Most Wanted
Most Wanted
R | 10 October 1997 (USA)
Most Wanted Trailers

A Marine on death row is recruited by a shadowy U.S. military officer as part of a top-secret ops team, then gets framed for murder when the team and its officer set him up as the fall guy for the assassination of the First Lady.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Robert J. Maxwell I guess I've about reached satiation on noisy and implausible action films. They have to have some sort of sheen in order to make any impression at all. "The Bourne Identity" was interesting because of the location shooting, the direction, and the performances by the leads and the support. It also had a cool narrative thread. Just who IS this guy Bourne anyway? This one isn't interesting.Keenan Ivory Wayans is an honorable Marine gunnery sergeant on death row, recruited by a rogue military group to be framed for the assassination of the first lady -- a dangerous woman who is a card-carrying member of the ACLU and who favors veterans' benefits.He manages to escape the roof-top set up and rushes to the safe spot from which he calls his handlers, an army group headed by the viperous General John Voight with a Southern accent. The dialog in the scene is lifted straight out of "Three Days of the Condor." "Are you damaged?" "What?" "Are you injured?" "No." "Stay where you are, Poker One, I'm going to bring you home." Something like that. It hardly matters.The rest of the film contains no big surprises. As is customary, a beautiful young woman is swept up in Wayans' attempts to save himself and expose the plot. Jill Hennessy is certainly pretty enough but the only thing that would have saved her here would be a gratuitous nude scene -- maybe a couple of them. Wayans himself is an imposing physical presence but his thespian talents are modest at best.There are some good guys on Wayans' side. The CIA team led by Paul Sorvino is trying to help him but they're blocked and frustrated by one or another circumstance.But why go on with this. If you like action movies you'll like this production with all its bangs and zipping bullets and exploding time bombs and screeching cars and sprinting bodies and venal villains and some guy cold-cocking another by bumping foreheads in violation of every one of Newton's laws of physics -- you'll like this one too.You know something? I made fun of this flick by citing Newton's laws? Well, actually, this movie exemplifies one of them. All dynamic systems eventually run out of steam and grind to a halt -- unless they are fed some inventive energy from an outside source. How about another action movie, just like this one, except it stars nothing but kangaroos?
nyack07 Worth watching on a slow afternoon.Derivative plot and wooden acting by some, but enjoyable as sheer entertainment. Woodward character is hammed up. Dunn character has flat affect. The MD character reacts not as an MD but as a simple woman in peril.Photography is good, and the locations nicely used.Some of the stunts are well done. Lighting is off in some scenes.Plot details are loopy.Crash scene is nicely choreographed.Some of the technology used in the film is improbable for the date (1997).Better plot would be to have Dunn character Force Recon veteran rather than sniper.
ma-cortes The film talks about a marine (Keenen Ivory Wayans) condemned on death row but he breaks out and is recruited by a shadowy U.S. military General (John Voight) forming a group of secret operations . The objective is to kill murderers and delinquents and acting as judge , jury and executer , preventing traditional law enforcement . However , in his first mission happens death of the First Lady and the events led to him . All the forces , Cia (deputies : Paul Sorvino and Eric Roberts) , Military Forces (Voight , Eddie Velez) and Police are looking for him and he is attacked and pursued from both sides , making desperate attempts to escape and even going into a highway with cars driving in fast speed at some breathtaking scenes . Film captures the special excitement of the protagonist for the continuous pursuits and he can see no way out , being only helped by a beautiful woman (Jill Henessy) , killing's witness . As the protagonist becomes from most honored to Most Wanted . Sometimes the most patriotic thing a Marine can do , is disobey orders .Picture has maximum suspense , thrills , emotion and tension from the subsequents attempts of starring to get away and resolve the enigma about the assassination . Film is exciting and tense , besides is plenty of noisy action , violence , shootouts , at time brilliant luster and big budget . Although is a standard actioner is fast movement with atmospheric action set pieces and extremely entertained and amused . Keenen Ivory Wayans (Scary movie, Glimmer man) is a stunningly action hero . Jill Henessy (Crossing Jordan) is enjoyable and attractive . Special mention to John Voight (Deliverance, Midnight Cowboy , Pearl Harbour) as a crazed and evil General in a sensationalistic and overblown interpretation . The movie was rightly directed by David Hogan (better than ¨Barbwire¨ film). The flick will appeal to action movies fans .
tvm007 Most Wanted is considered an action movie, however in a perfect world it would be categorized as a comedy. One fateful rainy day I stumbled upon this movie while channel surfing. I thought it was rather funny seeing Keenen Ivory Wayans, funny man and mastermind from In Living Color and other movies, as a machine gun toting commando. At first I thought it was a spoof of an action flick. Spoofing has been and still is the specialty of the Wayans brothers. However I was shocked to find that this was a serious attempt at an action film. Needless to say, it made me laugh five times harder after learning that this film was unintentionally funny. Since then I have told my best friend to keep an eye out for it in the 5 dollar DVD rack at Wal Mart so we can both share a night of laughs. I really would not know where to begin with this movie. For one thing I do not understand why solid performers like Jill Hennessy and Jon Voight would do such a badly written and unoriginal movie. The dialogue is just hideous, the whole time you get the feeling that Wayans is just trying way too hard to sell himself to the audience as a cool and calculating ex-marine hit-man. Then there is the whole scene where he is being chased by the entire city, which takes the film from bad to ridiculous. There is also the scene where Wayans and Hennessy's characters find information about a COVERT OPERATION on a website in a public library. Yeah, OK, sure...That makes sense. I would have sworn they called it covert for a reason. Like a previous reviewer on this film said, I could sit here write on and on about how bad this movie is. But you have to see it for yourself. Don't see it to see if its good or not. Instead, see it to laugh at how bad it is. With all due respect to Wayans, Hennessy, and Voight, this movie should have never happened. Fortunately for those involved, it didn't seem to put a damper on their careers.