Flight 93
Flight 93
PG-13 | 30 January 2006 (USA)
Flight 93 Trailers

Flight 93 is a 2006 made-for-TV film, directed by Peter Markle, which chronicles the events aboard United Airlines Flight 93 during the September 11 attacks. It premiered January 30, 2006 on the A&E Network and was re-broadcast several times throughout 2006. The film focused heavily on eight passengers, namely Todd Beamer, Mark Bingham, Tom Burnett, Jeremy Glick, Lauren Grandcolas, Donald Greene, Nicole Miller, and Honor Elizabeth Wainio. It features small appearances from many other passengers, namely Donald Peterson and his wife, Jean, and also from flight attendant Sandra Bradshaw.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
SnoopyStyle It's September 11, 2001. United Airlines Flight 93 departs from Newark International Airport on its way to San Francisco. Almost at the same time, the first plane is crashed into the World Trade Center. Four hijackers take over United 93 as confusion reins back in the air and on the ground. The passengers calling from the plane surmises the hijackers' plan and try to retake the aircraft.It's a made-for-TV movie on the A&E Network. It's relatively well-made movie with a few recognizable faces among the crowd. It is a lower level of production than United 93. The real life and death struggle still resonates. The battle for the plane is still intense despite the foregone conclusion. The calls home are as heart wrenching as ever. The intense real drama has not been diminished by this movie production.
schoolkid19-1 In my last review I defended Flight 93 and didn't praise this great movie. I probably will go off and defend it again, but focus on the movie. I personally thought this movie was better than United 93. The acting in this movie was better and it focused on the people Tom Burnett, Todd Beamer, Jeremy Glick, Louis Nacke II, Mark Bingham, Lauren Grandcolas, Elizabeth Wainio, and CeeCee Lyles. In United 93 I had no idea who was who. The reanactment of the revolt was intense and well done. Unlike United 93, this movie showed the devestating crash, and the families heartbreaking reactions. The score for this movie was also better. Now am going to defend the Flight 93 story. Airfones were installed in Flight 93, and you can sometimes make cell phone calls from planes. Cell Phone calls just interfere with the radar. Family memebers also confirmed the calls from Flight 93. Flight 93 was not shot down either. Cockpit Voice Recorder picked up the sounds of the passengers trying to get in and the hijackers say, "Roll the plane! Put it down!" And the plane seen above the crash site was a cooperate jet ordered to locate Flight 93 when it disapeared from radar. Many witnesses say the plane intact in its final moments. If you want the official story read Jere Longman's Among the Heros. Overall Flight 93 is a great movie ( ignore the low IMDb). Be prepared to cry.
Pocketplayer The entire time I was watching I kept wondering why this movie looked so different than the one I saw on DVD-United 93. Well, it wasn't the brilliant movie but a terrible remake from A&E who should have just let things be. This is why a good director is a good director...it's not until you see a mediocre effort and talent try to play with the big boys. This TV movie is a sham of the movie United 93. It contains non of the drama, storytelling and detail of the movie. Why make a move that links itself to such a pivotal piece of American history when you can't improve on the Hollywood version of United 93? Why?Do yourself a favor--rent or Netflix United 93. One of the best movie made that covers a historical event. That movie took risks and they paid off. The DVD also has amazing extras with interviews from the actual families. The whole project was class all the way.
hobblegott It was proved shortly after 9/11 that flight 93 landed and was evacuated to a NASA base and the supposed crash site had no debris from a commercial jet, no bodies, even the coroner was quoted as saying, "I stopped being coroner after 20 minutes. Til this day I've not seen one drop of blood. Not one." Your government lied about the entire 9/11 tragedy. In the courts of ancient Greece it was asked, "Who Stands To Gain?" or "Who Profits?" Study the facts and see who really stood to gain from 9/11! WWW.INFOWARS.COM WWW.PRISONPLANET.COM The Government needed a crisis to convince the people to willingly give up their liberty in exchange for safety. Now the painful facts are in. The dark forces of global government are funding, training and protecting terrorist networks worldwide. "911: The Road to Tyranny" documents the ruthless history of governments orchestrating terrorist attacks against their own people to scare them into total submission. In this brutal expose you will witness the birth of a global police state that surpasses Orwell's nightmarish vision. It's all here: the history of government-sponsored terrorism, the modern implementation of fear-based control and, most frightening of all, the New World Order's future plans. This is one film you cannot afford to ignore. The future of free people everywhere is at stake.