The Legend of Kaspar Hauser
The Legend of Kaspar Hauser
| 13 June 2013 (USA)
The Legend of Kaspar Hauser Trailers

Arriving on a deserted beach in the Mediterranean sea, in a time and a place unspecified, Kaspar Hauser is forced to confront the evil of a Grand Duchess who feels threatened by the power she exercises over the community.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
mrmut La leggenda di Kaspar Hauser is surreal movie about newcomer to an unspecified island in Italy. It is based on the Kaspar Hauser, a real person who appeared in early 19th century in a small Bavarian city.The event was thoroughly documented, that is why we know that much about Kaspar as we do. There is also a movie of the similar name by Herzog, that is produced in a more documentarian style.Ultimately, this movie is about second coming of Christ, with all packed up in a brilliant setup that will make you think.Kaspar in this movie is actually portrayed by woman, which is not at all obvious at any point in the movie. The Kaspar represents a blend of a man and a woman in one body, an universal being, who incidentally likes to listen to Vitalic music (Rave).Another great movie in this geist is "The Limits Of Control."
farippo The idea behind the movie is interesting, an innocent man unable even to speak is founded on a shore of a mysterious island and then educated to life, but the result is terribly boring and without any ideas both visually and in meaning. the visual setting of the film is clearly derivative of Ciprì and Maresco, particularly Paviglianiti, but the vulgar here is only hinted at by the figure of the dwarf and the donkey driver, and remains very little to counteract the characters that should be elevated as the Sheriff and the Countess with the rest. Terrible even from the technical point of view, with dialogues sometimes incomprehensible due to the bad sound. I save only the music.
shono I liked this movie so much! Here, in St.Petersburg, Russia, it was shown on wide screen in cinema on main street of the city and there was 10 people in big hall, but no one left and in the end we all were applauding.For me base of the structure of this movie is witty bound between XIX century strange story of a young man Kaspar Hauser and nowadays realities, digital music in particular. Director Davide Manuli tried to explain some details of Hauser's biography and his personality if it would happened in our modern times. I'm highly enjoyed the multiple compares and allusions between acid DJ (played by woman, which I realised at once) and prophet/messiah/heir/epileptic etc. Also this funny experience decorated with awesome soundtrack and aesthetic black'n'white cinematography.I wouldn't recommend it to usual pop-corn watcher, but for Alejandro Jodorowsky's fans or other curious indie cinema watchers it's highly recommended.
rngr I wouldn't recommend this black and white movie to anyone who doesn't like electro music. Moreover, well made energetic soundtrack from DJ Vitalic is in my opinion the strongest part of The Legend of Kaspar Hauser. There isn't much of a plot to speak but it's not a disadvantage. The movie itself is surreal, often funny, sometimes tedious (as some sequences are a little bit too long). I found Manuli's vision fresh but it certainly won't reach all of the viewers.6-7 out of 10
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