Even Lambs Have Teeth
Even Lambs Have Teeth
| 03 October 2015 (USA)
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Two young women terrorized by a group of small town psychos seek revenge on their tormentors.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
mbbryant2010 I've seen better, but I've seen a lot and I mean A LOT worse. You get what you clicked to watch. If you don't expect much you'll find it amusing. On a scale of match stick fire to full on dumpster fire- I'd give it an accidentally catching your favorite barbie's hair on fire.
NYAmicas I found this on Amazon and it appeared to be promising which should have been my first clue that something was awry given that I discovered it on Amazon. As I said it started promising and the acting wasn't obviously awful and the movie low budget......at first. When things turn for the worse for the two protagonists of the movie it is like the film, the actors, the writers, everyone just gave up and the movie disintegrated into a -D list type of movie. At no point in time did I feel like the girls were in any sort of danger. The movie attempted to show their abuse at the hands of their attackers but their lack of tears, grief and their fresh out the salon hairstyles did not give off an air of despair. A situation that would have anyone in pure panic has them seemingly detached and bored as they deliver their lines like they are doing a reading. Once they are on the path of their "revenge" the movie rushes along and loses any sense of logical semblance and because it is done so poorly you really just don't care.4/10 and that is being extremely generous.
grantss Two young women, Sloane and Katie, head out to rural America to work on an eco farm. They need the money so they can go on a shopping holiday to New York. They are offered a ride to the farm by some friendly local young men. Turns out the men's intentions aren't all friendly and they are soon held prisoner by them. They escape and plan their revenge. Meanwhile, the uncle of one of the girls, an FBI detective, suspects something is wrong and comes looking for them.Pretty much your standard kidnapped captive-gets-revenge movie, a la I Spit On Your Grave, except this time there's two captives. Set up is good though and the movie moves along at a very good pace.The pace is maybe too fast though. Editing is a bit choppy and weird, meaning you are suddenly fast-forwarded (figuratively) through a scene when a slower pace would have prevented confusion.Some contrivances too which ruin the plot somewhat. The movie had a grittiness to start off with but there were too many outs in the plot development to sustain that.Some good action scenes though and the revenge is sweet. Never dull.
khakucoon I saw it at a film festival and it was the film I was looking forward to the most since I'm into horror films, and the few reviews here seemed very positive and rating is quite high - but it was a great disappointment to be honest. There were massive plot holes. Like the whole content would have happened in a parallel universe, where nobody notices anything weird. The priest tied on the car, and set on fire, how come no one noticed?? What about security cameras? The girls walking around almost naked and covered in blood, and again, no one notices. How could they always have fresh make up on and their hair never looked oily after being locked in there for god knows how long? How did they get away with all that? Why didn't they make a big scandal out of it afterwards to warn others and close the farm business? How did they immediately found the homes of these guys and got in there? Before they didn't have any brains and suddenly they got so fearless and smart? These were only some of the questions that popped into my head. Horror is a very difficult genre to make since you have to make it look logical, this one was like a teenage dystopian fairytale. Also the characters lacked depth, acting was extremely bad - everyone knew right away who was the psycho.
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