Where Eagles Dare
Where Eagles Dare
PG | 12 March 1969 (USA)
Where Eagles Dare Trailers

World War II is raging, and an American general has been captured and is being held hostage in the Schloss Adler, a Bavarian castle that's nearly impossible to breach. It's up to a group of skilled Allied soldiers to liberate the general before it's too late.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Ortiz Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
matselby-63926 I have great memories of this film,remember reading the book at age 10.action,spies Burton and Eastwood together is great stuff,the interest starts right at the get go hearing the daring mission,never gets boring Keeps your attention all throughout the film and the last 5 mins are great to finish this fine work,suffice to say I won't spoil it at all my advice is if somehow you've missed or overlooked this 60s war film watch it asap,you won't be sorry.
George Taylor While this is considered a "Men's Movie", it a bit too long and too dull in parts. It's also full of inaccuracies such as the Germans having a Helicopter. Clint Eastwood as a stone killer is the first best part of this, Ingrid Pitt is the second best. While it's worth watching once in a while, it's not a classic in any way.
TonyMontana96 Clint Eastwood and Richard Burton are brilliant and have very good chemistry in this World War 2 classic. The picture has a lot more than just action going for it, I personally enjoyed the talkative side and most importantly the revelations that occur throughout, but one particular scene that really stood out is when Burton and Eastwood storm in on a celebration, and make the Germans feel very uncomfortable with a bit of good old fashioned trickery, the writers and the director ensure the dialogue is enthralling and the camera angles are competently done to maintain a thrilling atmosphere and the appropriate level of tension. Brian G. Hutton's film also keeps the factor of surprise around, ensuring that the film is not predictable, Alistair Maclean's screenplay is impressive, there's plenty of great moments including a scene that clearly inspired Quentin Tarantino, as there is a similar plot device within his film, though here it's not as violent nor as inventive, it's still another very good scene in a superb motion picture.Among the supporting cast is Mary Ure, who plays an undercover agent, aiding the Brits and Eastwood. The picture is competently acted all round and some are very impressive, especially Richard Burton who steals the film away from a very good Clint, I also admired the well-choreographed action and shootouts, and the nice cinematography that showcase some nice shots of terrific scenery and well-chosen locations. The film may be extremely long, but it felt captivating, enthralling and always entertaining containing a mild but good sense of humour, complete with a satisfying conclusion, Where Eagles Dare is a Great War picture with a compelling storyline, superb writing, impressive action scenes and strong performances from both Burton and Eastwood.
slightlymad22 Continuing my plan to watch every movie in Clint Eastwood Filmography in order, I come to Where Eagles Dare (1968) Or as Clint Calls it 'Where Doubles Dare' due to the amount of stunt doubles used, Plot In A Paragraph: Allied agents stage a daring raid on a castle where the Nazis are holding an American General prisoner... but that's not all that's really going on.Clint took second billing and a slight pay cut $800,000 compared to Richard Burtons $1.2 million, to star in this bloated WW2 movie.I enjoy war movies, but for some reason I have always disliked this one. Maybe it's because I had to watch it every Christmas it was on TV when I was a child, including one year, when it clashed with Superman 2 on a different channel (which we videotaped) a decision that reduced the younger me to tears!! Despite a lot of screen time Clint doesn't speak many lines. In fact he doesn't speak until the 21st min, his character Lieutenant Schaeffer probably kills more people than any other Eastwood character. One of the lines he does speak, he could actually be speaking for the viewer when he says "You've got me about as confused as I ever hoped to be" I'm sure the movies many twists and turns were meant to add intrigue, but they are just simply baffling!! If you cut an hour out of this movie it may be more entertaining. As it is, I just find it over long and dull. Even Clint looks bored when he is not gunning people down. Give me The Expendables any day!! There I said it.Grossing $7 million at the domestic box office. It didn't quite make its budget back at the domestic Box Office, it fell short by a few hundred thousand, but it did end the year the 21st highest grossing movie of 1969!!