We Don't Belong Here
We Don't Belong Here
PG-13 | 04 April 2017 (USA)
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A matriarch of a dysfunctional family is pushed to her tipping point by the disappearance of her son.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
MadRotaryOne_DDCgod If you like anything that David Lynch has made, especially season 3 of Twin Peaks, then you will be able to tolerate this movie. I say tolerate becuase I notice 2 of the 4 reviews are 0 stars given, the lowest score. Their complaints were mostly pacing issues. This movie is a series of events. Lets says there is 30 individual scenes in this movie, 3 of the scenes will be the same event, broken up over the entire movie. Thats the best way I can describe it. I know I am not telling you about the movie, really, but I cannot. It wouldn't help you decide. if it was any good. You know it's about a family already. That's exactly what it is, a movie about a family over maybe a few days or so. Time doesn't seem to pass by. It's extremely disjointed. You are probably thinking that I am criticizing this movie, but I am not. This brings me back to my original Statement. If you like, or probably really have to LOVE Lynch's work, then you will enjoy this movie. If you hated everything that Lynch has ever done, or think its so-so, then do not bother with this movie, it will just frustrate you, becuase you probably don't have very good patience for slow films that don't really seem to go anywhere.
soundinfinite-791-948065 Much Ado about nothing and believe me, I can follow a convoluted plot. This screenplay and the characters are so flatly boring, makes you wonder how it even got off the ground floor.Something definitely got lost in translation between the script and what actually appears on the big screen. Everyone looks as if they are on prozac, no one talks much sense and the audience is left with bunch of puzzle pieces not really worth putting together.The film-makers are presumptuous towards the audience. They assume: 1. We are interested in this boring suburban angst 2. We are interested in following a dialogue leading nowhere 3. We are interested in collecting fragments of nothingness 4. We are interested in a cheap flimsy wrap up aka sailing ship.Ahhh no. It's just not that interesting and way to much effort to follow all these messy metaphors of some very boring characters. Kudos though to the actors who played their robotic emotionless roles so well, I was actually hoping the bad guy would pull the plug. Alas no such luck.Watching this movie reminded me of paint drying. But not paint you want to see dry. Paint that is such a hideous color it actually hurts your eyes to look at in on the wall. THIS is what WE DON'T BELONG HERE is all about. Bleh.
Kirpianuscus a film about family and love and illness. and ways to escape from yourself. at the first sight - a film about anything. no story, only a lot of fragments, suggestions, sketches. but enough for discover not a case of dysfunctional family but near everyday reality. a special film for the aura of one of last roles of Anton Yelchin. for the admirable performance of Catherine Keener. for music, atmosphere and for a simple, slow grow up of events and words and feelings like flowers in a ruined garden.portrait of a state of soul, it seems be a song in images.
wildsparrow16 I enjoyed this movie. It is a family character study about deeply troubled and mentally ill siblings, some of whom have dealt with childhood trauma. Three of the children (adult children) appear to have precognition, though only one of them seems to be aware of it and is able to use it to alter an event. Keener gives a superb performance as the mother. This family loves each other, although they each suffer internally with their own demons. This is a slow burn, but well worth a watch. All of the characters speak softly, it was a strain for me to hear sometimes. There is no yelling and only one violent scene. It is an emotional study of a loving family who just doesn't feel it "belongs here", meaning in this world.
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