| 25 September 2017 (USA)
Unhinged Trailers

Four American best friends decide to take the back roads travelling to a wedding in England, on their way a deadly secret forces the girls to be stranded in the woods, where they discover a house occupied by Miss Perkins.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
bachemar Having not seen the original to this remake, I can't remark on it's merits in that direction. However on it's own, it falls quite flat. The protagonists are "classically" horror movie stupid to a quite appalling and intensely frustrating degree and the dialogue wasn't much better. I mean, what bride waits until several days before the wedding to decide on and tell the girl who she wants to be her maid of honor? And at one point, after the you know what hits the fan, one character literally is in the clear and has the chance to call the police, but instead decides to listen to a voicemail. The conceit that they are stranded with no contact to the outside world is certainly not helped by that scene.The acting itself is decent and though the actresses do try valiantly, none of them are able to keep up a reliable American (USA) accent. The gore, the little there is, is decent. Perhaps with a better script (that didn't rely so heavily on the characters being profoundly stupid) this movie could have been a pretty good low budget horror movie, but as is I suggest taking a pass.
markhappyboy However I thoroughly enjoyed watching Kate listers ass in tight black jeans and tight top towards the end of the movie. I'm Scoring a 4 for such a nice ass.
Coventry Sometimes it can be most useful to analyze something small and seemingly insignificant like, for example, a film's title! My mother tongue isn't English, but I've always been impressed by the number of synonyms that exist in this language for practically every single word. Some of these synonyms are truly cool and powerful words. As an example, I love the word "unhinged". I never heard of that word until I watched the 1982 original film and found out, via the awesome website thesaurus.com that it's a synonym for insane, berserk, manic etc. It's now one of my favorite words, and I also happen to be one of the few people who thinks that the original "Unhinged" is a uniquely grim and massively underrated 80s slasher! That film, with its demented storyline and notable moments of nauseating gore, truly deserved to be named "Unhinged". This 2017 remake shamelessly copies the title, but the atmosphere, the violence, the characters and simply the film in general are not "unhinged". In fact, it's weak and unremarkable horror fodder with a dumb and totally implausible plot, spineless lead characters and a nearly unforgivable shortage of blood, savagery and overall weirdness. Four American girls take an enormous detour through the English countryside to go to the wedding of one of them. That's where the story goes wrong already. A bachelorette-party in the backwoods, seriously? Why would any girl want to drive through a completely unknown region where there's absolutely nothing to see? They are not lost, or at least not at first, but deliberately avoid the main roads. Why, exactly is that? They clearly never listened to any basic traveling safety advise or even watched a horror movie in their lives, because they are surprised when they run into crazy people. How they then handle their problems is, if possible, even more stupid and unbelievable. "Unhinged" features all the irritating clichés and predictable plot twists you can think of. These girls take the dumbest decisions imaginable (like not calling the police when their mobiles still have signal) and do the most idiotic things that even my 5-year-old wouldn't do (like running off into the woods after a banal argument). All this might have been acceptable in the early 80s, but not now. The killings are tame, bloodless and not at all unhinged. The performances are very poor and unconvincing, especially from Michelle Archer as the odd lady and Lorena Andrea & Becca Hirana as the supposed tough chicks. I'm sorry, but there's absolutely nothing to recommend here.
BA_Harrison Unhinged is a remake of sorts of the 1982 'video nasty' of the same name, and, like the original movie, it's an extremely dull watch, suffering from a predictable script, pedestrian direction and weak acting (it's four protagonists—three British women and one Australian—struggling with their American accents), whilst also failing to deliver those two staples of the genre: gory kills and female nudity.The film stars Kate Lister as American bride-to-be Melissa, who is travelling with her sister and two friends through the English countryside en route to her wedding. On a deserted back-road, the girls encounter a local loony who tries to attack them, but who winds up dead, brained with a rock by Melissa's sister Lisa (Lucy-Jane Quinlan). Rather than report the incident, the girls stash the body in the boot of their car and go on their merry way. Their plans go further awry when their car runs out of petrol and they are forced to accept the hospitality of Miss Perkins (Michelle Archer), sole occupier of a remote country cottage, until her gardener comes to visit in a couple of day's time. While they are waiting for help to arrive, the foursome try to dispose of the dead guy in their car, but find themselves being stalked and killed by a maniac in a wedding dress and a rubber mask.A routine stalk 'n slash with too much stalk (and talk) and not nearly enough slash, Unhinged pads out the running time with lots of pointless guff: there's the lesbian relationship that adds nothing to the plot and provides zero gratuitous titillation; we get a spot of crap exposition as one of the girls finds a box of newspaper clippings that are intended to help explain the backstory, but which I found all the more confusing; and finally, we have the mystery of the disappearing body in the boot, which is intended to mislead the viewer into believing that the supposedly dead man is still alive and now seeking revenge. He's not. The real identity of the killer is far sillier.2/10. I always thought that the prime purpose of a remake was to radically overhaul or improve upon the original. That's most definitely not the case here.