The Nugget
The Nugget
| 17 October 2002 (USA)
The Nugget Trailers

'The Nugget' looks at how instant wealth suddenly changes the lives of three working class men - not necessarily for the better, but always with hilarious consequences.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Bruce-387 Just a simple fun film to watch. I have watched it a few times and enjoy it each time. I am not Australian and still get the humor (or humour).Characters are very good. I love the voice over even though someone said it was bad. I think it made the film.It is also nice watching a film without mega stars and in this case some new faces to me.The plot is simple but leads to some great humor. I also like the ending and the fact that money does not have to corrupt and people can more or less continue a nice life with their friends.
merklekranz "The Nugget" is really lightweight material, not unlike an extended TV sitcom, only without the laughs. Eric Bana, Stephen Curry, and Dave O'Niel, come across as sophomoric (think teen comedy with 30 year olds), and the script is weak enough to expose inept acting from all concerned. The Australian dialect really wasn't a problem, as I had feared. The whole thing just sort of stumbles along a very predictable path towards a fantasy conclusion that is totally out of place. The frequent narrations only add to the weakness of the storyline. I think most viewers will have extreme difficulty finishing this mess. I know I did. - MERK
andrew vallentine The Nugget is a very funny film. There is a laugh every minute and the three male leads have some golden moments. Their mateship, which is threatened by greed, survives the turmoils wrought by the prospect of instant wealth. Line of the film is when Steven Curry says of his mates to his wife.'They dont judge me' The film opens with the most impressive crane shot you've ever seen. It looked like a small helicopter did the it but they dont make them that small. The wives of the three mates are all great individual characters. Likeable but not cliched. Producer, Writer and Director Bill Bennett really knows how to make a great film. Go and see it.
dancinlukey A very enjoyable tale of 3 real Aussie mates and a very unusual circumstance. It's good to see realistic aussie characters for a change as usually we get portrayed as red necks. Anyway the only bad thing about this movie is the length, it went on just a little too long... on the positive side though it had some laugh out loud moments and very impressive performances from the lead actors! Well worth checking out especially for the Aussie audience.