Grand Canyon Adventure: River at Risk
Grand Canyon Adventure: River at Risk
| 12 March 2008 (USA)
Grand Canyon Adventure: River at Risk Trailers

A documentary about a 15-day river-rafting trip on the Colorado River aimed at highlighting water conservation issues.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
egorho I was really looking forward to watching this but it was AWFUL because of two things. 1) The AWFUL music by the Dave Mathews Band. It was a horrible choice for this documentary. The music and the lyrics seriously took away from the documentary. It was too loud and not appropriate. The voices of the band OVERPOWERED the documentary. It was like nails on a chalk board or someone popping gum in your ear. was that bad.2) their only needed to be one primary narrator and that should have Ben Robert Redford with some from the I Ian woman and t guy who made it. They guys daughters were a distraction like the music. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY!! Good intentions but bad decisions on how to produce it.
DaffytheD We saw this movie at an IMAX. It was amazing to say the least. Whoever calls it "brainwashing" obviously didn't understand the real message, being that the Colorado River must be protected. If not for anything else, this movie is worth your time for the funky Dave Matthews tunes and the stunning scenic cinematography. Whether you get the chance to see this film at an IMAX (preferably), or at a conventional theater, you will, considering you have an open mind and a love for nature and all its amazing wonders like the Grand Canyon, certainly not be disappointed. These film makers are not trying to brainwash anybody. They have a passion for protecting our environment and have expressed that brilliantly through this film. I highly recommend it!
pelewisj Save for some very nice white water rafting shots, this movie was a ripoff. Three different narrators preaching in pious and ominous tones saying things that weren't even self-consistent.I went to this movie because I am going to the Grand Canyon next week and wanted to learn more about the park, the flora, fauna, the river, the geology, the anthropology, etc.. Instead, I got a 50 minutes sermon about nonsense like shower head flow restrictors. There was one convservation point that made sense: those using the water for agriculture should pay a reasonable amount for the water which will justify much more efficient irrigation methods.I, as some other reviewers have noted, found the changing narrators confusing also.
dodgersteve There must be better ways to "save the world's rivers" and combat Global Warming than spending 33 cents per minute on this misguided, misnomered Propaganda film. Maybe Large Format Films, especially those that require us to wear the 3D Goggles have run their course? This film offers no History of one of the Wonders of The World, but instead offers black and white photos of the "Kennedy Clan", exposes us to a Native American Female Guide who vandalizes the "Imported Japanese Trees" that are "driving out the native plants and trees that should be inhabiting the Colorado River Basin" with a long Bowie type knife! I thought these videos were reserved for You Tube? And then Insults and tries to guilt the Audience for excess water usage that is causing the Sudan River to dry up over the next 100 years. I may not be as environmentally sensitive as members of the "Kennedy Compound" or Robert Redford himself, but I thought the more immediate threat in Africa was the holocaust in Darfur? I don't know if taking shorter showers in Irvine, is really the most optimal way of helping the residents of the Sudan? Then the Producers go on a Rant about how the Dams of the mighty Colorado River, which include the Hoover Dam, were built on "miscalculations of rainfall in the region, and now it is up to Environmentalists to decide on the future of these dams". Warning Los Angeles and Las Vegas, these dudes are about to take your water supply away! Of course no one who knows history, has their wits about social responsibility and knows anything about the science of Ecology, is going to fall for this crock of garbage! Give to your favorite global warming associations and go Green. Don't rely on fools with money to guilt you into doing for the environment, what you already do on your own and feel good about yourself for doing it. Positive messages, respect for your audience and financial incentives by the government, water utilities and sane fund-raisers are the ways to slow down and eventually eliminate the water shortage problem and improve our world's climate. Arrogance, misuse of my $12 to fund the "Kennedy Compound" and Redford's film festival and ski resorts are monies not well spent. Give $12 to your Favorite environmental group or candidate who supports the environment in your hometown and feel good about yourself for doing it. Orange County residents are the best and every friend and family member I know is already doing something positive to maintain our beautiful environment!
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