Exit Speed
Exit Speed
R | 26 August 2008 (USA)
Exit Speed Trailers

On Christmas Eve, ten strangers board a bus traveling across Texas and are forced off the road by a motorcycle gang. The passengers then take refuge in an abandoned scrap yard. When their defense against the gang weakens and their numbers dwindle they must do the unthinkable go on the offense.

TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
lewiskendell Exit Speed has no big stars and not much production value, but it offers an agreeable enough entertainment adventure. It definitely has that low-budget, made-for-TV vibe. I actually think that this could have been a solid big screen movie with an upgraded cast and a bigger budget.The plot basically pits some everyday bus passengers against a biker gang out in the middle of nowhere. Some familiar character types are here, but there's also some left-field personalities (bow and arrow elven princess!) to keep the movie from being too cliché. It does drag on a bit, but it's extremely satisfying to see all the bikers meet their end at the climax. Watch it, if these kinds of movies are your thing.
lastliberal Sometimes you just need a film that will let you sit back and enjoy the show. They made a lot of these in the 70s. Action films that really were just there for fun.This one takes place in Texas. You would think after all the chainsaw massacres, people would stay clear, but they don't. This time they run afoul of some scumbag bikers.Lea Thompson (Back to the Future I and II) gave a stirring performance. She was one tough cookie.The bikers may have had the firepower, but there was some McGuyver in this group, especially in Mr. Vargas (Everett Sifuentes). They used whatever they could find to stay alive., and some (Alice Greczyn) found strength they didn't know existed.A fun movie.
callanvass Exit Speed is one of those cheap, unoriginal looking action thrillers, that often play on cable, and this one is no exception. This caught my eye at the video store last week, and since I'm an action junkie, I decided to give it a look, because it looked interesting, big mistake on my part. This plays off like a cheap version of Mad Max, only with whiny characters who have trouble getting along, and nowhere near enough action to satisfy. People like Lea Thompson, Fred Ward show up for paychecks and are wasted. Also why would the bikers randomly just attack them like that? I mean it's possible, but it just seemed kinda odd to me.Bottom line. Exit Speed certainly has nowhere near enough speed to get to reach it's destination. It's a dull, typical T.V type film, that does not have enough qualities for me to recommend.3/10
ladyflow Exit Speed was an interesting movie. It seemed like something that would come on a Saturday afternoon in the late 70's. I thought in the beginning , what in the world is this gonna be about because I refuse to read the back of the box (so to say) I like to be taken by surprise and with this choice I was. It keep you watching and rooting for the good guys.To put a small synopsis there for you I will say that it was about passengers on a bus that was kidnapped and thru their strengths, weakness, talents, and idiosyncrasies, they band together to survive this crack smoking, nose piercing, biker group from Hell.I liked it and I think you will too.