then forget about it. I realise it's not always possible and some just won't be able to take it. I had a good time with it when watching it at the cinema. And today I had it taped for a few days, had forgotten a lot about it. But going back to my food analogy when you eat an ice cream you don't plan to talk and ponder about it for the rest of your life you just want to enjoy it NOW! I did just this and really enjoy it again, wart and all. Yes watching this difficult obese kid on a remote area and paired with an old recluse, that fate welded together despite their obvious mismatch. Then you just need to go with the flow riding the absurd and the more serious stuff just for the fun of it. You also get gorgeous NZ landscape shots. Once again it's interesting to see how people may differ, I feel just privileged to be one of those who got much pleasure out of it, and hope you'll be or were one of them too.
Johnny H. Hunt for the Wilderpeople is Taika Waititi's fourth feature film, and arguably his finest one. I love this movie: the New Zealand scenery and cast of this film not only helps with the film's broad yet culturally specific appeal, it tells story that is hilarious, touching and very memorable. Hunt for the Wilderpeople is a comedy-drama about family and how social misfits only truly understand each other. Ricky Baker is adopted by Bella and Hec. And things only get more complicated and wacky when Bella passes away, leaving Hec to take care of Ricky himself.The film takes surprising turns when you least expect it to. It's still very much a comedy but one that takes emotional risks for the sake of the story rather than shock value. Taika Waititi based this film off a book, that may have been so niche that it doesn't have its own wikipedia page. It's great we live in a world where a director like Waititi gives life to a story where the world doesn't realise it wants it or needs it. Hunt for the Wilderpeople is one such film.If you want a film that provides belly-laughs and great characters, Hunt for the Wilderpeople is surprisingly easy to get into. Watch the film; just see it asap. It's a Kiwi-delight and one of 2016's best movies.