The Late Bloomer
The Late Bloomer
R | 07 October 2016 (USA)
The Late Bloomer Trailers

A sex therapist goes through puberty after the successful removal of a benign tumor resting against his pituitary gland. He experiences all the changes and effects of puberty over a three-week period.

Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
BlueFairyBlog There was a lot of potential for this romantic comedy, but it was squashed by a ridiculous set-up, less than stellar jokes, and little to no payoff. Yes, this was based on the true story of rookie hockey player and television personality Kevin Baker, but much of the original story was changed, and the end result is clumsy and half- baked. Instead of really thinking through the emotional and physical extremes of this situation, the writers went for a more juvenile approach and simply threw in all their grossest jokes, hoping that something would stick. What we get is a boring, trite, ungodly mess that could have been a raunchier and more heartfelt film.The premise of the film finds sex therapist Dr. Peter Newmans trying to understand why people follow their sexual urges when they could get so much more out of life. At the same time he is in love with his neighbor (Snow), who is portrayed as a bland love interest with one characteristic: she likes to cook. His friends are played by Kumail Nanjiani and Beck Bennett, who prove to be the only semi-funny thing about this film, yet are underutilized and characterized as cavemen narcissists. When Peter is hit in the testicles during a pick-up basketball game he is rushed to the hospital, where it is revealed that he has a tumor pushing on his pituitary gland and he hasn't gone through puberty. The rest of the film shows him going through puberty in three weeks, at the age of thirty. While this is an interesting premise it's strange that they make him a sex therapist, when he hasn't had any sex (he isn't able to get an erection) and he hasn't gone through the steps of puberty at all. This choice makes the rest of the film feel unwieldy and downright convoluted.This is the first fictional effort of comedian Kevin Pollack, best known for his treasure trove of celebrity impressions. There are five writers on this film (including "George Lucas in Love" director Joe Nussbaum) and honestly it feels like it. There is so much testosterone in this film that there isn't much room for dealing with actual emotions, or the complexities of being a teenager in a man's body. Instead of dealing with these issues the film tries its best to be as juvenile and sex minded as possible, including talking extensively about erections, masturbating, acne, and other teenaged qualms. When the film is serious, it's often at other characters' expense.Honestly I think the movie might have been saved if its lead didn't decide that the way to fix his hormonal issues was to sleep with every woman he finds on Tinder. There's something disgustingly hideous about showing a virginal person suddenly engaging in mass amounts of sex. Though he is a sex therapist (again, why?) it makes little sense that he would immediately throw himself into sex, and with so many different people. It makes the ending that much more ridiculous. And speaking of that ending, why did it need to happen at all? Why was the romantic interest his friend, who he had to win over? Did this film really need a cookie cutter script with a clichéd ending? This was a film about a crazy real life experience that the main character had, and to play it safe seems ridiculous, especially since so much of the original story was changed anyway.
Gordon-11 This film tells the story of a doctor who educates on diverting people's sexual energy into some other aspects of life, and create success as a result. It turns out that he never underwent puberty, and hence has no sexual desire. When his condition is treated, he goes through puberty with hilarious results."The Late Bloomer" is really quite funny! The idea of someone supposedly grown up going through puberty is funny, and the story is funny too. The two sidekick friends provide good support to the story and to Peter, the main character. He learns how to deal with his mood swings, his sexual urges and basically learns to have a new place in the world. It is actually what all adolescents go through, but it is funny to see it happen in an adult. Because of the universality of the adolescent experience, people can relate to the story. I liked watching it.
MaxHaydon1994 When this film became available on Netflix, i was sure it was just another crass comedy about sex that would provide next to no laughs for anyone over the age of 12. I was wrong. The Late Bloomer is 'as you would think', about a man who has never had sex, nor 'as you might not think', experienced puberty. The fact the film is based on a true story makes it all the more entertaining, I found it intriguing from beginning to end. I found Johnny Simmons performance as Peter to be a particular highlight, his awkward comic delivery was a breath of fresh air. Don't get me wrong this was never going to be a blockbuster, nor was it going to be a cult classic. But The Late Bloomer delivers everything you need from a comedy film. i'd rate this film a 6/10 at worst.
joshfanguy First of all I love "stupid" sort of funny stoner types of movies. I can appreciate raunchy sort of humor. The problem with this movie is it just doesn't deliver. I'm a Kevin Pollak fan... and I think he was going for some sort of "American Pie" type of humor here...but it just misses the mark. Lot's of potential and a pretty good premise but just failed to make me actually laugh. I thought the lead actor was sort of meh in it...he did an OK job but wasn't very likable.... and had they done a few things differently I think it could've been funny. Some people probably will say this movie would only be funny to a certain type of person...but I'm that type of person...and it literally didn't even induce a smile. It's not that it wasn't well acted...because it was (kinda)...but they just didn't push the envelope far enough with this one. This is one movie that could've really used some extra raunch to make it funny. The relationship between the main character and his friends doesn't have any chemistry...the guy who is supposed to be the comic relief is just...not funny.... there is nobody likable in this film and that's sort of a problem in a movie where you're supposed to be pulling for the lovable loser...he isn't lovable... he is most certainly a loser...but ...I dunno this movie had a cool enough premise to be funny...they just failed miserably at making it funny in the slightest. Waste of a good cast. :-/