Alien Hunter
Alien Hunter
R | 19 July 2003 (USA)
Alien Hunter Trailers

Government agents find evidence of extraterrestrial life at the South Pole.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Patience Watson One of those movie experiences that is so good it makes you realize you've been grading everything else on a curve.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
bradsbucs "Hey everybody! I've got an idea, we found this egg-shaped thingie from outer space so why don't we thaw it out and open it up?" "Yes, I know that would be the dumbest thing a scientist could do, and it could be filled with contaminating bacteria or viruses unknown to earth and could potentially wipe out the human race, but hey, I want to know what's in it". "And nobody tell NASA, they might take it away from us". "Wow this thingie gives off vibes!" "Yes,really strong ones on contact so don't touch it but it's okay to cut it open". "Hi there handsome, check out my nips". (Later that day); "DO NOT OPEN"!!!!! Uh oh, we have to run all the way to the lab and tell them not to open it because we don't have phones or radios or intercoms even though we have a gazillion dollars worth of other equipment here. "I've never seen such organic technology!" "Yeah, lemme take this stick and stab it.". "I'm getting out of here, I don't care if I do kill the other 6 billion people on Earth, nobody's nukkin' me!" "Look! it's the friendly aliens from "The Abyss"! They want us to come with them". THE END
tomimt 'Alien Hunter' is your typical evil aliens with a twist kind of a movie, in which a research team located in Antarctica find an artifact transmitting a radio code from ice. So they call in a cryptologist Julian Rome (James Spader) to crack the code.AH isn't the sharpest nor the dullest knife in the drawer. It's main problem is, that it's basically too short for what it is and it fails to build up a tension in the key places. It's too short, because it too evident, that the characters stay very flat, though the movie tries to build up human relations between them. And because the characters stay meaningless, you care very little if they die or stay alive.The encounters between the humans and aliens are few and in between. The main issue soon becomes from a disease the alien is carrying, as it can't be let out to the world: it would kill everything.For what is it, 'Alien Hunter' is a decent film, with a decent cast, but that's all it really is.
JRmf This was an OK movie for sci-fi buffs looking to kill an hour and a half, but check your brain at the door, enjoy the ride and the SFX. The visuals of the alien spaceship are spectacular and some of the best I've seen.Numerous plot holes left a lot to be desired however, and ultimately a sense of dissatisfaction. Wasn't whatever was inside the alien shell supposed to facilitate the destruction of the whole Earth? So how come the survivors (those who weren't immediately killed by contact with it) were "beamed-up" into the alien ship into who-knows-where? The threatening looking alien in the shell turns out to be rather helpless and looking for support, and is quickly dispatched by a bullet or two. Staff at the base do briefly turn on one another but not in any really convincing way. The movie seems to be a hodge-podge of ET, Alien, Cocoon, The Thing...Not entirely hopeless and quite engaging at a superficial level, but not standing up to any serious inspection. 6/10
vhensley-1 I would not necessarily consider this to be just a throw-a-way Sci Fi flick only suitable to pass the time and consume your popcorn. I agree that the plot definitely "borrowed" from several other movies, some of which were no where near as good as this one. Among these of course were "Alien"; "The Thing" and "Cocoon". There are, in my humble opinion, only so many plausible or semi-plausible plots in any movie and this especially holds true for a Science Fiction movie. Having this in mind, it is rare if not impossible to write about something that has not been written about before. I feel that this movie was excellent for what it was trying to accomplish, was well written, acted and photographed. It was well paced and exciting. And the special effects were first rate. I think most viewers have given an excellent movie a bad rap.