After Earth
After Earth
PG-13 | 31 May 2013 (USA)
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One thousand years after cataclysmic events forced humanity's escape from Earth, Nova Prime has become mankind's new home. Legendary General Cypher Raige returns from an extended tour of duty to his estranged family, ready to be a father to his 13-year-old son, Kitai. When an asteroid storm damages Cypher and Kitai's craft, they crash-land on a now unfamiliar and dangerous Earth. As his father lies dying in the cockpit, Kitai must trek across the hostile terrain to recover their rescue beacon. His whole life, Kitai has wanted nothing more than to be a soldier like his father. Today, he gets his chance.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
kevway Having enjoyed this sci-fi, boy-grows-to-manhood story with my 11 year old son, I had to take his reaction into consideration. After Earth has serious shortcomings, and the unreadiness of Jaden Smith to take on the main character role and prevent the audience from noticing that he is indeed acting (by his over-acting) is the one major flaw. As a moral tale, or an heroic fable, it seems plenty good enough for the less sophisticated audience, especially when its better qualities are weighed in: there is the expert direction by M. Night Shyamalan, a feast of diverting special effects, and a hackneyed but effective plot culminating in an exciting climactic struggle, over self, and over doom itself in many forms. Its nomination for "Worst Movie of the Year" is a disgraceful pile-on for crowd following show-offs. How about worst movie of 2013 with a budget over $130 million? -- OK, maybe a nomination, but not a winner, even then. So why all the disdain? It is burdened by the regrettable appellation of "vanity project", which may be forgivable if your vanity project is Citizen Kane or Gladiator, but here Will Smith left his jaw open for the upper cut of envious wannabees and the aforementioned pilers-on. He asked for it, and he got it, Royal Flush style. Anyway, if you want a sci-fi film your 10 to 14 year old children will love, this film is fine, and the family values promoted, if in a bit ham-handed way, are still valuable for teens and pre-teens in our doubt-filled post-modern epoch.
gregberne11 This is one of the worst movies i have ever seen in my entire life. do yourself a favor and don't bother watching it. will smith's worst movie and his son is just terrible.
ghenry-68928 After Earth is a story about father-son relationship when they are stranded in the earth centuries after humanity left it. The movie is directed by M. Night Shyamalan, and starring the duo father-son celebrity, Will and Jaden Smith.The story follows the journey of Kitai Rage (played by Jaden Smith) as he embarks on a journey to save his father (played by Will Smith) that are stranded in the earth, centuries after humanity abandoned it. Sounds promising? No, it is not. The moment you see the movie on-screen, you know it gonna sucks.The plot is nothing. It have nothing in it. No character development, no worthy interaction between the actors. We just wasted our precious almost 2-hours time to seeing Jaden Smith running, screaming, and crying. The sub-plot doesn't have any conclusion. The dialogue is ridiculous. Nothing good comes from this movie.The acting is not convincing at all. Will Smith fails to deliver his charm to the screen, because simply he has nothing to do in this movie except sitting and talking to his son via radio. Jaden Smith is sucks at it. They even attempted to make their own accent that sounds really ridiculous and just makes this movie even worse.In the end, After Earth is a terrible mess. No, don't waste your time in this movie. Even just go see Jaden's Twitter account if you need some amusement.
Samiam3 Will and Jaden Smith have crash landed on a hostile planet; the only two survivors on a ship that looks like a set made of plastic and egg cartons. "Everything on this planet is evolved to kill humans", Will says. That planet is Earth, Will has broken both legs and is immobile. It has fallen to Jaden to retrieve a rescue beacon from the rear half of the ship which has broken off and is 100 km away.The real star of the movie is the scenery. There is so much forest that this could just as easily have been another planet. Making it Earth adds nothing simply because Shyamalan has side stepped the decision to make this a film about environmental impact. Instead After Earth is constructed as a survival story meant to bring out the bond between father and son. At this, After Earth fails. The script is thin to the point of feeling non-existent, and both Jaden and Will fail to sell. Will Smith, as the 'good soldier / poor father' gives the kind of bloodless, over composed, performance that recalls the cardboard acting style of the original Star Trek. He does not even attempt to find his humanity, but I can't say I blame him. With a script that gives him nothing to work from, why should be bother. The camera spends more time on Jaden, who has even less of a character to work from. He is a disoriented video game character in a game that lacks vision.On this Earth, the temperature drops five degrees every ten minutes at the end of the day, and there are some neat shots of the green canopy fading to snow white. There is also a nifty but short sequence where Jaden dives off a cliff and into a cat and mouse chase with a Condor. Otherwise, the obstacle course is surprisingly boring. After Earth climaxes with a battle against a big CG creature, which looks like a George Lucas reject.Shyamanlan fails as a writer and director to craft the elements needed to build tension. There is no feeling of a 'race against the clock', other than Jaden's limited supply of Oxygen tablets nor is there the feeling of terror lurking in the vegetation, recalling the Village and Signs.James Newton Howard, has done some phenomenal scores but this is not one of them. The sound track has a very empty feeling, and is just as lazy as everything else in this picture.
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