Super Troopers
Super Troopers
R | 15 February 2001 (USA)
Super Troopers Trailers

Five bored, occasionally high and always ineffective Vermont state troopers must prove their worth to the governor or lose their jobs. After stumbling on a drug ring, they plan to make a bust, but a rival police force is out to steal the glory.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Ivanoil Just watch it , i will write it first so you will not have any second thoughts. Really , this movie has it all in it . Sure it is mostly stupid jokes and moments but these little moments doesn't fail to deliver a very funny experience to the viewer. I don't know how they put together cast like this , but every one of the is funny as hell , every one of them bringing us a character to remember. This movie is a gem and i hope it will be a classic if its not considered classic these days. One thing to remember thats important , its not a comedy for family , it has dirty scenes and jokes. I would describe it as the one of the best comedies to drink beer to.
scarletminded I guess this is compared with National Lampoon but it must be crap like Disco Beaver From Outer Space people are comparing it to because it has the same amount of laughs, which is next to none. The beginning scene had promise and I did laugh at the "moustache ride" joke with the German couple, but the is boring. A joke where two cops just repeat each other? A pig in a RV joke? Ramrod? Bear in the woods sex? The script is boring and makes no sense. The acting is horrible too and everyone in this just seems to be getting jobs for Broken Lizard projects and nothing else. Are these just privileged white frat boys getting funding for their vanity projects or what? Dull. I am not sure who would like this.
TheFunkyBass Super Troopers is about four state troopers that do shenanigans and have a rivalry with the police. That's the whole plot.The intro and ending were great, they really tied up the story pretty well. But I'm afraid the rest of the movie wasn't that good.The film wasn't that funny, the jokes were not amusing at all.No wonder this is considered a stoner flick, you'd have to be pretty stone to enjoy it. And honestly, I don't know why it's considered one at all, they smoke weed once in the entire movie.The movie had no character development at all, although it had good dialogue.Farva reminded me of Gomer Pyle from FMJ and the moustaches were a nice touch to the troopers.Overall, the movie was OK.
anthonymichaelbangert One hour and forty minutes of comedy, and I only chuckled 4 times. Not exactly what I would call a good movie. This movie is the story of a group of State Troopers who goof off more than doing their actual job. However, when state budget cuts threaten to shut them or the rival local cops, the officers must do actual work. They battle the local cops in a case of marijuana distribution in their town through a series of hijinks and general goofiness. This movie was a mediocre plot put together with mediocre acting and creating a crap movie. Perhaps if I were stoned this movie would be a little more enjoyable.Soundtrack: 4- Most of the time the soundtrack made no sense with the movie. However, there were certain moments that worked.Script: 3- This script seemed to be haphazardly thrown together to make a movie that made no effort to be coherent. The plot had so many holes, that I'm amazed this movie held together at all.Originality: 4- Unorthodox cops who come together to save the day? Seen it hundreds of times. There are some different elements in her, but they have all been seen before. This made the movie very predictable.Cinematography: 3- This was a low budget film that made the best of what it had. It wasn't bad cinematography, but it wasn't really good either.Casting: 10- The actors in this film fit the parts they were cast in very well, so at least they got that right.Acting: 5- The acting in this movie was shoddy. It seemed as though everyone in this film was high the whole time they were shooting.Overall: 4.8