PG-13 | 01 July 2008 (USA)
Hancock Trailers

Hancock is a down-and-out superhero who's forced to employ a PR expert to help repair his image when the public grows weary of all the damage he's inflicted during his lifesaving heroics. The agent's idea of imprisoning the antihero to make the world miss him proves successful, but will Hancock stick to his new sense of purpose or slip back into old habits?

PodBill Just what I expected
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
peterjacman A really good and different view on superhero movies, funny but realistic, a must watch for anyone who liked superheros and will smith!!!
billyg900 Great movie, nice to see an angry superhero...bad reviews are probably mostly from superhero nerds who need all their superheros to be cartoon-ish and Nice....if your over 5 years old this is the superhero movie for you the prison scene is funny as hell.....
grantss John Hancock is a superhero. A superhero who's also an alcoholic and let himself go somewhat. He's now quite unpopular as his issues have lead to him destroying millions of dollars of property. Then a PR man decides to help him rebuild his image...Entertaining, and original in that this superhero is quite flawed. Quite funny at times too (it has Jason Bateman in it, remember).First half was good, and moved along at a brisk pace. Writer and director tried to be too clever and emotional in the latter half of the movie, resulting in the fizz disappearing.Not great, but worth a watch.
ChocolatePrince Hancock is a mixed bag with an interesting premise. It was released back in 2008, during the whole superhero resurgence with films such as Iron Man and The Dark Knight that were both well received both commercially and financially. Of course, now in 2017 superhero movies are pretty much a cottage industry, with some feeling there's an over-saturation, but that's neither here or there. Hancock is about an alcoholic superhero with a big PR problem. He's rude, crass, and he's an alcoholic, and it goes without saying the public doesn't like him. Hancock saves Ray, a PR agent and after that, the movie takes off. Ray wants to repackage him as a better superhero and they develop a friendship of sorts as the movie goes along. Hancock's first act is rather brilliant, it plays almost like a David Chappelle skit with Hancock involved in all kinds of crazy shenanigans. Alas, the movie kind of falls apart under the weight of its own mythology in the second act. There are some interesting things at play with the mythology but the tones from the first two acts never feel organic, it almost felt like it was trying to be two different films. The first act felt like a satire on the superhero genre and the second act felt like a darker superhero film. Anyway I digress, the third act is rather underwhelming with a cookie cutter villain who has no presence whatsoever, it almost felt like they needed to throw in a villain just to wrap the film up . However, that's not to say that the film doesn't have any positives. Will Smith is great as Hancock, he gives the character gravitas underneath all his smugness. Hancock starts out as a rather unlikable character but as the story goes on they do a good job of humanizing him. Jason Bateman is great as Ray, and Charlize Theron is great as Ray's wife, Mary. To give anything else away would spoil the film. I guess this movie is worth a rental if you haven't seen it already. By the way, for you Breaking Bad fans out there, the script to Hancock was co-written by Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan. So I guess it's kind of cool to see his earlier work from back in the day. Hancock had its moments, but overall it's a mixed bag both as a comedy and a superhero film.