Blame It on Rio
Blame It on Rio
R | 17 February 1984 (USA)
Blame It on Rio Trailers

Matthew Hollis is man on holiday in Rio with his best friend. Both men have teenage daughters with them. When Matthew falls for his best friend's amorous daughter named Jennifer, they embark on a secret, if slightly one-sided relationship. Jennifer's father is furious when he finds out about the 'older man' in his daughter's life, and sets out to hunt him down with the aid of Matthew!

SoftInloveRox Horrible, fascist and poorly acted
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Michael_Elliott Blame It on Rio (1984) * 1/2 (out of 4) Matthew Hollis (Michael Caine) and his best friend Victor (Joseph Bologna) take their 17-year-old daughters on vacation to Rio where all sorts of trouble happens. Matthew, going thru a dried up marriage, falls to the seduction of his friend's daughter (Michelle Johnson) and soon the affair is going to have all sorts of people in trouble. Had this movie been made in the 1970's then it would have been a serious look at a troubled situation. Since it was made in the 80's it has been turned into a rather idiotic sex comedy and one that is pretty awful with the exception of a few things that keep it moving. The non-stop nudity is pretty shocking even by the 80's standards but the only thing more shocking is the fact that Stanley Donen directed this thing. Yes folks, the man behind SINGIN' IN THE RAIN, CHARADE, ON THE TOWN and FUNNY FACE also made this thing and it's clear this type of comedy just wasn't his thing. The entire picture is just so uneven that it's hard to really follow any of it and the attempts at humor just aren't funny and instead come across as rather creepy. I'm going to overlook the subject matter of a man sleeping with his friend's teenage daughter but there's a scene on the beach where the girls are topless and they come up to their fathers in a way, which was just kinda sick to watch. The film has gained a rather notorious reputation over the years due to all of the nudity and especially that by Johnson. I'm not going to lie, she looks amazing and her nude scenes certainly help keep the picture going but at the same time her performance is pretty bad, but this here is to be somewhat expected. She was just 17-years-old when this movie was made so think about that. Caine turns in a pretty bad performance as the father and it appears that he's rather uncomfortable throughout the entire film. Yes, the character is supposed to be uncomfortable with the situation but I really do wonder if Caine was nervous or didn't like the idea that he was actually messing around with an actress who wasn't yet at a legal age. Bologna is good in his supporting role as is Valerie Harper and there's also a young Demi Moore. BLAME IT ON RIO is a really stupid movie that adds up to a big fat zero in regards to its story. It's not funny. It's creepy at times and it just doesn't work.
bobm5508 I should rate this higher than I did. The mainstream critics have bashed it like it was written and directed by the devil himself. The main idea of an 18 year old daughter seducing her Dad's best friend (practically in front of HIS daughter) while on a family vacation, is clearly creepy. But it is written as pure comedy and played for laughs. That takes some of the sting out of it. And........the scenery, and I mean all the scenery, is fabulous. Caine and Bologna (an acquired taste) stumble and stammer thru some funny dialog, and no one was injured during the filming of this movie. Well, possibly the insanely gorgeous Michelle Johnson's career. She was in her 1st film and asked to display her assets early and often. And she looks GREAT!! As pretty an 18 year old as you will ever see on film. But she had no acting skills and came off as such an amateur that I would "Blame I On" the director. It may have been hard to do retakes to get it right, or he would have killed Michael Caine in the process.If you don't mind tasteful nudity of a tasteless situation, a typically grating cameo by Valerie Harper and the most colorful and lush view of Rio ever, take a watch. On edited TV its a 3, on cable it's a 6 or 7!!
grahamsp Michael Caine simply never gets asked about his involvement in this film and that is a shame. In his career he has had limited success in comedies but this is the exception. Caine and Bologna make a terrific double act and I laughed myself stupid from start to finish.Admittedly the concept is rather weak but it is carried off brilliantly. Bologna steals the film for me with his protective father routine and is a joy to watch. The inclusion of just a few other cast members is very clever with each one delivering killer lines as the plot unfolds. The best scene in the film is when Caine employs a woman to use her skills in the occult to make his desires go away. One of the very best comedies I have seen . One tip if you like the film buy it on DVD as it is very rarely shown on television.
ivko It's funny how much time changes your perspective on life. I first saw this movie when I was 12 or 13. The VCR had just come out and my family rented one as part of a New Years treat. I think my dad may have intended this one to be just for the adults (or just for him :) ) but of course I stayed up late and watched it. I was absolutely convinced that I was in love with Michelle Johnson. I had never seen a more beautiful angel in my life, and I honestly couldn't blame Caine's character for his actions. Heck, I even hoped the romance would work out.In case you are unfamiliar with the plot, the basic idea is that Matthew Hollins (Caine) is going thru a mid-life crises. His best friend suggests they rent a nice house in Rio and head down for vacation with their teenage daughters. Once there, Matthew begins an affair with his best friends daughter and, I guess, hilarity ensues.Anyway, flash forward a few years and I decided to rent the movie for nostalgia's sake. Big mistake. It's like re-reading your favorite novel from when you were a kid; as an adult you see all the shortcomings you missed as a child. Apart from Caine the acting is mostly dreadful, especially the very photogenic Johnson. The plot is ridiculous, and, as I discovered 45 minutes or so into the movie, really really creepy. There is a scene where Caine and Johnson are lying in a hammock and he recalls kissing her bottom at her Christening. Directly after this little stroll down memory lane, they have sex. OMG! Is it possible to get any more twisted? I had to stop the movie at this point.Anywho, apart from just how wrong the central plot is, I will say a couple of nice things about the movie. First, Rio has never looked more beautiful. Made me want to plan my next vacation there. Second, you can see a young Demi Moore in one of her first roles. And third, although the movie itself doesn't match up to my childhood memories, Michelle Johnson does look gorgeous in this. So, all in all, I give it a 6 out of 10.