Hard Ticket to Hawaii
Hard Ticket to Hawaii
R | 01 March 1987 (USA)
Hard Ticket to Hawaii Trailers

A Molokai-based civilian pilot and an undercover DEA agent intercept a delivery of diamonds intended for druglord Seth Romero. Seth, his henchmen, and other island undesirables launch a full-scale assault on the duo. If they're going to survive, they'll need the help of agent Rowdy Abilene and his partner/kickboxing expert Jade.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
GazerRise Fantastic!
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Woodyanders Hot babe government agents Donna Hamilton (luscious Dona Speir) and Taryn (adorable Hope Marie Carlton) work together to bring down Seth Romero (hammily essayed with snarly aplomb by Rodrigo Obregon), a vicious local drug kingpin who finances his nefarious operation by smuggling diamonds. Meanwhile, a large lethal snake gets loose and goes on a rampage. Writer/director Andy Sidaris makes sure that this deliciously cheesy junk delivers what it promises: oodles of tasty gratuitous female nudity, lush tropical locations, ineptly staged action set pieces (lots of stuff blows up real good during the climactic exciting raid of the bad guys' head quarters), a winningly campy sense of self-parodic humor (sample line: "Tomorrow we kick a** and take names"), a bouncy soundtrack, bumbling henchmen, and a nice smattering of bloody violence. Granted, Speir and Carlton aren't the most deft actresses on the planet, but they are both quite charming and, of course, look great in their birthday suits. The game cast have a ball with the goofy material: Ronn Moss as amiable klutzy hunk Rowdy Abilene, Harold Diamond as mighty macho man Jade, the delectable Cynthia Brimhall as classy restaurant hostess Edy Stark, Wolf Larson as dashing he-man J.J. Jackson, and ripped lady bodybuilder Lory Green as vicious torturer Rosie. Sidaris has a funny and sizable uncredited secondary part as Whitey the TV director. Howard Wexler's bright cinematography makes the most of the sunny Hawaiian scenery. Gary Stockdale's lively score does the rousing trick. A complete schlocky blast.
uriverde One of the worst movies ever made, gets so ridiculous i didn´t stop laughing all the way through it. If you have a sense of humor, and some time to waste, check it out, it could be an experience you won´t forget.
u240robert One of the hottest looking "actresses" ever. Lots of nudity, even when they have clothing on they are usually running around and wear very sexy outfits so it's still pretty cool. Despite the obvious appeal because of the babes, this movie is filled lots of action and is fun too watch. Not exactly on the level of Citizen Kane, but hey who cares, Orson Wells never looked this good!
LeathermanCraig This is the cheesiest file to ever grace the air waves! Cheese, cheese and MORE cheese! The ONLY reason this movie got made (and the others that followed!) is thanks to Ms. Spier's considerable weapons.... Other than that, there is not much reason to watch this movie (or its followers) unless it's to see Miss August, 1987 bounce about in her bikini and 6 inch pumps.....Basic plot is just that - basic. Evil bad guy wants to take over the Hawaiian markets with drugs and diamonds. Add a killer snake to the mix (which was REALLY badly created!) and you've got a killer movie. NOT!First off, lots of lame lines, lame action and lame 'near soft core' porn. The special effects (what there are of 'em) are cheesey and... Uh... LAME! The locations are - well, hey! It IS Hawaii, so its not lame. Hell, even the 'drag queen' double agent was lame! Now, honestly, how many of you watched this thing and DIDN'T know that Michelle was actually a MICHAEL? Again, LAME! So lame!What had to be the most laughable aspect of the film, was the totally contrived scene with Donna and Rowdy - their 'sex' scene.... He looks like he's straight outta bad porn - especially with his fake moans and climax - and her acting wasn't much better. And, of course, isn't it always completely possible for two people to have sex when they're still wearing their underwear?!? Before, during and after, Donna and Rowdy are clothed.... Again, LAME!!!OK. I think you may have gotten my point on this one - and the others made after it. But if you haven't, let me sum it up in one sentence: LAME, LAME, LAME, LAME, LAME, LAME, LAME, LAME AND LAME!