PG | 24 May 2013 (USA)
Epic Trailers

A teenager finds herself transported to a deep forest setting where a battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil is taking place. She bands together with a rag-tag group characters in order to save their world—and ours.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Executscan Expected more
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Michael Ledo The film expresses the balance between life and death/decay as a battle between miniature creatures and beings not unlike ourselves. The theme is that man must help forests or Eco-systems to live or else they will die. The story is aimed at younger children with a simple formulaic plot.Mary Katherine comes home to visit her father who is considered unbalanced because he believes in said creatures. This is a special time that only happens once in a 100 years, when the queen of life gets to choose her heir...and then you guessed it. This was a puffs moment for me, but not as bad as when Aerith Gainsborough passed into the light. From here you can write the rest.Mildly entertaining for adults.
adonis98-743-186503 A teenager finds herself transported to a deep forest setting where a battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil is taking place. She bands together with a rag-tag group of characters in order to save their world and ours. Epic boasts terrific animation, excellent voice acting and a very interesting storyline packed with lots of laughs, adventure and even some bits of drama and horror. The chracters were also very much likable and those who are looking for a fun ride will definitely find 'Epic' deliver on that level but don't expect it to turn into an animated classic of some sorts.. (10/10)
David Arnold Epic is the story of a young girl who finds herself unwittingly thrown into the middle of a battle between the Leaf People and Boggans after going to live with her eccentric father. Mary Katherine (M.K.) refuses to enter into her father's seemingly ludicrous delusions about "little people" living in the forest near his home. However, she soon changes her views when she makes contact with the Leaf People's queen and is charged with the task of protecting a pod that holds the key to the survival of the forest. The evil Boggan leader, Mandrake, is determined to claim the pod as his own, however, so he can raise a Dark Prince, so M.K. must help the Leaf People in attempting to stop Mandrake's vicious plans coming to pass.After seeing previews of Epic, I didn't really know what to expect to be honest. I mean from what I saw of the movie in different previews it didn't actually look all that fantastic (apart from the animation), but this is a good example of the old "well, let's just watch it and see" mentality because I was very pleasantly surprised at how good this movie actually was.It was a wee bit slow to start off with I thought, but it doesn't take long to pick up and you soon find yourself getting immersed into it. The characters in the movie are all done well, from M.K.'s eccentric father, Professor Bomba, to the comedy pairing of Mub and Grub (slug and snail). Even Steven Tyler of Aerosmith fame does a great job as the wise old glow worm Nim Galuu.The comedy in the film isn't the "roll about laughing" kind of funny but it's enough to keep everyone amused, and most of it comes from Mub and Grub, especially Mub (voiced so well by Aziz Ansari).I watched this movie on Blu-ray and, as with a lot of the animated movies these days, the animation was absolutely superb. The Blu-ray was so crystal clear I can only imagine how amazing it must be in 3D. This is a movie that everyone of all ages can enjoy, from young kids to adult alike.Definitely recommended.
Robert Porter Sigh. Why is this called "Epic"? It has no relevance to the subject or story, & it's an annoying common word misused too much today. A better title would have been "Generic Forest Film" or "Buy a Ticket.. Beyonce's in it".Seriously though, Beyonce's over-dub is the worst I've heard since Bruce Lee voiced the Russian! Why is she in this film? Did she go to Drama School? Is she stage trained? Because she doesn't know how to act!! Terrible decision.The animation is great if a little sequenced with the same constant lens focus effect. Even some of the music is touching when we're not just hearing cue after cue. But it's just the characters aren't particularly that interesting or realistic. The only person I ever connected with was the Farther & his plight.No one is ever in danger from falling it seems as they keep getting up upon falling flat on their face. And Ronin is invincible. I also think how the villain was defeated is cheap & highly questionable too.Ferngully is a very similar film, but they surprisingly have more creative ideas & Tim Curry as the villain felt very sinister & foreboding.It's an OK film. Don't expect too much & you'll be surprised with some of the gags maybe. But you won't be blown away like with Disney/Pixar.