| 07 February 1967 (USA)
Tobruk Trailers

In September 1942, the German Afrika Korps under Rommel have successfully pushed the Allies back into Egypt. A counter-attack is planned, for which the fuel dumps at Tobruk are a critical impediment. In order to aid the attack, a group of British commandos and German Jews make their way undercover through 800 miles of desert, to destroy the fuel dumps starving the Germans of fuel.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
thinker1691 The year is 1942 and Germany's famed 'Desert Fox' is winning the war in North Africa. His vaunted 'Afrika Korps' is nearly unstoppable and is only a short distance from all out victory. In this movie "Tobruk" comes the story of a last desperate attempt to stop Rommel at the port city of the same name. A small detachment of specialist troops called the SIG, join British commandos who will attempt to travel 800 miles through the vast, rugged and hostile Sahara desert and attack Rommel's secret oil reserves. In order to accomplish this nearly impossible mission, the British kidnapped a highly experienced but reluctant Canadian officer, Maj. Donald Craig (Rock Hudson) so that Nigel Green as Col. Harker and George Peppard as Capt. Kurt Bergman, can convince him it must be done. Other Hollywood greats like Guy Stockwell, Jack Watson as Sgt. Maj. Jack Tyne and Leo Gordon as Sgt. Krug are what make's this film completely memorable. Interestingly enough, the story itself was written by Leo Gordon and was so well conceived, it was used to enhance a nearly duplicate film called "Raid on Rommel" four years later. As for this movie, it is so packed with inner conflicts between characters that often, it's hard to tell who they are at war with. Nevertheless, the background world conflict is sufficient to view with admiration the soldiers who willingly gave so much for what they believed. A superior action-oriented film and one which has become a Classic in its own right. Highly recommended. ****
Daniel Britten The interplay between the 3 groups of allied soldiers, the stiff upper lipped British colonel,the independent Canadian major (Hudson) and the German Jews is interesting, if bordering on slightly racist at times. But then that's the point. Political correctness would prevent such a point being made nowadays, but it brings out the fact that the so-called allies were often allied in name only, and the fact that anti-semitism was more widespread than people realize. The fraught relationship between Green and Hudson adds an extra frisson, and is very reminiscent of that between William Holden and Jack Hawkins in Bridge on the River Quai.Pity all of this had to take second place at the end to lots of standard WW2 heroics and blowing up. One more thing - it's not Dean Stockwell. It's Guy, his lesser-known brother.
macduff50 A lot of the comments above seem to be focused on whether or not the film-makers got the tanks and trucks right, yet at the same time, the writers admit they loved the movie. Me too; and I don't give a damn about the equipment, so long as it's reasonably close to the real thing. Here's the point: a war film that tackles the big issues which the war itself was partly fought over is such a rare bird – and especially one that's combined with some good character writing and knockout action sequences – that one should embrace it. The movie gives us spectacle, yes, but it does so in a thoughtful way, a remarkable achievement when one considers that the typical war movie of the era was more like "Where Eagles Dare" than this one, ie, a farrago of nonsense designed to showcase ludicrous special effects sequences."Tobruk" may not be the literal truth, but it shows people committed to and fighting for beliefs and ideas, and fully prepared to sacrifice their lives if necessary to achieve that greater good. Stirring stuff, and the editing in the final tank sequence is nothing short of amazing.
mm-39 After an unpleasant birthday party for my future father in law, my girl friend and I went to my house to watch tv. On A&E they had this interesting WW 2 movie. I do not know how realistic it is, but it sure has an entertaining story. Undercover German Jews, British special forces, and a mole have too execute a black bag operation. Pretty cool, to watch George Peppard run around with a flame thrower. Not the usually sloppy acting for a 60's ww 2 movie. 7/10