Under Siege 2: Dark Territory
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory
R | 13 July 1995 (USA)
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory Trailers

A passenger train has been hijacked by an electronics expert and turned into an untraceable command center for a weapons satellite. He has planned to blow up Washington DC and only one man can stop him, former Navy SEAL Casey Ryback.

ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
maingaterealestate This is absolutely my favorite movie of all time. I just LOVE this movie and everything about it. In Under Siege 2: Dark Territory, terrorists hijack a passenger train, to set it up as a mobile and undetectable base for Travis Dane to use his high-tech computers to control a government nuclear satellite in hopes of blowing up the Pentagon, and the entire eastern seaboard. Funny, terrorists hijack a train to hijack a satellite. Anyway, all is going well for the terrorists, they have the perfect plan, take over a train, use it to blow up what they want, and then get rid of the evidence by driving in into a gasoline train. But, there's just one problem, and its the cook, Casey Ryback (Steven Seagal) who is really an Ex-Navy Seal. And he is a flaw that will epically ruin Dane's plan. Steven Seagal, what a great actor, you can really tell who he is by his tone in this movie, which he's calm, he whispers, it's just great acting, and not just by Steven, ALL the actors in this movie. It's great acting and directing, and I Love the performance. The plot, while having some flaws, they are easily over-looked by the great action and peril going on. This movie was SO good at pulling me into it, I actually forgot I had seen the entire plot of this movie on Wikipedia, I was watching the movie, knowing what was going to happen, and I was STILL in suspense, I Loved the first Under Siege as well, and this movie is absolutely a 10 star movie. No mater what type of genre you are into, see this movie. www.egyptmaingate.com
gwnightscream Steven Seagal, Eric Bogosian, katherine Heigl and Everett McGill star in this 1995 action sequel. Seagal returns as Navy SEAL & Cook, Casey Ryback who finds himself in another crisis when a group of terrorists seize a train that he and his teenage niece, Sarah (Heigl) are aboard. He must once again use his special skills to thwart them and save the hostages. Bogosian (Law & Order) plays mad computer genius, Travis Dane who leads the terrorists and intends on using a military satellite to get money and McGill (Silver Bullet) plays Penn, his associate. This isn't a bad sequel, Seagal is good in it and Bogosian & McGill are great bad guys. I recommend this.
bowmanblue The first 'Under Siege' film was a classic. No, not in the 'Godfather' or 'Empire Strikes Back' kind of way, but in terms of simple nineties action films to eat popcorn to, it was a classic. And an unexpected one at that. Therefore, a sequel was trotted out in the hope that the second film would catch the audience's attention, too. It didn't. Not that it's that bad.Steven Segal plays... well, much the same character he plays in all his films – the no-nonsense, bad-guy-slaughtering, tough-man who gets caught up in all sorts of dangerous situations. This time he just so happens to be on a passenger train heading through America when a load of terrorists hijack it, threatening New York with total destruction thanks to an on-board control to a top secret satellite-weapon.The first film was set on a large military destroyer boat. Therefore, when Segal did his thing killing bad-guys, he had a bigger playing field (kind of literally!) to run around in. A boat is a damn sight better setting for an action film where the hero is constantly hiding and on the run from a small army of hired mercenaries. A train is not. He never really seems to hit his stride until the film is practically over.Yes, he does his general hiding and stalking of baddies, but the whole affair leaves you wondering how he hasn't been caught by now. The second half does pick up the pace a bit – if you don't mind overlooking the various over-the-topness of it all and general plot holes that come with one man taking down an entire elite army battalion.Plus there are less secondary characters for Segal to interact with. His niece is a captive, so she has little to do but kneel down and play the part of 'damsel in distress.' Segal's (train porter) sidekick is annoying and the baddies are kind of over-the-top in a pantomime kind of way.Overall, 'Under Siege 2' isn't bad. It just isn't as good as the original and therefore not even nearly as good as all the other mad nineties action blockbusters. If you like action films and you come home late at night and see this is on TV, you may watch it all the way through. It's the kind of film that you can watch while doing other things.
david-sarkies There is not much that I can really say about this movie. There isn't really much of a theme with it, and it really only continues the trend set out in Under Siege I. Steven Segal is a Navy Seal commander who has retired and is now a cook. His brother has recently died and he meets his niece at the railway station to go to Los Angeles for the funeral. The train is the target of hijackers who use the train as a mobile base to control a top secret satellite. They request a billion dollars off of America's enemies to use this satellite to cause an earthquake in Washington DC and eliminate the entire eastern seaboard.The only thing that stands up in this movie is that it is purely an action movie. There are lots of hair raising stunts, bodies thumping down cliff faces, and tonnes of machine-gun fire. There is a nasty woman assassin (for some reason the women assassins seem to be the most deadliest), and lots of mooks that get shot. There is also a knife fight at the end between Segal and the mercenary boss. Unfortunately this knife fight is really bad, and does not equate to the one at the end of Under Siege. The woman also appears very irregularly and this is not as fiercesome as could be expected.One of the things about this movie is how the ultimate weapons are not always that ultimate. The theme in these two movies is how the US's biggest weapons are stolen and used against them. The Missouri in Under Siege was not exactly a new weapon, but the satellite here is. What is strange is out of all of the trains, why this one? Well, when I think about it, I realise that most importantly Steven Segal is on this train. If he wasn't then there wouldn't be a good guy to stop them. Less importantly, the train goes near a dead zone, a place where no radio signals can get out. This is not all that important because when they enter this zone it is only to crash the train into another oncoming train.This movie is okay really for a pointless action movie, and there is action aplenty. In the end though, it does not rise above the level of being simply okay.
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