Angel of Death
Angel of Death
R | 07 July 2009 (USA)
Angel of Death Trailers

In the tradition of Grindhouse, Kill Bill and Sin City, award-winning comic book writer Ed Brubaker (Incognito, The Death of Captain America, Daredevil) teams up with stuntwoman-turned-cult star Zoe Bell (Death Proof, TV's "Lost") to deliver a stark, stylish pulp thriller about a very bad girl gone "good."

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
MBunge This movie was written by comic book scribe Ed Brubaker and it really does look and feel like a modern comic. Some of the surface elements like dialog, attitude and characterization are okay. The storytelling fundamentals that lie underneath all that, like plot, theme and story structure, are outright terrible. Angel of Death never gives you a reason to care about anything that happens in it and has so little to say that it starts repeating itself before it's half over.Eve (Zoe Bell) is an assassin who murders a young girl and gets stabbed in the brain when an assignment goes wrong. She begins seeing visions of her young victim, commanding her to start killing bad people. Not all the bad people, though. Eve's lover/handler Prescott (Brian Poth) and Eve's nearly pre-pubescent assassin partner Franklin (Justin Huen) are never threatened by Eve's visions, even though they are just as evil as anyone else in the movie. Instead,s he sets her sights on a couple of generically undefined mob bosses and…well, it gets a bit hard to describe after that.Not that Angel of Death is all that complex. It's simplistic on just about every level but there's less and less logic to the film as it goes along, in the sense of point A leading to point B leading to point C. Characters are introduced that serve no purpose. Other characters that are important don't show up until the film is halfway over. The plot so completely runs out of steam it has to manufacture three separate reasons for why Eve should want to kill out of revenge, even though the whole point of the story is that she isn't seeking personal revenge.Now, an action movie can get by with a cruddy plot if it keeps cranking up the intensity as it goes along, but Angel of Death screws that up. The best action scene take place before the film is half over and nothing that comes after is even close to being as energetic or violent. Intensity-wise, this thing climaxes way too early and then lies flaccid on the screen till it peters out with a conclusion that seems to happen about 15 minutes before the story should actually finish. By that time, however, you're just glad it's over.I knew this film was going to suck from the very start, when it tried to tart up Eve in sexy clothes and a wig. Zoe Bell is a somewhat handsome woman with a tough charisma, but she's no beauty and when she's glammed up, she look less like La Femme Nikita and more like a transsexual. Putting their lead actress on screen in a way that makes her look as bad as she can told me these filmmakers didn't know their ass from a hole in the ground. That assumption was only confirmed by the rest of the movie.Like most modern super-hero comics, Angel of Death has an intriguing concept and some of the individual moments of the story are well pulled off, but the tale as a whole is a mess that goes nowhere with no aim. There's also no nudity, relatively little profanity and most of the violence is on the tame side. Leave this one alone.
lastliberal Zoe Bell will never be the action star that Angelina Jolie is, but that shouldn't keep you from watching her in action.She plays a mob hit-woman that has a change of heart after an on-the-job accident. She decides to get some justice for those she has wronged. I know, it sounds a little hokey, but no more that surviving a knife stuck in your skull.There are a lot of fights here. Of course, Bell is the star and should win, but, come on, win a straight fight against someone twice her size> Well, that's what you pay your money to see, so that's what you get.Will the Angel of Death return? They left the door open.
cjp_allen I guess I have to disagree with the comment that this is in league with but a few female warriors, such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The fact is, this movie is in league with a great MANY other movies that I am reminded of including but not limited to the TV sensation Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Femme Fatale, Little Nikita, Elektra, Mr. & Mrs.Smith, Point of No Return-INDEED-, Aeon Flux (2005), Ultraviolet-BLAH-UNDELICIOUS-, Underworld, Just to name a couple. ;) Oh yeah, yikes, I almost forgot, KILL BILL VOL 1 & 2!!!!! The reason why there are so many of them is because women kicking serious be-hind is always a great theme especially when they come in the form of a Beatrix Kiddo - "Black Mamba." So my apologies for my eulogy, but as far as this movies goes I also believe that it is one of those gems that get tossed out because of a couple of bad scenes. Not that I haven't dismissed a great movie that had a crappy ending, but I felt that this movie should be viewed and enjoyed for the rest of its content, forgetting those bad scenes.
Worldofgrim I enjoyed this. I have the all i can rent blockbuster membership so i see A LOT of flicks. And many only the first chapter, then skip to last to see f/x or finale. This was thorughly enjoyable. Zoe did a kick booty job. She was hot, acted well, even the tough scenes, I never cringed at all. I sort of cringed in 'Death Proof' at the acting she did, which was non per Quentin's direction... but in this, she did it. she delivered her lines. Her acting, and her fight sequences were great. Hard, gritty, sexy but not SEXY ridiculous, but sexy hot gritty cool, you know what I mean. Her moves looked & felt real, like, oh yah, that's how a women can fight a big dude, like me, I'm buying it. gun play was excellent too, as in, no gunplay, just solid use of guns, knives, fists, mirrors, ground, ...great! story was simple, straightforward & well paced. direction was solid.kudos to the Director of photo, i really liked the lighting, the contrasts, the light/shadow, the silhouettes, really done well. i think i'm buying this one. something i can enjoy watching every few years along with Leon/the professional, seagal's first 4 movies, bruce lee, streetfighter, old boy, & pink panther.