The Mechanic
The Mechanic
R | 28 January 2011 (USA)
The Mechanic Trailers

Arthur Bishop is a 'mechanic' - an elite assassin with a strict code requiring professional perfection and total detachment. One of an elite group of assassins, Bishop may be the best in the business - with a unique talent for cleanly eliminating targets. When Harry McKenna, his close friend and mentor, is murdered, Harry's son comes to him with vengeance in his heart and a desire to learn Bishop's trade, signaling the birth of a deadly partnership.

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
deanbeyer-68863 Some chose the mechanic based on a list of TOP assassin movies. Well it's safe to say that the British guy from Crank is more or less an 18 year old working at Jiffy lube who has a licence to carry. Now, he is no bigger than Jackie Chan, but we expect this actor to throw down. He doesn't even use a silencer. His gun is a nub gun. Something an elf would use. It looked like a down syndrome weapon. I was hoping for a sniper rifle. Or some swords. In the beginning He meets an old man who seems like a friend. They have breakfast. I think its pierce bronston. It doesn't matter. After about fifteen minutes he finds him at work at shoots him in the heart. Right in the heart. Idiot. Plus they had a really homo staring contest like in twilight saga. I forgot to tell you the guy was handicap in a wheelchair. Off to a good start. That character was POINTLESS. The assassin just shot an old man in a wheelchair. All the sudden we are in a dance bar. Some dank floozie wants action. A classy hoe with status. She looked like an affluent wine drinker. Maybe a grade school teacher. Well, she banged the crap out of him then drank some coffee. Sounds like first period was in session.Then she dissipated from the film completely. But I got to see some boobs and bare naked ass. Not an assassination but ok. Nothing wrong with a little porn. After this, Mr. Crank finds this POS house like from fight club and just decides to sleep there. Like WTF I realized the main character is white trash with no special abilities or plans. I wasn't listening to the audio but I'm certain he hooks up with his brother who is an alcoholic and a liability to everyone. So far there is not much action. No kung fu so far. The rest of the movie these two idiots go back and forth from the abandoned house to a muscle car workshop. You know because he is a "mechanic" OOOOooo scary. The title is so catchy yet the act is so oily. There is a few gun shots with some 1980's executives. Who cares. Nobody important. They barely know how to shoot. This movie is a Complete diarrhea storm.
tvsweeney-39052 This remake of the 1972 Charles Bronson film of the same name appears at first like a typical Jason Statham film...lots of action and violence. It's only after it gets a bit into the film that the differences emerge, when the hit man agrees to train his mentors aimless and vengeance-bent son. The speed with which the youngster accepts a killing routine is a little surprising, making one wonder if he's more aware of what happened to his father than he lets on. Because of this, one fully expects a confrontation and showdown between the two and dreads the outcome.There's little of the usual Statham tongue-in-cheek, for he portrays this character as ice-cold and utterly alone, except for one wistful moment when he's tempted by a waterfront friend to buy a boat he has for sale and simply fail away. Because of that, one wonders why he tolerates his "trainee's" divergence from the way their kills are set up, each one bringing the deaths, previously going unnoticed or classed as accident, into the public eye with devastating attention.Here's where the twists come in, making this a bit different and an enjoyable film.This film was viewed as a DVD rental and no remuneration was involved in the writing of this review.
brchthethird While no one would ever mistake THE MECHANIC for a great movie, for the most part it's a competently done hit-man/mentor film that makes good use of Jason Statham and never overstays its welcome. The scenario is something that's been done many times before: an experienced (sometimes aging, but not in this case) hit-man takes a younger person under their wing as a protégé, and eventually they have to confront each other in some way. Not only has this been done before, but this film is a remake of a 1970's one starring Charles Bronson. Not having seen that one, I can't compare the two, but I also won't debate the merits of this new version existing in the first place. It is what it is, and for what it's worth I thought it was enjoyable, if slightly mundane, way to pass 90 minutes.The character development is kept to a minimum, as is common for films of this type. Jason Statham's character is (obviously) the most fleshed-out person, but Ben Foster gets enough to do and plays off of Statham's character quite nicely. The one person I thought was underused was Donald Sutherland, as Statham's mentor and Ben Foster's father. He only got two scenes, but he still made the most of his limited screen time. Generally speaking, the acting was decent across the board. Even the main villain, despite being underwritten and a bit generic, was well-played.However, the area where this film possibly dips into some murky territory is the ridiculous levels of violence it chooses to show. With the exception of when Statham's character is introduced, there is no subtlety to his process, nor does it go about things in a methodical way to show the intricacies of his profession. Instead, the young upstart basically drags him down and the audience gets treated to explosions of blood and gore that would feel more at home in a "torture porn" movie. I suppose that it's another genre trope that the more experienced professional starts to lose his touch a little bit once he takes on a student, but there are some truly ridiculous scenes between the two as they mow their way through all of the bad guys that are coming their way.Still, this was enjoyable enough due to Jason Statham's charisma and the levity which Ben Foster brought to the proceedings. I wouldn't hate it if they teamed up again for another movie. And barring the, at times, excessive violence, this timeworn story was told with some efficiency, if a little light on originality. Recommended mostly if you're a Jason Statham fan.
juneebuggy This was different than what I was expecting especially in the beginning where it wasn't your usual mindless Jason Statham action flick. For the first half (anyways) the car chases and cool choreographed fight scenes take a back seat, in fact there are large sections where Statham isn't even in it, he just narrates. Instead we get Ben Foster, which is no hardship.Intriguing story once I got on board, revolving around an elite assassin who gets double crossed and then proceeds to teach his trade to an apprentice who had a connection to one of his previous victims. As things progress the body count rises, Statham shows his moves and things get awesome. The window washing stunt was excellent as was all the twisty double crossing. Great (explosive) ending. 5/24/14