NR | 20 November 2015 (USA)
#Horror Trailers

Inspired by actual events, a group of 12 year old girls face a night of horror when the compulsive addiction of an online social media game turns a moment of cyber bullying into a night of insanity.

Micransix Crappy film
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Straker17 #Horror is a movie that so desperately tries to be relevant, but falls short in so, so many ways. It is a movie that has many "artistic" features, many themes that it "explores", and so many terrible chracters to hate. The film attempts to be artistic, and in these attempts it tries to blur out the camera to "heighten" the "tension", and sporadically throws in shots of a supposed website that these girls use. However, this website does not look like any functional website, and I stared at it for most of the movie, attempting to figure out exactlky what it was and what purpose it served in the movie. And while you can justify footage of this website being thrown in, there is no way to justify the horrible design of it, and ultimately it just feels like the movie threw it in there hoping the critics would call the film "artsy". As stated before, the film has many different messages it attempts to get through with this film. The core one is bullying, however, it makes so many mistakes in the process. Firstly, the audience that is going to get the most out of the message have nobody to relate to. Preteens and teenagers who suffer bullying the most are the ones who can gleen from the anti-bullying message of the film the most. However, we are shown a bunch of rich, overpriveledged girls. These aren't the types of girls who are going to watch a film like this. Even the character that doesn't come from a rich background blends in with the rich kids. Second, you are given nobody to sympathise with because everybody is both a victim and a bully. Every single character (even the adults) join in the bullying to some extent. So where does that leave your characters? Who are you supposed to sympathise with? The answer is supposed to be the main characters, but after a while, you begin to wonder who the main chracter is supposed to be, and ultimately, you have nobody to sympathise with. The worst aspect of the movie by far is the character of Cat's father. When Cat gets lost in the woods after being thrown out of the house for how mean she is being, her father arrives at the house. He barges in and instantly begins shouting at the girls. Eventually one of the girls runs off into the woods to look for Cat, and he just lets her leave (which is what he is yelling at the girls for letting his daughter do in the first place). He grabs these girls by the head, and even by the necklace at some point, he slaps them, and even goes as far as to threaten them with a knife. And he isn't even the villain! The movie doesn't even work as a horror. The first hour and fifteen minutes is so heavily focused on the bullying drama that it forgets to create any ammount of tension. All of the killings of this "slasher" happen in the last twenty minutes And the reveal of the killer doesn't even make much sense. She kills people that have nothing to do with any of this. But why wouldn't it be her? After all, she is the meanest one who gets thrown out of the house. She is the one who is shown to be mentally unhinged from the beginning. So, why not her? Really there is no answer to this, but it would have been nice to have been offered some explanation as to why she killed everybody. If it's because she feels bullied, her rage is unjustified because she is the first one to be a true bully in the movie. It also wouldn't explain why she would have killed the couple at the beginning of the movie or even how she did it considering she was held up at school. It is such a shame considering these girls can act. They all portray themselves well as bullies and victims adding at least a small glimmer of realism to this movie, but their talent is completely wasted.
I Can't Believe It's Not Toast I couldn't find a single thing I liked about this movie. This movie was the most cliché, lazy, boring, and confusing I've ever seen. A couple times the movie brings up a curse and the artwork in the main setting moves around(blinks and such), but this is never brought up in the main plot. The way the story is told is so confusing and backwards that it feels like this movie is trying to be original, but fails and sticks to predictable garbage and stereotyping. My biggest problem with this movie has to be with events happening simply to progress the story, not because it's a logical thing a character would do, but because they're lazy. For example, one of the girls randomly says "hey, I dare all of us to lock our phones in the safe" for no reason at all, and they all do it, resulting in them not being able to call 911 later on in the movie, when they're all getting killed. The way the killer is pretty strangely shoehorned into the last 30 minutes of the movie also feels really rushed. The characters sometimes completely change personalities whenever it's convenient for the story. The movie isn't even fun in a "it's so bad it's good" kind of way. It's painful to sit through, especially since it's about an hour an 30 minutes. In conclusion, #Horror fails at being a fun horror or a smart thriller, especially since it takes 1 hour for the movie to actually go anywhere in terms of scariness, and the writing was unpleasant and stupid.The girls taunt each other and are always bitchy, even when they're nearly killed by Cat's father. Don't waste your time on this. I really wish I hadn't.
rleegray-569-58158 Sadly I think this is one of those films that fits the could have been category. It in so many ways could have been so much better.I'll talk what I liked about the film first. I did like the message that the writer/director wanted to put out there. Bullying and cyber-bullying are big problems today. And the message needs to be out there that it is bad.Secondly, I loved the music score. I felt often at times that the scenes were a lot better because of the music that was added. Many times films miss the mark on this, but I think the music here set the right mood.Third,I loved the beginning shots of the movie and I loved the end of the movie. That opening scene before the credits was beautifully photographed. And the pacing and excitement of the film toward the end was so intense esp. the concluding scene on the snow-covered road. And the message at the end of the movie was very much needed and so well put.Now some things I did not like. First I have to start with the terrible opening credits. The theme song was okay, and even though I liked the artsy graphics throughout the film, I absolutely hated them in the opening credits. It was so bright and they moved at strobe light speed. There was no way to know who fully had a part in this film as I had to look away many times during the credits. If it had not been for the opening scene being so beautifully shot, I would have most likely given up thinking the rest of the film would be like the opening.The script was probably my biggest problem with the movie. Some things worked, and there were a few good lines here and there. Besides the theme of the movie, I think one that worked within the script was that the writer did attempt to explore why the bullying was happening and that it was caused from so many factors. I think overall that is where the problem came from. I think there were just too many factors going on, and we never really got to know fully why any of the girls were like they are and why the bullying really happened. There were so many things mentioned or dropped in briefly, but nothing was explored.The biggest problem is that the central thing seems to be what the girls the last time. But we are never told what they really did the last time. I think that would have gone a long way to filling in at least one of the biggest plot holes in the film for me.I think overall the film just dragged at points, and there were way too many unnecessary characters. The cast of characters could have been trimmed down, and those characters explored more. I think that, and filling in the plot holes, would have definitely helped me enjoy this so much more. It would have definitely helped me to know why what we see in the end actually happened.I was so excited to see a movie about cyber-bullying, but I think this one just missed the mark.
Greg Wow just wow. I am amazed that #Horror has such a low rating of 3.5. Perhaps people are expecting a more straight forward horror story. While this film does have its flaws, I am so glad I didn't follow the negative reviews. Chloe Sevigny and Timothy Hutton give excellent and strong performances, so do the young ladies in the starring roles. I wish Natasha Lyonne and Lydia Hurst got more screen time. #Horror is definitely not a straight up horror film, it is more of an intense drama/thriller. There are horror elements but this is not what the film is about. This film raises questions about morality and how we treat each other as human beings. I do not want to give too much away, things take a little while to get going but there is a strong sense of foreboding and menace right from the get go. I would say that the low rating and negative reviews of this movie is totally unfair. There are 2 things that detract from the total impact of this film and it is those stupid animations that were used, also the fact that this was marketed as a true story. There are also a couple of annoying scenes where the girls have a fashion show etc, this really did not provide anything extra to the story. BUT do not let that put you off. For 1 or 2 minutes of annoyance, the rest of the film is very good and you should really see it for yourself before you make any assumptions. You will be pleasantly surprised. I for one cannot wait to see what writer/director Tara Subkoff comes up with next. She is one to watch out for in the future.