PG-13 | 08 February 2013 (USA)
Spiders Trailers

After a Soviet space station crashes into a New York City subway tunnel, a species of venomous spiders is discovered, and soon they mutate to gigantic proportions and wreak havoc on the city.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
ShangLuda Admirable film.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Stevieboy666 Parts of a Soviet space station containing spiders crash to New York, which then go on to grow into gigantic beasts. For a just divorced couple it becomes a battle to save their daughter, their relationship and the city. This is slightly better than your typical Sci Fi or Asylum creature feature, but that's not exactly saying much! Much CGI here, not the worst I've seen but still pretty cheap looking. As the spiders grow they become less scary & more silly. Acting is pretty wooden, the guy playing the Russian doctor keeps letting his natural English accent seep out. I watched this in 2D so unable to comment on the 3D. It's all very predictable & instantly forgettable.
littlemisscandlewax How these people qualified as actors no one knows. The acting was awful. This girl kept doing this annoying scream and don't get me started on the ending. Oh yesss we defeated a spider let's link arms and walk down the street. That sums up the ending for you. The dudes friends died you might as well played happy by Pharrel Williams.....he had no emotion hellllo your a human not a robot. Please do not watch it and save your self from a painful death. I know they must have worked hard on this film but come on you have all that money and you create..... that. I was really disappointed.... A great night with my family was spoiled when we could have been watching the 300 amazing films we already have. How this film ever got onto DVD I never know. If you chose to ignore me... Fine but enjoy your slow painful death. Me and my dad where ready to jump out the window. In fact it's sooo funny because it's sooo stupid. Do not watch it if you know what's good for you.
brandonsullivan91 Bad acting in a story filled with plot problems, it moves slowly and didn't even scare my wife who is terrified of spiders (which was my main motivation for renting it). The only redeeming quality was that it was actually so bad that we laughed to the point of tears at a couple spots. My favorite moment in the movie is when the main character is surrounded by a s.w.a.t. team and slowly backs away and then successfully runs away without one soldier managing to fire a single shot. The other moment I enjoyed was when the main character fights the mother spider with his fists after tanks, machine guns, and missiles failed to do any damage...sure that makes sense. This movie really doesn't deserve ten lines or ten minutes of your time, but alas my displeasure desires to have a voice.
snakes3992 0.01/10I'm a big fan of the first Spiders film, it was cheesy, fun and very entertaining and when I heard about this remake, I was like "Spiders got a remake, I wasn't expecting that," so I watch this movie, I thought it'll be fun, but man this movie p***ed me off, this movie is hand downs the worst remake ever made, this movie has no characters, none of the characters have personality, or anything that I found interesting about these characters. The whole movie was boring all the way, it was making me fall asleep. The spiders in this movie, don't look like spiders, they look like over-sized ticks, the CGI was really awful in this movie, speaking of CGI, this movie is filled with very bad CGI, like for example there's a scene when some people jump through a window, and they use CGI for the broken glass pieces. This movie is taken way too seriously, it tries way too hard, but then it fails. The dialouge is awful, the effects are awful, and the direction for this movie was horrendous, they take PG-13 rating way too seriously, so yeah this movie is an earth sized piece of s***t, don't see this movie, go see Spiders (2000), stay far away from this remake.