Tower Block
Tower Block
R | 19 September 2012 (USA)
Tower Block Trailers

A year after witnessing a murder, residents of Tower Block 31 find themselves being picked off by a sniper, pitting those lucky enough to be alive into a battle for survival.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
dexton-84908 Like an episode of The Bill on ketamin...Didn't think much to it at all. Pretty cheap British film. Some OK acting but all done before. Nothing challenging and the whole thing kind of bored me. You know it's not great when you fiddle on your phone instead.If you want a top notch British crime film, don't waste an hour and a half on this, watch the wicked 'Welcome To The Punch' instead.If this were a drink it'd be White Lightening cider.A chavvy 3 out of 10 from me
acidburn-10 The plot is very simple, the few remaining residents who all live on the top floor of a block of flats that's about to be torn down, end up being trapped by an unseen sniper, whose picking off the residents one by one."Tower Block" is a movie that keeps you hooked from start to finish, with a simplistic plot that never becomes ridiculous or over the top, and even creates a realistic situation which does make it scarier and the fact that you don't know where or why the events in this movie are happening, which adds even more tension and terror to the proceedings.Another terrifying factor of this movie is that no-one is safe even children, which in my opinion was very unsettling and the fact at the opening a young boy is banging on doors begging for help and nobody helps, which is sadly unrealistic. Tower Block really works as a thriller and as a horror movie and doesn't pull any punches and okay doesn't break any new ground but has enough violence and tension that makes an awesome movie. It also helps that this movie has a cast and characters that are very real and played just right. Firstly Sheridan Smith plays the street smart Becky perfectly, who surprisingly becomes the group's leader and has all the right moves that makes her the ultimate final girl. Jack O'Connell also delivers a strong performance, its difficult portraying a guy who's at first unlikeable and awful, but as the numbers drop he becomes more and more rounded, and also Russell Tovey also another standout as the alcoholic loner.All in all This movie works really well at crafting a claustrophobic atmosphere, with a brilliant cast that makes this experience feel very real.
MattyGibbs Tower Block is a small a UK thriller with an interesting premise. Prior to it's demolition a small group of people awaiting relocation on the top floor of a Tower Block start being picked off by a sniper. This is seemingly linked to the murder of a young man at the Tower Block three months previously. I was drawn to this film by the fact it starred Sheridan Smith a highly talented, versatile and well known British actress. She is excellent in this and has good support from a strong supporting cast. Sharing the actor honours is Jack O'Connell as the resident yob Kurtis who is as menacing as they come. The surviving characters are an interesting mix some you sympathise with and some you most definitely don't. The film builds a nerve shredding air of tension as the terrified and trapped inhabitants desperately try to escape from the tower block. The dialogue and the interaction between the characters is believable and for a film set in one place the story is admirably fast paced. This is an interesting if highly implausible story but any flaws are more than made up for by the well acted unpredictable and explosive story line. I have seen a lot of low budget films but this one took me by surprise at just how good it was. This film deserves a much higher audience and is highly recommended.
Leofwine_draca TOWER BLOCK follows in the footsteps of plenty of recent low-budget thrillers in having a single location as its setting. I always enjoy the possibilities of such story lines, which require the writers to work harder on the dialogue to bring the characters and the situation to life. It also makes it trickier for the director to elicit suspense from such a scenario, but when it works it works really well. And that's the case here.Writer James Moran also did the dues on COCKNEYS VS ZOMBIES and this film has much the same feel to it: a respect of B-movies and a genuine love of the genre. The story is simple and extremely shocking, punctuated with moments of in-your-face violence that lend gritty realism to the proceedings. In essence, it's a bunch of disparate characters trapped in a corridor by a sniper, and yet maximum tension is generated from such a scenario.The actors are fine in their roles, with Sheridan Smith's resourceful heroine a modern-day Ellen Ripley, and Jack O'Connell's would-be villain undergoing a particularly interesting character arc. Also nice to see Ralph Brown on the screen some twenty years after ALIEN 3. The directors handle the material well, generating plenty of excitement, and even when the story dips into cliché – as at the climax – it still works well. TOWER BLOCK is hardly original, but it's nonetheless a well made and gripping little thriller.