Salt and Fire
Salt and Fire
| 07 December 2016 (USA)
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A scientist blames the head of a large company for an ecological disaster in South America. But when a volcano begins to show signs of erupting, they must unite to avoid a disaster.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
brunodr Is yet to be understood why Werner Herzog keep trying to obliterate his own legendary career producing films like the recent 'Salt and Fire'. Films that doesn't match his glorious cinematographic oeuvre. With 'Salt and Fire', the director wasted another opportunity to keep his mouth shut and preserve his glories from the past. In the process, he would have saved people time and resources. In the last few years, the impression is that Herzog was caught in his own myth, this 'Guerrilla Filmmaking' thing, the myth of the one who dropped the film school and by walking on foot and watching birds, understood how life works. Certainly, there is nothing wrong with this approach (when it's authentic), there is experiences that really makes one more sensitive to the nuances of life and it's complications. The problem is when this 'Rogue' thing turns into a brand for it's own sake, then when it's packaged and sold, the outcome is an unsalted product like 'Salt and Fire', a film that forces the viewer to be aware of the time wasting process. Herzog must have called his actors to a friend trip to Bolivia and said ''Don't worry, let's see what happen there, we need no script, let's improvise the whole thing up''. I constantly had the feeling of being wasting my potential as human being watching an exercise in bad taste aesthetic indulgence like this film is. I felt ashamed for Werner's narrowness. The film is just stupid and pointless at all senses. Judging by the film topics, it seems the director learned nothing from his life time experiences. Is sad to think of a guy who almost 50 years ago made a film like 'Even Dwarfs Started Small', with a filmography that includes films as 'Aguirre', 'Kaspar Hauser' and 'Fitzcarraldo' came up in 2016 with a film like 'Salt and Fire', permeated with shameful, stupid, beaten up philosophic morals that for a moment I thought he was joking, making a parody or mocking something. Sadly, this was not the case. It was a tragedy. This film is totally chicken.
tania groth I don't believe I have ever seen a movie this poorly put together and acted. And the music! The music was weird and completely out of place. And the strangest of all...I wonder how Herzog ever got Lawrence Krauss, a world renown theoretical physicist to act in this bomb! It is simply beyond me. My respect for both have declined I'm afraid. Sorry to have wasted time on this... phew! what a stinker!
lhbandjab Don't waste your time. Kept waiting for the movie to pick up but it never did. Ending was flat. The verbiage felt like I was watching a dubbed cheap foreign film. Big thumbs down. I gave this film a 2 instead of a one only because there are some beautiful scenery shots of the salt flats and surrounding landscapes.
samkan Mr. Herzog has had a long and acclaimed career, And deservedly so. But after films such as MY SON, MY SON ..." (also with Mike Shannon) and this one some one must tell him he's not so much making films anymore as he is preaching to the audience, while tossing in the odd joke here and there. The dialog gives new definition to "stilted". You can see the pain on the actors faces trying to deliver such. Characters and ostensible plot points disappear. Unconnected philosophical bon mots are delivered out of nowhere. S&F does have some beautiful scenery, though the musical score accompanying such -no doubt culturally true to the locale- becomes increasingly annoying. I finished S&F because .....well, it IS Werner Herzog. Watch only if you share my degree of respect.
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