The Wall
The Wall
R | 12 May 2017 (USA)
The Wall Trailers

An American sniper and his spotter engage in a deadly cat-and-mouse game with an Iraqi sniper.

Freaktana A Major Disappointment
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
El-Dod The Wall directed by Doug Liman is really a great flop that is not studied well, written well or prepared for well. Really no connection was created between the audience and the hero and the lack of music with some bad music. The sroty is too predictable with a lot of plot holes. The characters are bad too and acting wasn't that good. Overall don't wast time watching it
Peter Pluymers "You Americans. You think you know it all. You think it's simple. That I am your enemy. But we are not so different,you and I."Ever seen "Mine"? A film about an American marine who accidentally steps on a land mine in the Afghan desert and an entire film he must remain motionless in the same place, until help arrives. "The Wall" shows an almost similar situation. Only this time it takes place in Iraq and the American soldier Isaac (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) sits behind the remains of a primitive wall. The only thing you'll see in this film, is a psychological game between the professional sniper (who we'll never get to see) and this soldier. Through a captured transmitter, he can communicate with Isaac and at the same time deceive other military personnel.It's never really exciting. The only thing Isaac is working on, is finding a way out and ensuring that his partner Matthews (John Cena) won't be slaughtered mercilessly by the most appropriately entrenched sniper. And this can only be prevented by talking sincere about himself. So the only thing we see a whole hour, is a distraught Isaac who has no water or transmitter at the beginning (And he has a terribly bleeding gunshot wound) talking to the Iraqi sniper, who apparently damn well knows how the American military apparatus works. A politically charged conversation unfolds between the two gentlemen. Discussing war, terrorism and Islam. A Shakespearian word game in which the Iraqi intellectual sounding gunner tries to justify his actions. A psychological game that drives Isaac to despair.Despite the fact that the film is limited in all possible ways (one character, one location, no special effects), the film remained extremely fascinating. Only I thought that the behavior of the two soldiers was implausible at a certain moment. I assume those were two trained, experienced soldiers who already had done a number of tours. But when you see the first one wandering towards the oilfield in a casual, worryfree way, it really looks amateurish. And then the way his partner starts running to help him. I guess it's panic that is to blame and an explanation for his behavior. But besides this sigh-moment, I thought the acting wasn't so bad. And some will experience the denouement as abrupt and disappointing. I, on the other hand, do like such uncommon endings. It doesn't need to be a happy ending all the time!
lovemodess_ka The story is interesting but 2 stupid things made my head hurt. Normally sniper wouldn't walk searching like that by feeling bored and then just walked like that. And the most upsetting moment is when the evac team arrived and he tried to warn them and it doesn't make sense to ignore it... Too bad...wasting my time...
Fredex8 Reasonably good and suspense film and would have rated it better if not for the ridiculous ending that more or less ruined it. Before that it felt similar to Phone Booth in tone except with a military setting.Prior to the stupid ending however there are some plot holes that are quite annoying. The moment he saw and then retrieved the second radio I assumed his intention was to either use the antenna from it as a replacement on his or use his battery to power it if necessary. Instead he gives up on this idea entirely the moment he gets it and only seems to even bother trying it hours later... which immediately works and is very easy to do leaving the only conclusion as to why he didn't do it sooner being that he is either stupid or it is just a plot device. Either way it doesn't remotely explain why somehow his radio is blocked from transmitting and no one can hear him.Next issue is how long it takes for him to think about retrieving the rifle despite having paracord and plenty of long enough bits of wood around to reach it with. Also that he appears to think using the one bullet he has for it is the only solution when he could just fire his pistol or assault rifle into the air to alert the incoming helicopters. Hell, considering that throughout the film he is wearing an assault vest with 6 magazines on it, which is way more than a spotter would carry as it would be prohibitive to lying down prone for hours he pretty much could have just stuck the rifle through a crack in the wall and peppered the entire hill. Maybe if he had used that to put down suppressing fire on the hill rather than firing it into the air the sniper could have made the shot or got to cover without getting killed. Even though it likely would have been well out of the effective range of the weapon it would still make you want to keep your head down.None of the soldiers on the helicopters seem to exercise any basic logic or even bother listening to him anyway leading up to the ridiculous ending where the enemy sniper apparently downs two helicopters with his rifle... at which point you might as well just assume the guy is some kind of malevolent deity.