| 14 June 2000 (USA)
Spiders Trailers

A DNA experiment on a rare breed of spider is taking place on a NASA space shuttle, when a freak meteor shower engulfs the shuttle, causing everything to go horribly wrong. One survivor is found on the ship and watched over in a secret location deep in the California desert. The problem continues, as the survivor isn't alone, as another deadly spiders climbs out of him and goes on a rampage around the ship. Curious reporter Marci Eyre must now survive, escape and warn everyone before the spider reaches outside the desert.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
swifty77 'This is...like a bad science fiction movie'I was expecting this to be absolute rubbish, so imagine my surprise when I found the first half hour of this movie intriguingly watchable with the majority of problems being poor dialogue...but no worries, then the spiders appear! I breathed a sigh of relief as I could begin to laugh at the shoddy effects and all-too-pathetic deaths thrown in amongst a myriad of plot-holes that I literally can't even begin to pick up on. This was a monster movie that should have known it wasn't going to be good, which made it more disappointing when it seems that the director here was thinking they had the next 'Alien' franchise on their hands. An all too serious movie that should have taken the mick out of itself a LOT more.1/10(Will I watch 'Spiders 2'? Probably yeah.)
Michael_Elliott Spiders (2000) ** (out of 4) Once again we're greeted with a Creature Feature that is obviously not meant to be taken overly serious. In the film, a female reporter for a UFO conspiracy paper winds up in the desert just as a spaceship crashes. Her and her crew enters and see that all of the members are dead but not from the crash itself but instead from their bodies being ripped apart. Soon the evil government men are on the site and it turns out that we've been doing experiments on spiders in outer space and now they're large, hungry and ready to kill. SPIDERS isn't really anything special but I'm sure fans of the genre will find enough here to make it worth sitting through at least once as long as you know what you're getting and don't go into this thing expecting CASABLANCA or GONE WITH THE WIND. This is an ultra-cheap "B" movie so people should go into it expecting just that. Story wise there's really nothing here that really stands out, although I'm sure UFO buffs will get a kick out of the small time newspaper trying to break their first big story. The majority of the film deals with the typical stuff like the evil government people, the head man who will kill anyone to keep the secret and of course we get the new guy who doesn't know who he's working for so obviously he's going to switch sides. The spiders are all obviously fake but they really don't look too bad. I think their look is quite good but what makes this film stand apart is that we're treated to some pretty gory death scenes. There's constantly slime being spit by not only the spiders but also the humans and we're constantly getting shots of the red stuff flying around. Performances are pretty much what you'd expect from a film like this with the cast fitting their roles nicely. If you're looking for suspense then you're going to be disappointed but if you want cheap monsters and gore then this film delivers that.
tabor-ukhodit-v-nebo I think most people who have commented on this movie have watched it with the wrong attitude. Get real; What do you expect from a flick blatantly named "Spiders", apparently featuring some generic monstrous arachnid creatures wreaking havoc on people? Unless you're an easily amused teenager with poor judgment, you instinctively steer clear from these kinds of pictures when looking for chills and thrills. There are quality films that offer just that.I thought I was about to watch a really bad movie, with unintentionally comedic elements and worthless cast, storyline and directing. I was wrong. This movie quickly reveals it's true nature for the perceptive. Taking for granted that the movie was "bad" on purpose, I could actually appreciate the cheesy dialog and all the self-irony that it displays. The characters make illogical decisions, use stupid reasoning and don't try to take themselves seriously. The way in which the plot unfolds and how the main characters figure it out is an obvious parody of the genre, and there are so many details which contribute to that feeling in the dialog and some of the scenes; a guy holding the spider's teeth like bull's horns, making DNA-enhanced mutant spiders from hell seem like a an ordinary casual case of lively struggle, quotes like "This is so creepy. Its like a bad sci-fi movie." and "I mean what the hell is this place?" -"I don't care what this place is, what the f-ck are *we* doing here?" etc. made me at least chuckle at times, because they often raise valid points regarding the absurd setting of the film, and do it with subtlety.The CGI was decent at times, yet laughable in some parts (especially when the spider was running around walls etc). The spider looks gory enough in close shots. The physical webs are composed of thin rope and you can see the knots tying together the intersections, which to me was a funny detail (c'mon, they could have easily avoided that, would they had cared for realism).The pacing is fine; There is enough action to keep the viewer at least semi-entertained, assuming they can appreciate other aspects of the film also (I'm not a big fan of "irrational abominable creature vs. bunch of dumb people" films).All in all, this is definitely not a serious movie, so you should not watch it as one. If you are in a humourless mood looking for some horror, then this movie will probably only make you angry. As a compensation for all the bad ratings this movie has received on IMDb, I have to give it 8/10. I'd dare to say it is more self-aware and intelligent than most people realize.
hmckiel SPIDERS could have been another No-Flash, Even Less Bang DTV horror flick. But about halfway through, the writers got smart and made the final fifteen minutes something that monster movies fanatics the world over would of cheered in an immaculate chorus if they saw it in a movie theater for. Problem is, no one would've had the patience to stay up until then.The plot is simple: The government injects a spider with alien DNA, it lays an egg in someone before it dies, the offspring hatches in a decent gross-out scene, and crap happens. It takes a while to get going, and even once it does nothing cool ever happens until the finale, which involves yet another spider, this one bigger than a large sports car, getting loose in Los Angles. It really is quite the spectacle, one that I thought saved the film from being a total snoozefest.Everything else is average or below-average, except the puppetry effects used for the spiders (there's only three in the entire film). There is one part where the creature is obviously just a prop on the end of a stick, but other than that the practical effects are outstanding for this kind of film. Now about the CG, well, its terrible for the most part.Overall, SPIDERS makes for an okay weekend rental. Don't expect much, and you shouldn't be too disappointed.