R | 13 January 2017 (USA)
Sleepless Trailers

Undercover Las Vegas police officer Vincent Downs, who's got a lot of enemies, is caught in a high stakes web of corrupt cops and the mob-controlled casino underground. When a heist goes wrong, a crew of homicidal gangsters get T, Downs’ teenage son. In one sleepless night, he will have to rescue his son T (whom they got), evade an internal affairs investigation and bring the kidnappers to justice.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Leofwine_draca I watched this film as a huge, huge fan of the French original, SLEEPLESS NIGHT, which came out back in 2011. That's one of my favourite thrillers of recent years and I was under no illusions that this Hollywood remake would be anywhere near as good, and indeed it isn't. However, it turns out to be not too bad at all, all things considered. It has a fast pace and plenty of action, enough to see it through in most respects, and Jamie Foxx is a suitably tough protagonist. I liked the fact that certain facts and sequences have been changed around from the original movie which makes this more fun for those of us with a good knowledge of the French film, keeping us on our toes throughout. The action is nowhere near as intense, although inevitably bigger scale with machine gun shoot-outs and the like. This film seems unfairly maligned to me.
Alexander_Blanchett Washed out storyline could not save this mediocre thriller. Sure it has some moments but the twists are really predictable and the characterization is found in every undercover thriller out there. Jamie Foxx is tough and plays the role pretty well. He is also believable but then its not much of a stretch anyway. David Harbour was good enough bot not up to his standards. Same goes to Michelle Monaghan who was painfully wasted, but hey at least she got a role again. The action scenes are well edited, but the rest of the film lacked in storytelling and was not able to make the audience fully capture to the screen. I was not sleepless during watching this film, actually I was very sleepy...
eddie_baggins Sleepless, they really should've called this movie "Sleeping", as it's exactly what the audience will be doing as they trudge through this 90 minute thriller that fails to ignite in any way, shape or form as Jamie (real name Eric Marlon Bishop) Foxx's in over his head cop Vincent Down's goes to a hotel/casino and then spends of the rest of the film's running time there as he battles baddies and try's to right his wrongs.A remake of the 2011 French film Sleepless Night, Sleepless has the potential to be a high concept action/thriller with twists, turns, bumps and bruises but as directed by Switzerland based Baran bo Odar, this bargain bin worthy experience is an utter waste of story potential and talent potential as Foxx is joined by slumming it co-stars such as Michelle Monaghan and Scott McNairy (sporting what could well be the years worst feature film hair-do), who all try to no avail to plug the many various holes in this sinking ship.It's been some years since our last Foxx hit, we go all the way back to Django Unchained for this, and Sleepless does feel as though we are seeing Foxx enter into new territory where he begins to find himself headlining rather lethargic procedurals. A shame for an Oscar winning actor that can do and should do much better than this film that surely couldn't have read well on paper.It has been many a year too since Monaghan has found herself making use of her considerable talent, while Scoot McNairy continues on a recent run of impressive and standout turns in not particularly great features but you get the sense the hardworking character actor is quite close to delivering a genuinely unmissable performance in a film worthy of it.Other elements of Sleepless are barely worth discussing as Odar try's but fails to bring energy into the film. Bad guys do bad guy things, cops try to do good things and often fail and Gabrielle Union gets angry at Foxx's Vincent for being a bad daddy, it's truly hard for the watcher to care as no one here is likable enough or disposable enough to invest in and as is the usual with films of this ilk, it's not hard to see where things are heading with about 30 minutes of dull action still to transpire.Final Say – Taking place in Sin City itself Las Vegas, Sleepless commits the mortal thriller sin of being utterly boring, predictable and overly pedestrian. Barely making use of its big name cast and doing nothing we haven't seen before and seen done a lot better, Sleepless is a dull, forgettable and lifeless event that should be avoided at all costs.1 bag of sugar out of 5
SnoopyStyle In Las Vegas, Vincent Downs (Jamie Foxx) and partner Sean Cass (T.I.) steal a shipment of cocaine. They turn out to be police detectives and Vincent volunteers to investigate the battle in the street. Jennifer Bryant (Michelle Monaghan) and Doug Dennison (David Harbour) from Internal Affairs are brought in on the case. Vincent is estranged from his son and his ex Dena Smith (Gabrielle Union) is newly engaged. He is surprised to find out that Stanley Rubino (Dermot Mulroney) and mob-related Rob Novak (Scoot McNairy) are the owners of the drug shipment. Then his son is kidnapped by them.This is a crime action thriller in the vein of a Michael Mann movie. There are some good action with one particularly fun fight scene. The cast is good enough and it has the potential to be a solid crime thriller. The problem is that the movie never makes me care about Vincent and I never do. There are also some logic problems although logic may not be a big sticking point. This has all the parts but fails to put them together.