PG | 29 May 1970 (USA)
Airport Trailers

Melodrama about a bomber on board an airplane, an airport almost closed by snow, and various personal problems of the people involved.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
gab-14712 I must admit that the disaster movie genre is one of my favorite genres or more specifically subgenres. When looked at on a whole, this particular genre hasn't been well-received by critics. Regular people (myself included) eat these kind of spectacles up and we love them. Which plays a part in the commercial success of this genre. After all, who doesn't want to see earthquakes or towering infernos or alien attacks, etc. The 1970's gave birth to this kind of movie and if you would want to single out any particular movie that began this new wave, it's 1970's Airport. The goal of these kind of movies is to make sure the audience have fun. Personally, I had a very fun time watching the film so Airport does its most important job.When originally released, the film was met was respectable reviews. It was something that was never seen before on the big screen, but modern critics panned the movie despite praising its influence. The story itself is attention-grabbing. I became interested in a plot that calls for a severe snowstorm causing havoc at an airport. But the way the story is told is told in such ludicrous detail. I mean you really need to stretch your imagination because some plot points can become downright preposterous. Which I guess adds to its campy tone. The movie itself is not taken too seriously so you'll have the chance to not think because if you think too much, you'll easily notice flaw after flaw and that will take from the campy, fun tone of the movie.George Seaton directs a film about a busy airport that is stricken because of a blizzard. The runways are shut down because of the snow and all flights are canceled. But more problems arise when a bomb-damaged plane needs to make an emergency landing if anyone on board that plane is going to live. The manager of the Lincoln Airport, Mel Bakersfield (Burt Lancaster) has his hands full trying to combat the weather, his personnel, and his personal life if people are going to be saved this night.Critics may hold no true love for these kind of films, but I am always amazed on the casts they can muster. It's only fair that the granddaddy of all disaster films would have a wonderful cast. It's ironic because the main star, Lancaster later called this film "a piece of junk." All the performances are fine in the film, but I feel maybe they could have had fun (some did though). For such a campy atmosphere, some people took their roles way too seriously. Anyhow, Lancaster does a great job as Mel and Dean Martin does a good job as the pilot of the damaged plane, Vernon Demerest. The one big standout of the film is Helen Hayes, who plays a 70-year-old stowaway. She was an absolute hoot to watch trying to get her way into a free airplane ticket. Her performance is a must see. Also throwing in a ridiculous over-the-top performance is Van Heflin, the man who had the bomb in the briefcase. The way he shakes, sweats, etc, his overacting is plenty of stupid fun and Maureen Stapleton as his wife who decided to apologize to everyone in the airport for her husband's actions.I am astounded a film like this would be nominated for an Oscar. Well my friends, guess what? Airport was nominated for ten Oscars!? I'm still surprised very much how such a campy film would achieve that feat. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the film, but it is a kind of genre the Academy never paid much attention to. Hayes did win for her supporting turn (and rightfully so). It also was nominated for Oscars for a bunch of technical work such as sound and editing, which was all well-done.Airport is campy, over-the-top, and quite predictable……but I had a blast watching the film. There is no denying how influential the film was as it proved people do want to see these kind of actioners. I was hooked from start to finish as I rooted for Mel to be a hero and save the people on the plane. The movie is quite suspenseful at times, but quite funny in others. The plot had issues and I didn't like the personal life of Mel's. That section got in the way of the main story at times. I didn't love this film, but I had a blast and enjoyed it very much so.My Grade: B+
paulsp2 I guess out of all the 70's "Disaster Movies" Airport is about the most watchable (along with "Towering Inferno") Both have their boring parts and this one some pretty corny dialogue (These days that has morphed into banal so not a lot of change there.) The best feature of this movie is the casting of a real professional actor in Burt Lancaster, I don't like all of his movies but he never gave a poor performance in his life. There is the usual line up of "veterans" who have all seen better days. I'm totally mystified by the Oscar for Helen Hayes as best supporting actress, there is nothing special about her acting and in fact her character is Hollywood at it's most corny. Worth seeing through but don't expect anything very special or you might be very disappointed.
dpandlisa Spend the first Act of the film developing the characters (what a concept!) so that we know all of them and their relationships to the story for later on. Then introduce the central plot, who is carrying out and even why. Then put the plot in motion and allow all the characters we know to work together to triumph over the impossible. This was the basic structure of the great disaster films of the 70s - Poseidon Adventure, Towering Inferno, Earthquake and this terrific thriller. The acting is top-notch. Burt Lancaster looks terrific in his suit and red tie courtesy of Edith Head. The ladies are gorgeous. George Kennedy was never better. Dean Martin is sober and believable as a pilot. And Helen Hayes is perhaps the most deserved Supporting Actress in movie history. Even the 'bad guy' has his motivation fully detailed, and you even feel sympathy for him and for his wife. If you're looking to introduce your younger viewers to the disaster genre before bludgeoning them with San Andreas, start with this one. You'll have a great time. It's a great movie.
DKosty123 I read Arthur Hiller's work on this and this script is very faithful to it. It is the first movie of it's time and kind and made a lot of money for Universal along with Dean Martin and Lancaster who got pieces of the box office. The cast is loaded and yet only Helen Hayes won a best supporting actress for it. This series drama inspired some terrible sequels and then a series of Airplane Comedy films. This one is the drama and played straight. Funny how Dean Martin does so well in drama films including this one as his persona proved many times over he could act. He actually upstages the great Lancaster in this one but then he got a better role. Lancaster is only the manager of the airport, not as dramatic as being a pilot on the plane. That might have influenced his opinion of the film as his script is not well written compared to his other films.This is one of the few films which had Jacquelin Bisset Pregnant and hurt. This film was prior to her becoming the ultimate wet tee shirt model. Now over 70, I am hoping she has aged well after becoming a lot of men's fantasy but this movie as a stewardess, though younger she does not jump out at you though she has a good role. Watching it now, the slap scenes in it show you what inspired the same on the air plane series.This movie has a lot of reasons to watch as it shows how team work can save lives and though the technology looks ancient today, great drama ages well.