PG | 02 October 1998 (USA)
Antz Trailers

A neurotic worker ant in love with a rebellious princess rises to unlikely stardom when he switches places with a soldier. Signing up to march in a parade, he ends up under the command of a bloodthirsty general. But he's actually been enlisted to fight against a termite army.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
ThiefHott Too much of everything
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Anish Misra Antz is a film directed by Eric Darnell and Tim Johnson. I decided not to watch or read anything regarding this film before watching the film. After finally watching it, I can say that I enjoyed the whole 87 minutes of this film.Plot: Z, a worker ant decides to impersonate as a soldier ant just to impress the Princess Bala.Story and direction: The film released at a time when CGI animation was just starting. This film is also famous because of its similarities with A BUG'S LIFE. But let me tell you these two films are poles apart in terms of content. This film mainly focuses on the issue of making your own choices rather than just doing the things just because someone told you to. This theme is very relevant in modern times and it has been very clearly justified in the film. There are many adult references in the film which also made it very different considering at the time animated films were aimed for the children. Also, the designs for the characters are amazing. The voice work was aptly chosen. Finally, the music of the film was great and was like sugar to the ears. What I did have a problem with was the animation itself. Three years before this we had a film like Toy Story which is considered as a landmark in terms of animated CGI films. The animation was not impressive with this one, but I laud the effort that the makers went to in order to make this film. Favorite Scene: It would be the first interaction between Bala and Z and then the dance in the scene thereafter. This scene caught on to my mind because this particular scene justifies the basic theme of the film of doing something different than others so that you can be unique. Verdict: Although I won't say that this is one of the best animated films of all time, but I do say that this film deserves a watch. With 87 minutes as the runtime, I did feel entertained for the whole time. I never felt for a moment that the film even diverted my attention, which is a huge credit for any film.I am going with an 8/10.
Jesper Brun We all know the drill about DreamWorks' Antz being compared to Pixars A Bug's Life. I think they both succeeded in their own ways. While A Bug's Life was more kid oriented, Antz offered much more adult material and cleverness. Due to their similarities, I won't say that much about it, but briefly highlight what I think is good about Antz. Antz has a voice cast of great actors, who add so much to the characters. Adults who have seen Woody Allen, Gene Hackman and Christopher Walken will recognize the immediately. It can be distracting at times, but it is admirable that Dreamworks' first feature managed such a great cast. The different insects depicted in Antz are much more realistically rendered, given the fact that insects are different sizes. It has a battle scene which is memorable and dark. Maybe scary to the youngest kids, but great. The conflict of our main character Z is superior to the conflict in A Bug's Life. Z is a neurotic ant who doesn't feel special given the fact that every ant in the colony from birth is placed either as a soldier or a worker. Z wants something different, but the general ant is against all sorts of "weakness" and plots a cleansing of the weak ants and take over the colony. While it is good, the villainous general could have been more threatening and memorable, but it is a minor thing. Antz may lack the brightness and colours of A Bug's Life and could perhaps use a little more laughs, but it surely is worth watching.
EmmaLee321 This movie has some nice animation, but the overall plot and the main characters ruined it for me. From the very beginning the main character was a drag. He was constantly complaining and saying that he was different and acting selfishly. I tried to like guy, but he only thought about himself until the very end of the movie. The other characters were pretty one-dimensional. There was also some sexual remarks such as Z saying that the princess would no longer be a part of his "erotic fantasies." Little things like that made the movie feel dirty. The plot was predictable within the first 5 minutes. You can give it a try and form your own opinion, but I personally don't recommend this movie.
slightlymad22 Continuing my plan to watch every Sly Stallone movie in his filmography in order, I come to 1998's AntzPlot in A Paragraph: Z (Woody Allen) a worker ant, tries to get the attention of Princess Bala (Sharon Stone). He trades positions with his friend Weaver (Sly Stallone) a soldier ant, to see the princess during a parade. Unfortunately war breaks out during the parade, and Z becomes a hero during the battles, and begins to spread the idea of individualism throughout the hive.For the second movie in a row Sly totally steals the movie. Which certainly wasn't always the cast with his movies in the 90's, as he was outshone by his costars on a regular basis. My problems with this movie stems from my dislike of Woody Allen, and his voice irritating me. Sharon Stone is also really bland, and the movie just drags along, unless Sly is on the screen. Along with Sly the movies only other saving graces are Gene Hackman and Christopher Walken. The movie comes alive when those three are there.