Machine Gun Preacher
Machine Gun Preacher
R | 23 September 2011 (USA)
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The true story of Sam Childers, a former drug-dealing biker who finds God and became a crusader for hundreds of Sudanese children who've been kidnapped and pressed into duty as soldiers.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
muvi-fan-73 Haters will hate calling it mercenary over humanitarian, but I ask you if religion proves out to be a way for one to save innocent lives, give them a decent way to live, feed thousand's, should that be judged.The another thing is the bold move,which shows possessing a weapon for defence and not being hesistated a bit to use it, when caught in tyranny. The corrupt needs to be punished in the language they understand.Last but not the least, an enticing movie portraying good will which needs donations for a good cause. To really know about the organisation accepting such humanities, wait till end credits.
Prismark10 From respected film director Marc Forster is this film that we are told is based on true events. In that case it leaves me with a bad feeling as we somehow have to cheer for some kind of cold blooded murderer.Sam Childers is a bike gang member, a drinker, druggie and a criminal who spends time in jail. His wife finds religion and over time so does Childers. He gets into a successful construction business.When he hears a sermon from a missionary from Sudan, Childers is inspired to go there and build an orphanage. He is driven into improving the life of the kids in South Sudan. He soon comes into conflict with Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army that operates from Uganda. Now Kony and his cronies are evil, turning boys into armed soldiers and selling girls into sex slavery.Childers in no time returns to his violent instincts becomes a commander in the Sudan People's Liberation Army fighting against Kony's faction, hence the title Machine Gun Preacher. Gerard Butler is left with a dilemma by the script. Childers is less a preacher and just another guy spraying bullets with a gun and worse still just looks like another white man from the western world here to rescue the black folks of Africa.The film turns into a violent graphic novel rather than a man fighting his conscience. He even neglects his business and family back home for this zealous course he has undertaken.Childers is just another mercenary and a cold blooded one. For his sake let us assume the film is not true because he should be charged with being an unlawful combatant.
Josh Bullock I felt this movie deserved an 8 and that slowly trickled down to a 7 at the end. The beginning things moved well but halfway through nothing new happens, it turns into a pointless drama then ends. In my opinion this movie should have stuck to one genre and i think it would have done better. Machine gun preacher starts edgy and brutally realistic, turns to a stand still drama and ends like a documentary. Some of the dialog and scenes are aggressive and not politically correct but makes no statement just like it was thrown into the movie for realism and nothing else. There are lots of scenes where i get the feeling that certain groups of people will take offense to but does nothing with it. Take American History X for example they pushed obvious boundaries but made statements that made it not as offensive and balanced at the very end. This movie is worth watching, i just feel with better direction it would have been better liked and better received
lcthomas824 This poignant masterpiece achieved exactly what it intended to do by leaving us emotionally distressed by injustice across the world and being a catalyst for action. Most of the critics of this film are disappointed by the religious themes and reflect on the film poorly because of it. Firstly, the religious themes was not the focus of the film, secondly the director of this film does not make "Christian movies" as he directed Quantum of Solace and World War Z, thirdly, provided this was a Christian film, it did not negatively affect the acting, cinematography or writing in this film. Unfortunately, the number of "F" words in the film was not even enough to prove to ignorant critics that this is a brilliant film regardless of ideology about a Christian man who struggled with morality and the pain of the universe. This film asks some very important questions and delivers controversial answers. Above all, it is a story of a man and not a Christian propagandist film. There was no resolution to this film, but that is only because there has been no resolution for Sam Childers and the Children of Uganda and Sudan.