Law Abiding Citizen
Law Abiding Citizen
R | 15 October 2009 (USA)
Law Abiding Citizen Trailers

A frustrated man decides to take justice into his own hands after a plea bargain sets one of his family's killers free. He targets not only the killer but also the district attorney and others involved in the deal.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
ChicDragon It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
deniz-08440 I'm not going to say anything about the start of the film, every review states the same (it's great).However, I disagree with the overwhelming majority. I don't think the ending was as bad as people make it out to be, as I perceive it. Let me explain.When Clyde dies and Nick survives to watch the recital, Clyde's ambition is complete; Nick has been reverted back to the justice system to which it set out to be (a justice system). I.e he will no longer make deals with criminals (so he says). Nick represents the overall corrupt system, the best of the best, and the brutality Clyde creates snaps Nick into this realization. He lives because nobody can turn the system back to a truly justice system, just him - ok his trainee could've lived, fair enough.The hero (Clyde) dies, but his legacy lives on through Nick. I'm not sure how effectively I've portrayed my opinion, hopefully Ive conveyed it as clearly as possible. If not, well I've given it a shot. I also don't mean to say other reviews are wrong, this is simply my take on the ending. Thanks. P.S this film is a great eye opener for life in general. People don't seem to want to believe anything until shock takes place. Take the environmental disasters, people will only persevere when a catastrophy occurs. Clyde is the necessary evil, Nick is the bloke that realizes and perseveres after the effects pass by.
dumpsterpuppy People in here saying "hurr durr movie was good, ending was bad" are ignoring the fact the the ENTIRE MOVIE WAS TRASH. That's TRASH spelled T-R-A-Y-S-H. Just like Frank Reynolds would say, "TRAYSH". Leonidas was garbage, Ray Charles was garbage, the John C. Reilly look-alike was garbage. Don't waste your time on this dumpster fire.
AParkinson-2 I have watched a lot of movies recently and nothing drew me in like this. This was brilliant. It was over the top as hell, but who cares. If a man loses his daughter you can nuke the world and be happy. I mean John Wick kills half a city coz his dog got killed and we all cheer.So for all the genius of Clyde, all his planning and meticulous design, he gets thwarted by the most stupid of stupid nothings? They move the bomb to under his bed. The logistics make barely any sense, and his grand finally was a damn bag hidden in plain sight? Seriously? He kills a Judge from a mobile phone probably setup months beforehand, yet he has to break out of prison to do a grade one terrorist bag.Also no-one is happy at the end. What the scum lawyer goes to the recital. We think that makes it all good, that he learned a lesson?If they took this back, made the last 20 minutes a grand finale, where Clyde pulls off something crazy, and then 'usual suspects' go through how he did it, it would be an 8+ star movie. Why do all that to just poop on the screen is beyond me.
areatw 'Law Abiding Citizen' has all the right ideas but its on-screen execution is nothing short of a mess. The film starts off well enough and sets up a plausible scenario, only to undo all of its efforts by going down the 'make it up as you go along' route, with the second half of the film being nothing short of silly and amateurish. It jumps from one far-fetched scenario to another, before falling flat on its face with a ridiculous ending.There's enough going on to hold your attention throughout, but the second half of the film is so unconvincing that it becomes just another comic-book style action flick with zero depth or substance to any of what happens. It's disappointing given the potential that this film had and the promise that is showed in the first half or so. 'Law Abiding Citizen' is a watchable action flick, but the second half is way too far-fetched to be taken seriously.