Original Sin
Original Sin
R | 03 August 2001 (USA)
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A young man is plunged into a life of subterfuge, deceit and mistaken identity in pursuit of a femme fatale whose heart is never quite within his grasp

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
angelinajoliefanlife I just can't get enough off this film. I've watched for 4 times already. It is set in the wonderful city of Cuba. Angelina Jolie looks hotter than ever. The story is very well planned and it's a thriller. Not going to spoil it for you but it's the best plot i've come across till date. The best part about this film is the daylight romance between Angelina and Antonio. They make love to each other passionately in bed, the day following their marriage. The daylight love making sadly lasts only for about 2 and a half minutes. Their bed romance lasted for 8 hours on set which was cut short to 3 minutes! Antonio indeed was very lucky to get Angelina fully open in bed for 8 hours! Overall it's the best movie i have come across not just because of the story, also due to the sizzling chemistry between Jolie and Banderas!
QueerVamp20 Julia is to meet a nice Cuban man who she has never met face to face - But the nice Cuban bites off more than he can chew. Julia is not what he expects. However, the Cuban (Banderas) is exactly what Julia expects. There are secrets, and things aren't as they seem - next thing you know - Banderas is chasing Julia to find out who she really is and why she wiped him out of his money and fled. He is in love with her - she doesn't know what she wants or who she 'Really' is. Prepare yourself for a movie unlike any other - Learn what Original Sin means, when you watch this original masterpiece. I would say more but I do not wish to give anything away - this is a movie not to be missed - It has moments that are hard to watch - while other parts draw you in and you find yourself lost in a world of seduction, lies, and murder...but above all, you will learn the power of love.
LeonLouisRicci If You are a Fan of Sexy Stars Angelina Jolie & Antonio Banderas this Might be a Movie that is Worth Checking Out. If You are a Fan of Jolie's Lips than it is a Must See. Because there are Numerous Closeups of those Famous Kissers. There is Also a Generous Amount of Nudity and if You Catch the Unrated Version, More.The Film is Lavishly Produced and Looks Sumptuous in that Steamy, Tropical, Lurid Way that these Types of Antiquated Stories Set in an Antiquated Cuba must Deliver. Otherwise You pay Too Much Attention to the Dialog and the Expected Twists and Turns that are Forthcoming.Noir Writer Cornell Woolrich is the Source Material here and it is All Double Crosses and Unreasonable Love (or is it lust, someone asks) and the First Ending before the Real Ending will Answer that Again and Again and Again and Again.Not the Worst of this Type of Thing it has Enough Chutzpah to Carry the Heavy Handedness for the Duration. Just Don't Expect Anything too Snappy. It isn't Exactly as Crappy as the Critics Insist and its Mega Failure at the Box Office Speaks for Itself. But here it is, Take it or Leave it. Both Stars went on to Better Things and this Semi-Embarrassment did Little to Halt Them with Their Limited Appeal. If Anyone Noticed or Cared, the Flashbacks are a Horrible Misstep and Thomas Jane is Miscast.
tomsview Set in the 19th Century, the film is about a Cuban Coffee planter, Luis Antonio Vargas played by Antonio Banderas, who advertises for a wife in an American Newspaper. She duly arrives in the form of Angelina Jolie. When she asks him why he wanted an American wife he answers, "Here we are the past and there you are the future".He marries her, finds that he really loves her, is then deceived and robbed by her, seeks revenge but falls in love with her again only to be enmeshed in her deceitful lifestyle. It was a tall order to make it all work; the film bites off more than it can chew then chews like crazy for the rest of it's running time."Original Sin" has enough packed into its 116 minutes to provide the material for a six-hour mini-series. The film is based on "Waltz Into Darkness", a novel by Cornell Woolrich, who must rank just behind William Shakespeare for producing the largest number of works that have been turned into film."Original Sin" is fast-paced, beautifully photographed, and features two charismatic stars – it all works perfectly as long as you just go along with it. Where the film runs into trouble is in consistency of tone, especially in the second half. But even if the only consistent tone in "Original Sin" is Angelina Jolie's nail enamel, part of the fascination is seeing how the filmmakers manage to get the story out of the many corners they have painted it into.One thing is for sure, Angelina Jolie dominates the screen. The filmmakers also showed a fascination with those famous lips; so much so that a couple of sequences start with a close-up of her lips before the camera pulls back to reveal the whole scene. In fact, she is photographed to great advantage in this film, and her Victorian era costumes suit her so well she looks as though she could sit for a portrait by John Singer Sargent the moment the director called cut.The interaction between Jolie and Banderas is fascinating and actually carries the movie over the rough spots in the plot. Calm and controlled, their performances have considerable depth despite the mounting implausibilities of the story. A couple of the supporting roles are also interesting; Australian Jack Thompson, who did brisk business around this time playing portly Southern gentlemen, plays Vargas' friend who warns him against Jolie's character. The other is Thomas Jane who plays a detective in a somewhat bizarre role."Original Sin" is a throwback to an era in Hollywood filmmaking when the audience accepted a fairly far-fetched plot as long as it was wrapped in the gloss of fabulous stars and a lavish production. Anyone looking for reality in film can forget this one, but the two attractive stars light up the screen, and despite everything that has gone before, it has a satisfying ending that brings a smile to the face.