The Apocalypse
The Apocalypse
| 03 December 2004 (USA)
The Apocalypse Trailers

While Emperor Domitian persecutes the Christians, the aged apostle John has prophetic visions.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Wuchak RELEASED TO TV IN 2000 and directed by Raffaele Mertes, "The Apocalypse" chronicles events during the reign of Roman Emperor Domitian (Bruce Payne) circa 90 AD when the elderly apostle John (Richard Harris) is imprisoned on the island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea (off the coast of modern day Turkey). John experiences strange visions, as detailed in the book of Revelation. Christian Kohlund plays a formidable Roman commander ordered to kill Christians in Asia Minor while Vittoria Belvedere plays a devout believer in love with a duplicitous man who is sent to the penal colony on Patmos as a Roman spy (Benjamin Sadler).Any film that attempts to tackle the biblical book of Revelation is ambitious, to say the least, and "The Apocalypse" should be respected for this, particularly since it's a surprisingly quality period movie, which doesn't forget to be entertaining while conveying worthy mind/spirit food. Being made in 1999 and limited by a TV budget, I was expecting lousy sets, costuming, locations and, especially, bad CGI effects. But, thankfully, the movie delivers in all these areas. The F/X hold up surprisingly well, all things considered, and they helped me better visualize John's visions in Revelation, which heretofore I had only 'seen' in my mind. Speaking of which, to appreciate this movie it helps to be a little familiar with the book of Revelation, otherwise you might be lost, especially since the movie's plot is a tad convoluted.Interestingly, in one of his apocalyptic visions John sees the twin towers of the World Trade Center burning, which of course came to pass in real life a mere year after the film's initial release! THE MOVIE RUNS 96 minutes and was shot (at least in part) in Morocco (I can't find any other info on the locations). WRITER: Francesco Contaldo.GRADE: B
BeckyandJesus I really enjoyed this film. The only problem was the lack of the whole story of Revelation. They also added in extra characters, including a romance. Which really was not necessary. There were some really great parts such as depictions of the prophecies which were really beautiful and moving. But they did not put John in a cave writing any of the prophecies. A prison it seemed...but no cave. They have him on Patmos treated as some sort of prestige person for a while, including making him sign things in an office of some sort?? (No idea what he was doing there..looked like he booked in visitors to the island?) Then he helps a man, gets kicked and thrown into prison. He does not do any labour in the film and wears the best clothes. Even though an old man was treated bad until death. Found that would confuse people. I admit I have not read Revelation completely but it seemed odd. A cave does feature at the end of the film, but he has a vision and does not write it down. It was more like an arch than cave. As no one could really hide in that. It had some good parts but surely could've been more biblical and left out all the extra nonsense.
EighthSense I will only write about one thing, since others have covered the excellent Richard Harris' performance: This was the first time we got a small idea of Revelation, thanks to good computerized special effects. I say a small idea, because the actual book of Revelation in the Bible contains what must be the ultimate in fantastically spectacular scenes-and a multitude of them at that. It is strange that no big production has ever attempted it. From all the existing films with titles referring to Apocalypse or Revelation, this is the best one by far. The others are no different than low budget-low interest movies, which don't even begin to reach the magnitude and magnificence of the book of Revelation.
caspian1978 Without the addition to Richard Harris to the movie, the movie would never have been made. With that, San Giovanni would still be trying to sell his script to a religious market. Still, without Harris, the movie is very good. The production value and story are worthy of a straight to video release. One of Richard Harris' last movies, you can tell it was since he dies at the end of the movie. Gladiator, Caesar, and about 5 other films all have Richard Harris dying during the movie. The same goes for his role as John the Apostle. A brilliant performance like much of his work, Harris carries the film as he speaks of his visions in Revelations. Not too much is said of Titus in 90 AD. This is the story of John and his journey in the last years of his life.