R | 09 January 2001 (USA)
Camouflage Trailers

Marty Mackenzie is an unsuccessful stage actor who takes an interest in private investigating. He takes a job working with Jack Potter, a crusty private eye. They both take a case in Beaver Ridge, a seedy small town where a murder is being planned against a rich gravel pit owner. Marty realizes that private investigating is not as it seemed to be.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
MPRules Many big and beloved star actors are going to have a very very bad movie. Tommy Lee Jones had "Hunted" and Leslie Nielsen has "Camouflage". As much as I love Leslie, I still think this movie sucks. It seems to be balancing between fun and boring not knowing whether to be ridiculous or (Leslie's first) serious movie. It is neither. It's a weird detective story with a confusing plot and a few bad jokes. Admitted, there are some funny parts in the movie, but they're too few to call it a funny movie.A shame because we all know that Leslie is hilariously funny if he gets a good movie to be in. Unfortunately, this is not one. Watch Spy Hard or Wrongfully Accused instead if you want to laugh your a** off.
ma-cortes The picture deals with a unsuccessful actor called Marty Mackenzie (Lochlyn Munro) who takes a work along with a botcher as well as crusty private detective named Jack Porter (Leslie Nielsen). They both take on an assignment and go to a seedy small town ,¨Beaver Ridge¨(in rural Oregon), where a killer is attempting to murder a rich owner who is cared by a beautiful girl (Vanessa Angel) . Mackenzie and P.I. Porter realize that investigating is not as it seemed to be , as they discovers a dark side . While a rugged sheriff (William Forsythe) meddles in their investigations . It's an agreeable movie but uneven comedy . The film blends humor, suspense , giggles , tongue-in-cheek and is quite amusing . However , there're lots of gaps in the storyline and results to be badly narrated . The movie is a spoof but is different to previous Nielsen films . Thus , the humor is moderated , the characters aren't as excessive or lunatic as ¨Naked gun¨ , ¨Wrongfully accused¨, ¨Spy hard¨ or ¨Mr.Magoo¨ . The picture obtained limited success , it attained a few money at the box office and in a lot of countries was direct to video . The screenwriter was Billy Bob Thornton who is much better like actor because the plot is average . The film was regularly directed by James Keach (he is also better actor than director) . The motion picture will appeal to comedy enthusiasts and Leslie Nielsen fans .
Phob2004 I ordered Camouflage online and I was really excited when it came in the mail. I am a huge Lochlyn Munro fan, which is what sparked my interest in the film. I popped it in my DVD player as soon as I opened up the package. I was not expecting much out of the movie. Leslie Nielsen narrates throughout the film, which is where many of the funniest lines come from. Lochlyn lived up to all my expectations; he was great throughout the entire movie. Leslie was also good. The acting was definitely not the problem with this movie. So what was the problem? The plot doesn't have too many flaws... It's consistent and makes sense, although there were some holes left unfilled. So if it's not the plot or the acting that's causing the problems, what is it? It's really hard to say. I thought some parts of the movie weren't necessary. Although the sexual content doesn't come near the amount seen in some movies (such as Scary Movie) I felt most of it wasn't necessary. I also think the movie lacked a certain roundness to it. Overall, I would recommend this movie only to fans of the actors in it. Although it isn't a bad movie, I think that if I weren't a Lochlyn Munro fan I would have lost interest and stopped watching during the movie. I give it a 7 out of 10.
kenshin143 CAMOUFLAGE is a film noir spoof starring Lochlyn Munro as a failing stage actor who takes a job working with a crusty private investigator (Leslie Nielsen) This takes them to a seedy small town where a murder plot against a wealthy gravel pit owner is being planned.Munro and Nielsen are surprisingly a good comic team in this decent, entertaining movie. A certain change of pace for Nielsen, escaping from his Frank Drebin role from The Naked Gun. Here he plays a foul mouthed, sharp P.I.Also starring Patrick Warburton, Vanessa Angel and William Forsythe, CAMOUFLAGE is quite a good film. While most direct to video films are over looked, this one should be seen. A good cast and entertaining scenes make it exceptional.