Secrets in the Walls
Secrets in the Walls
| 24 November 2010 (USA)
Secrets in the Walls Trailers

A single mom and her two daughters move from their cramped Detroit apartment to a large house in the suburbs, but scratching, cries and shadows haunt their new home.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Micitype Pretty Good
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
GL84 Taking a new job in the city, a newly divorced woman and her two teenage daughters move into a grand house and come to discover someone else is living there that has dangerous plans for the family and must save them before it go through.As this was a typical Lifetime style haunted house film, there's some really enjoyable moments here. What really works here is the fact that this one really makes the ghostly action here that really has an impressive air here. The start here, with the ghost hands appearing from the broken wall after initially finding that secret room, is a good start and as it gets deeper here these get even better with the flicking lights and ballerina box playing constantly whenever someone enters the room start this off quite nicely. Along with the rather creepy way the ghost keeps appearing in short visual cuts of the daughter seeing her around the house and up in the attic, there's a really solid air here that makes the suspected situations come off quite well and giving this something to work with when it gets to the more pronounced ghostly actions. The big encounter here is the scene of her being trapped in the closet and prying it open which rips open her hands as she's released, as well as the later gag of the jewelry box as she walks into the room to watch her sleep, and along with the actual possession scene here where the ghost appears and presents the necklace that leads to the possession which takes place in full-view of the terrified victim for a rather nice amount of fun here. This one also manages to get some nice work her in the final half of the possessed girl around the house giving this a rather fine atmosphere here, which is all enough there to make up for the minor flaws within this. The biggest element against this one is that it all too readily betrays its origins, being filled with all the usual prerequisites for this type of film as there's long stretches of time without any horror angles and too many useless elements merely meant for women to be hooked into watching that have no bearing on the plot as a whole. That usually means that most of the scares here build- up to a drama about her skills as a mother rather than horror angles, and they do cause this some problems because of that. The other main problem here is the rushed finale, as the brawl comes off rather clunky and off-putting by being so stagy, and the events here make it seem even weaker as there's another big problem with the scene away from the ideas behind the scene. While there's some good parts that make for some decent times here and there, these few flaws do hold it back.Rated Unrated/PG-13: Violence and Language.
loomis78-815-989034 Recently divorced single mom Rachel (Ryan) moves into an under-priced dream house with her two daughters. Her oldest daughter Lizzie (Panabaker) takes the basement room that has a curious wall that they tear down. A ghost that died in the house years ago and is stuck there eventually uses Lizzie as a vessel and swaps souls with her to try and escape the house. The other daughter Molly (List) is part psychic and finally with the help of a spiritual friend convinces her mom on what is going on. This made for lifetime movie starts off promising enough with a touch of atmosphere and a spooky feel. The weight of its TV roots takes hold and everything becomes quite bland. For starters the ghost itself and how Director Christopher Leitch decides to show it to us is very lame and brings no tension to these moments at all. The possession angle is also lifeless and the script lets mother Rachel seem useless until the end in helping her daughter. Pre-teens or fans of horror light may enjoy this due to good production values; those looking for supernatural terror need not apply.
varghesejunior A simple horror film - nothing special during any part of it really. If it had released in theaters it probably would not've run.Story: A family of 3 move into an ancient house when it is offered very cheap, only to find something strange going on inside it.Storyline, Acting, camera work, thrills or horror - all are OK and nothing is too remarkable. I could not find any fault in anything with regards to the way it is made.There is no vulgarity and it is not an adult horror film. Suited for family watch.But it has nothing unique to offer really...same old concept as mentioned above. It's just a budget film.
MarkSweepstakes (There are spoilers throughout this review) Well I caught this made-for-TV movie on Lifetime last night. I was flipping channels and happened to catch it right at the beginning, and once I saw Jeri Ryan was the star I decided to watch it just for a while -- but wound up watching the whole thing -- so I suppose that's some kind of positive note. The first 20 minutes are a tad slow and you're not exactly sure what's happening, that is until a scary gnarly hand appears behind an ornate air vent, like whatever it is wants to get out. Yikes! Ah ha! So THAT was the "secret" behind the wall...." and it lured me in. :-) Anyway, it continues from there as your usual haunting / ghost story / scary old house story: Lots of mysterious eerie things happen, ghostly beings are seen in the windows, one person realizes something's wrong but no one believes her until it's too late, the new owners do research at the library of the house's strange history, then the inevitable 'possession' occurs, then a medium tries to 'rid' the house of the spirit, then the final big showdown between ghost and humans, yada yada yada. The same story we've seen dozens of times, only this one is a low-budget made-for-TV movie, so everything seems to be scaled-down a tad and stretched out to make a reasonable running time.The good: Jeri Ryan and the girls, especially Molly, are good and believable actresses. The interior of the house and the basement are scary so there's good set design and cinematography (especially that foggy old neighborhood). And when Jeri's brother finally discovers "the secret behind the walls", it's actually pretty scary.The bad: First of all, there is no way -- no matter how deeply discounted a house is -- that a single mom, having been employed for just 1 day with what looks like an hourly job, and after being out of the workplace for 5 years, will qualify to buy a house of that size in that neighborhood. And after all the scary lead-up incidents, it does go kind of downhill once 'the possession' starts, and by that I mean it's not as scary and loses a little credibility. When Lizzie has her accident on the stairs and Jeri Ryan does CPR for some reason, my first concern was that Lizzie risked being paralyzed, not just knocked out. There's also a scene where Jeri finally hears the music box and it wakes her up -- but WHO was that person in the bed next to her???? And toward the end, Jeri confronts and gets mad at the real estate lady (twice), as though she were a villain and the cause of all Jeri's problems. I realize real estate people will do and say ANYTHING to sell a house and I'm sure that's what the writers intended, but I didn't think she did anything wrong - like she said, she was simply hired by the out-of-state new owners to sell the house and she didn't know it was haunted.5 out of 10.