The Starving Games
The Starving Games
PG-13 | 08 November 2013 (USA)
The Starving Games Trailers

In this Hunger Games spoof, Kantmiss Evershot must fight for her life in the 75th annual Starving Games, where she could also win an old ham, a coupon for a foot-long sub, and a partially eaten pickle.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Samthemoron (scraig-53917) As you have probably guessed by the title I would not consider this to be a film. Instead I shall refer to this as a Media File. This Media File is hands down the worst thing I have ever witnessed. This Media File has passed the point of being unbearable to watch, instead this broke new ground and was actually painful to watch. Every "Joke" every scene added to the pain of this experience. Your all probably wondering "Why is it so bad?" Well, let me tell you why. To start with, the writing in this Media File, is as expected, terrible, there is no semblance of character, theme, development or any other element of a screenplay that makes a Film what it is. Instead this is just a collection of dated pop culture references, tasteless humor and jokes so bad that even Adam Sandler wouldn't write them into his next Grown ups movie. The Cinematography is non existent, it was so horrendous that it physically hurt to see. I noticed streams of liquid going down my face at one point during the film, this is when I realized, I wasn't crying, instead my eyes had began to bleed. The acting in this movie was also trite, a third grade production of Hamlet would be better acted than this. My personal theory for the acting being this bad is, that they found people with serious mental issues, and cast them as the roles in this film. The directing goes without saying, it is horrendous. The director is possibly the reason all of these problems have occurred, unless everyone involved in this film is as mentally inept as the director. Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer are the directors and writers of this Media File. Unsurprisingly, their other film-making achievements include, Vampires Suck, Epic Movie, Date Movie, Meet the Spartans and the infamous Disaster Movie. I have seen only one of these films, that being Vampires Suck. I also did not like this movie, however it was infinitely better than this monstrosity. I would urge everybody to stay away from this Media File, avoid it like the plague, if I could rate this movie lower than one star, I would.
Charles Stauffer In the style of "Airplane" The starving games is a broad parody which throws every joke they can at the screen and hopes that at least a few of them work.....and for the most part they do. This is a laugh a minute movie which actually stays fairly honest to it's original source material. It is not for everybody, but if you enjoy goofy parodies of movies then this one is worth seeing. The cast is strong, the dialog while a bit crude at times fits the scenes, and it is paced well and builds to a worthwhile , ( and expected,), conclusion.You could make a movie far worse than " The Starving Games", but it would take some real effort to make a low budget flick better than this little gem. Forget the negative reviews and add this flick to your weekly rental will be surprised and glad that you did.
SquigglyCrunch I was curious about this movie. I didn't know the creators, and I'd seen an advertisement for it somewhere and thought "I should give that a look". So when it appeared on Netflix I decided to give it a watch. As you have probably already guessed, it was terrible. The movie is completely reliant on its humor. Considering its a parody I think that it's quite clear that this movie isn't going for a good plot or characters, so I'll just talk about the humor.The beginning of the movie is pretty funny at points, and that's about it. Everything else is absolute garbage. The funny parts at the beginning were dark and unexpected at times, and I assumed that that would be how the rest of the movie was. Considering the Hunger Games is about people killing each other, you'd almost just assume that it'd all be dark humor. But that's not the case. After that everything is either random crap that only children would find funny or pop culture references, and it's quite clear that this movie isn't for children. The pop culture references aren't funny though. It feels like the movie just throws in it and says "Haha get it, it's funny because we mentioned Nikki Minaj. Haha get it? Get it?" Something isn't funny just because it's there. Sometimes things just being there are funny, but only if done right (yes, there is a specific way to make things funny by just existing), but that's all this movie is. It's funny because you know what it's referencing. That's like saying that The Pianist is funny because it's about the Holocaust and you know what the Holocaust is and it's well-known. No, that's not funny, right? That's basically what this movie does. Now while it doesn't say the Holocaust is funny (because I think that everyone knows that it isn't), that's what its getting at. 'It's funny because its famous' is all the movie is. It's hard to explain because there's really nothing amusing about it, nor is there any reason why it would be funny. So why would anyone think that this movie is funny? I have absolutely no idea. Now while I look back at some of the random jokes and think they were funny, watching them is anything but. They're better remembered then watched. Although I try not to think about this movie as best I can, because it's better not remembered. I almost felt bad about laughing at anything by the end or else I'd lower myself as a person, so even if anything actually humorous happened in the end it was lost. Overall The Starving Games is about as funny as a steaming pile of poop. It's funny at first to a handful of people, but after that it's just a giant turd and now you have to clean it up and forget about it because otherwise your weekend will be ruined. It's funny for maybe ten minutes at the beginning, but after that it's 'funny' because famous. And that's it. It doesn't make sense (even the sentence structure doesn't, yet there's no other way to explain it), and yet it still passes as entertainment. In the end there is not a chance I would ever recommend this movie. If I were you I'd wipe any research of this movie from your internet history and just try to forget about it. Even if you're interested, don't. If you're extremely interest, don't. The only time anyone should watch this movie is if it's a matter of life and death, and even then it'd have to take a lot of convincing to make anyone watch it.
Jan Rijkaard As a movie, this does not amount to much. The jokes are not all that hilarious, the acting is not all that brilliant, the plot is not all that engaging, the special effects are not all that terrific. But, it is not pretentious. It knows what it is, and does it relatively well. However, I would recommend it only if one does not have anything better to watch. In the final analysis, the truth is that this movie is significantly better than the original that it is spoofing. This is no big achievement, for just about anything would be better than that ridiculous piece of turd. The Starving Games inherits that ridiculousness - but that's part of the point of the movie.