The Hungover Games
The Hungover Games
R | 01 February 2014 (USA)
The Hungover Games Trailers

Each year, drunk people are selected to participate in torturous games the morning after a big night out. There's no sunglasses, no water, and no headache medicine. "The Hungover Games," a film that manages to merge the premises of both "The Hunger Games" and "The Hangover" and throw in references to "Ted," "Django Unchained," "The Lord of the Rings," "Carrie," "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" and whatever else crossed the writers' fevered brains during the probably very drunken "development process."

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Micitype Pretty Good
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
furryfrenzi It's weird that the cast of the movie look a lot like the original cast of The Hangover. Uuuuggghh... why though?
aech-02177 Yes, there are "parody" movies much worse than anything the Seltzerberg team has done. Hell, Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer wish they could sink this low. I hesitate to call these parody movies, as it is more fitting to call them a cluster of gratuitous dick jokes, random references to much better movies, and gags with every bodily function known to man. Because who needs jokes when you've got a bunch of sex toys at your disposal? I long for the days of Mel Brooks and the Zucker Brothers to come back. From Josh Stolberg, the writer of Piranha 3D and the god-awful romantic comedy Good Luck Chuck, the Hungover Games starts off with the basic template of The Hangover, the dudes wake up on a train, go to compete in the Hunger Games with characters from movies that were popular at the time and it's all downhill from there. Oddly enough, the main four guts were pretty good. I mean, as unfunny and forgettable their lines are, they were the only good actors in the entire movie. Everyone else knew this movie was garbage and wanted to get their paycheck as quickly as possible. This honestly begs the questions, what did Jamie Kennedy, Tara Reid (a couple of semi-decent actors), classic Hollywood actor Robert Wagner, Caitlyn Jenner (formerly known as Bruce Jenner) and Sophie Dee (my favorite porn star) see in this movie? Did they all really think a movie where an obnoxious teddy bear teabags a black dude would advance their careers? Even a terrible movie like the Starving Games made laugh at least once. It had one good joke and that was it. With this movie, I didn't laugh at all. How on earth does The Hungover Games have 3.7 stars on IMDB? If you guys can't see what's wrong with these awful movies and their empty, pandering, bottom of the barrel nature, then you're as stupid as these unfunny and untalented filmmakers think you are. The Hungover Games is another unfunny, unpleasant and disgusting movie and not even Sophie Dee's boobs could save it. Think about that.
churchofsunshine I'm sat here writing this review and trying to work out which is the better spoof movie - "The Starving Games" or "The Hungover Games". It's a difficult choice. It's kind of like offering me the choice of taking a bullet to the brain or a bullet to the heart. Neither film will ever be classed as a cinematic masterpiece.I do get the feeling though that the makers of "The Hungover Games" are actually trying. They've tried to write a good script, they've tried to give it decent production values and even the actors seem to be trying. It's a little more than can be said of the stuff that Freidberg & Seltzer keep pumping out. It's perhaps a little disappointing then that none of the jokes in the film really seem to deliver and it all seems to land off-target. I didn't laugh once.I was sober when I watched this. Maybe to enjoy it the most you do actually need to be hungover! That's the only time I'd probably find some of this movie actually funny. A-plus for effort but C-minus for execution. Not great.
m_lecarre I've been watching movies of all genres since the 1940's. So what is so wrong with this movie that it warrants such a low rating and so many negative comments? In my humble opinion absolutely nothing's 'wrong' with it, in fact I thoroughly enjoyed viewing it. The plot doesn't offend (it is what it has to be as a parody - KISS simple), the scriptwriting is excellent, the camera work/lighting is professionally done and the actors all do their part well. There was a synergism between the principal actors and they worked together really well. I can understand that the movie will not be to everyone's taste: the humor certainly is a little raspy-raw toilet humor at times but that certainly did not define the humorous content of the movie as a whole and there's an unashamed borrowing of ideas and more from other movies: but it works and works amazingly well! After reading other reviewers comments I didn't expect much from this movie but kept an open mind and I'm glad I did otherwise I'd have missed out on a very enjoyable movie experience.If I had to pick the most notable actor in this movie it would have to be the guy with the beard for his extraordinary portrayal of 'the other' guy with the beard in 'the other' movie. I also have to admit that I'm a fan of the beautifully sexy Rita Volk and she didn't disappoint. In summary then, nicely controlled tongue in cheek performances from the entire cast make for a very good laugh out loud piece of film entertainment. I rate it 6.5.