Monsters: Dark Continent
Monsters: Dark Continent
R | 02 April 2015 (USA)
Monsters: Dark Continent Trailers

Seven years on from the events of Monsters, and the ‘Infected Zones’ have spread worldwide. Humans have been knocked off the top of the food chain, with disparate communities struggling for survival. American soldiers are being sent abroad to protect US interests from the Monsters, but the war is far from being won.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
michael_balding Seemed to be a lot of, "Amarica kill the terrorising aliens, the aliens didn't deserve it, but when America does kill the Terororising aliens, the terrorising aliens exponentially grow in number and ferocity." One scene showed a girl who sympathised with the terrorising alien, having empathy for the little scratch the American had on his head. It felt a bit like she was saying "I know possum u have a boo boo, you poor pettle. Now let me go spend my caring on the TERRORISing aliens... poor buggers get all this emotional grief just from lumbering about like a peaceful land whale!!"
ted-mcwhirter If the first one was a road movie then this one was just as surprising flipping, what should have been a shoot 'em up sequel, into a thoughtful examination of military imperialism and the psychological pressures of combat. This was in the vein of The Hurt Locker or Jarhead showing soldiers on the edge of nervous and physical exhaustion pitted not only against extra-terrestrial monsters but an indigenous population whose death and mutilation is deemed to be acceptable to combat the alien threat. The reality is that the monsters are just a metaphor for a nameless faceless enemy and, by depicting the flesh, blood and emotions of the Arab people, we're left to wriggle uncomfortably at the sights and sounds of what collateral damage really looks like. Some of the photography is breathtaking, first the urban desolation of bankrupt Detroit, then the wild spaces of the nameless Arab state where the monsters are thriving and finally to the close ups of the faces and especially the eyes of the soldiers. The shots of the remaining two on motorbikes in the desert and the huge creatures against a distant sunset are reminiscent of Easy Rider or Lawrence of Arabia. The performances are equally strong. Johnny Harris as Frater and Sam Keeley as Parkes are excellent; both spiralling downwards with the horrors they're witnessing and participating in but still vainly trying to do their job. There's a particularly moving scene where the two are rescued and then fed by a Bedouin tribe whist in the background the casualties from a bombed school bus are washed, shrouded and buried. The reality of precision bombing.
Paul Bordei Yes, I'm talking about a sequel to an already crappy movie. Why watch the second installment if the first wasn't even remotely appealing? Well, my fault for being interested in more of the monster alien "invasion". Hopped they'd gotten their game together and pulled a better plot with more points to make about minimum sci-fi twist (where, when and how were they found, a paragraph about alien colonizing ecosystem, etc) as opposed to the multiple, yet undefined genre the first movie was aiming at. I wrote about the first to be uninspired and completely misdirected (somebody said even "cheap" and I think that replaces low budget), but this one is even worse. They tried so hard a repeat of the nonsense in the first they almost crapped themselves. The actors are screaming and making all sorts of noises as if they have some stomach issues and that's almost a spoiler. Worse actors than first installment? Check on negative scale, zero is too much. Sometimes, there are people who excel at something. The people involved in the making of these movies surely excel, but not in cinematography, this is where they suck. Get a DIFFERENT job!
Dm. Piyavkin Yep, kind of spoiler is here.The point of the movie is such: The current US political machine (regime) is a true monster. They planted the extraterrestrial creatures in the Middle East (some satellite has crushed in the region that's why the new infected zone has emerged in the region too in addition to Mexican one from the first movie). They are devastating the region as no one else trying to fight the contamination (as we see in the movie most of the sufferings of the locals come as a collateral damage — a really huge one — from US military strikes on the aliens, and local militias are starting fight back, because US forces for them — and for US troops themselves too — are scarier than alien beasts). It also happens that in the case the brute force isn't effective at all, because it leads not to an inhibition and solution of the problem, but to much more widespread contamination and aggravation (In the end main character stares aghast how from under the desert some tremendously huge horny Satan comes to the surface — the end).It is clear and straight metaphor of monstrous US foreign policy, which directly and indirectly gave the birth to wide range of terrorist groups and movements in the Middle East in the process of removing of local governments, then they pretended to fight the terrorists devastating the local countries in the process, then — as outcome of all of that — much more sinister forces have been emerged (ISIS like ones) and some unpleasant consequences (may be for all of us, not just for the Middle East) just follow.The story tells us, that though US troops do their monstrous job, they are not monsters as themselves personally. The policy tortures them in it's own way too. The question they rise is simple: «What am I doing here?» The question which the movie rises: Who is the real Monster in whose interests all this happens?The movie maybe is not really entertaining, but it has a message.