Black Mask 2: City of Masks
Black Mask 2: City of Masks
PG | 24 December 2002 (USA)
Black Mask 2: City of Masks Trailers

The Black Mask must stop a group intent on setting off a DNA bomb that could cause mutations to the human race.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Dr Jacques COULARDEAU One more electronic game transferred from the console to the screen. Absolutely no human density since the only interesting element here is the fights, battles and other struggles. Add to the humans some genetic manipulation and the game is won. Men become monsters and super brains become dark thinking machines. The hero is invaded by the wrong genes and saved by some genetic antidote. He finds a good doctor on his road, and that good doctor is a young and nice woman, good-looking too. The point is there is hardly any human dimension in this film. It is based on the scare differences can produce among human beings and this scare is the tool used by the bad guys to take control of the whole planet, if possible. We are here in the alternative fright of the beginning of this century. The first one is nuclear power, but it comes from last century. The new one is genetic manipulation, chemical or even germ warfare, etc, those things you breathe in and inhale and that transform you in one night time. This is of course a real scare and at the same time good support for the western states that have decided after 9/11 to turn security minded, and only security minded. The theme had been used vastly by Stephen King before, in the 1970s, and by a handful of other writers, not to speak of all the B series film on the subject. The point is here that the film has practically no depth since it is based on the scare among people who have no kind of human feelings, really. You do not even invite a girl to go out for anything else but sensual pleasure and showing off power. The rest is small talk without any profundity. But it is charming to the eyes and the monsters are nicely ugly.Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, University Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines, CEGID
kosmasp Not even "Black Mask" (that's referring to the at least funny attempts in the first movie with Jet Lee)! And I won't even go there to talk about actors (nonexistent or at least maybe hiding behind a "mask"?!?) or a plot (also nonexistent, but even if you tried to search for it you wouldn't find it behind any mask!).Now if we'd leave those two facts out of the equation, you still could have a fun decent little b-movie here. But you read right (not only the 1 star I gave it, but also the word "could"!)! Nope, this movie isn't only (un-)funny, it has also a really bad action choreographer. Or maybe it was all the stunt teams fault who knows. But if you got no plot and not even decent acting, than the least you should have in a b-movie action picture is a few decent action scenes ... And there are nowhere to be found ... (btw. even the appearing/listed Rob van Dam (WWE/ECW) can't elevate this movie, for any fans out there!)Final Conclusion: You shouldn't bother to watch it (imo)
xindi005 I have seen quite a few superhero films, some good, some REALLY awful. I have also seen the original BLACK MASK, though this one doesn't come anywhere near the style of the original, BLACK MASK 2, is still a decent movie.I'll agree with many that this film was a bit too cheesy and campy, even for a superhero film, but considering that some of the big-budget films that have come both before and after weren't any better, I'd give this film at least a six for effort and a seven for the main star, Andy On. He's no Jet Li,(who is?), but he did a great job in this film and I think I would like to see him in many more like this one, if not a better written one.All in all, BLACK MASK 2, isn't a bad film and I think that it is worth at least a rent or two.
uds3 "Crashman 79" Jan 30 2003...and I quote.."All in all, the movie was excellent." What can ANY straight-thinking, HALF intelligent person say to that? We're talking here arguably about one of the worst, insultingly stupid, juvenile, cruddy movies of all time! Little wonder Jet Li took a look at the script and said "You're kidding?" As a follow up to BLACK MASK (itself no Oscar contender) Hark has more than a LOT to answer for. Not far removed from a Japanese children's actioner of the 60's, this incomprehensible piece of CGI-enhanced buffoonery has no place even calling itself a "film," let alone a sequel. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the original...except for Tsui Hark's involvement. A few mutated world-wrestlers do not a storyline premise make. What the f---was Hark thinking? "Hey, this is a grabber?"This is one film WORTH a zero rating!