Deep Sea 3D
Deep Sea 3D
G | 03 March 2006 (USA)
Deep Sea 3D Trailers

Sea life in a whole new way. Deep Sea 3D, an underwater adventure from the filmmakers behind the successful IMAX® 3D film Into the Deep, transports audiences deep below the ocean surface. Through the magic of IMAX®; and IMAX 3D, moviegoers will swim with some of the planets most unique, dangerous and colorful creatures, and understand this inspiring underworld.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
kosmasp Like in the 2nd movie I've watched in an IMAX theatre. The first being "The Dark Knight" (see my comment on that elsewhere on IMDb), although you could argue that Deep Sea is actually the first real IMAX movie I've watched on an IMAX screen ... I don't even know if I can compare it to anything else, movie or theatre-wise or even picture-wise so to speak ...But I can say, that it blew me away! You might have heard of 3-D movies and cinemas/theatres and so on, but forget all about those things (watching Spy Kids 3-D or anything similar can't even come close to this experience), because this is as real (3-D) as it gets! The glasses you have to wear to watch and experience the movie, might look like a bad fashion choice from the 80s, but they do "work"! Before the movie, we were treated to some trailers and they looked great too, but the main feature had people literally grabbing into air (I was tempted to "touch" some of the fish that were swimming right in front of me, but I resisted ... my bad).The narration by Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet is really great too, the only let down being that it is a bit too short. And due to the fact, that more kids attend to the screenings than adults, you have to be lucky not to sit next to a "screamer" ;o) (it could influence your viewing pleasure, if you're frightened to death every other minute! ;o) ). Overall it was a great experience and I can't stress out enough, that I need one of those screens at my house! ;o)
TxMike Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet provide very pleasant narration for this IMAX film which I watched on DVD. At home, it is not in 3-D. However that did not detract at all.The movie is not a 40-minute story, but instead is several episodes covering different, interesting parts of life in our seas. The photography is in beautiful color.My personal favorite was the story about the California Mantis Shrimp. It is about 10 inches long, very colorful, lives in a burrow, but in the water moves much like a cartoon figure in superb digital animation. But this shrimp is real. It has fast, powerful legs that strike a blow similar to a 22 rifle shot, to crack open shells. But we also get to see an octopus trying to invade this shrimp's territory, and the shrimp is one cool customer, chasing him away with a few choice strikes.Overall a very fine film, worth a viewing or two.
earlybirdie58 Underwater, what a perfect setting for IMAX's 3D technology. This film's beautiful cinematography makes it an enjoyable documentary, even if it had to be viewed on the flat screen, but add the impact of 3D and it becomes an enthralling adventure. Jellyfish that suddenly pop up inches from your nose, six-foot squid that challenge the camera and then dart between your legs and an array of sea life, much of which will be new to most viewers. The music score wonderfully compliments the visuals and the narration, though somewhat in an instructional mode, is informative. My only suggestion would be to include some footage that contains only the audio of the sound of the cameraman's underwater breathing and the associated escaping bubbles to replicate a true below-the-depths experience. Get to your nearest IMAX and dive in!
Toren G. Atkinson If cavemen were thawed out from a block of ice and saw a program on a TV, they would look at each other and say (in their cavemen tongue) "that's magic!" If the same cavemen were at a screening of Deep Sea 3D at the IMAX theater they would rip out their own eyes and try to beat each other to death with them because it is dark dark magic that will grab you by your very soul. I had been waiting a long time to see the sights in this film and I was not disappointed. But the keyword here is "sights." Although this film definitely merits a 9 out of 10, there were a few small things that kept it from hitting that "10/10" mark.I have no problem with Johnny Depp or Kate Winslet, or their voices. However, the back and forth narration with them basically finishing one another's sentences was distracting.I can understand why they added their own sound effects to "enhance" the movie, but it got a little over-the-top at times, and I think if one wasn't particularly perceptive they might not realize that what they were hearing was essentially special effects added to a nature documentary. Now don't tell me "well 3D is a special effect too but you're not complaining about that!" The difference is, they are up front about the 3D effect. Simply adding a disclaimer at the beginning of the film to the effect of "some audio effects have been added" would have been a nice gesture.I know IMAX films are expensive to produce, and I guess it could be interpreted as a compliment when one comes out of a movie saying "I wish there were more," but it really was too short. As long as you know when you're shelling out your $11.50 that you're only getting 45 minutes, you'll be okay. (Really, for me, the bits with the Humboldt squid and the Pacific octopus made it money well spent) So apart from these minor annoyances, Deep Sea 3D is definitely something you should treat yourself to in the theaters while you can! Hopefully in a couple of years they'll have the expertise to give us a 3D IMAX film about the weird and grotesque sea creatures in the abyss!