| 19 May 2002 (USA)
Derailed Trailers

NATO operative Jacques Kristoff (Jean-Claude Van Damme) is summoned into action—on his birthday, no less—to track down Galina Konstantin (Laura Harring), who has stolen an extremely valuable and dangerous top-secret container from the Slovakian Government. Finding Galina doesn't take long, and Jacques must wrap up the mission by returning Galina and the contraband to his superiors by train. Things seem to be going smoothly as Jacques and Galina board the train posing as a couple, but soon all hell breaks loose.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
mkuban The beginning knocked it off. In 2002 it seems, that we all here in Slovakia drive cars from 1970's, there are red-berets and barbwire everywhere and we hunt mammoths for dinner :-D. Why to create such image of the post-communist country? It's been at least 10 years past the era when this title was in production. Doesn't make sense at all. Not to mention that almost none of the scenes were actually shot in Bratislava (I believe it is Sofia, Bulgaria).The entire movie is so bad I don't even care for commenting extensively. Inaccurate set, awkward action scenes, poor characters, idiotic story. Full of completely non-sense artificial constructs, shallow and predictable plot. The only thing that made sense here was Jean Claude Van Damme and what you expected of his performance while he attempts to save the day. Otherwise, just bad. If you value your time, avoid watching this title (which I wouldn't even dare to call a decent movie)!
movieman_kev Jean-Claude Van Damme vs. terrorists on a train with biological weapons figure into the worst film that Van Damme has ever been in. This movie has it all, atrocious acting, sub- par action scenes, crap special effects, a ridiculously awful story line. There is sincerely nothing that can be salvaged from this train wreck of a film. Fortunately, JCVD would rebound with some pretty good films later on, but that's little solace to the poor soul who has to suffer through this dreadful movie. There are truly not enough words in the English language that can properly convey how much I truly loathe this film. Hell, I'm surprised that The Asylum didn't put this one out (yes it's THAT bad)
Nick Damian Oh...yes, this is tragically bad.Every character is so typecast it's overly funny.Routine bad guys just because they have to look that way and act bad.CASTING WAS SO BAD IT'S GOOD.Action sequences and car chases that could have been copied from any other JCVD movie and a plot that is also cut and paste from hundreds before.Was it the fault of the writer? Was it the fault of the director? Was it the fault of the production company and producers? Was it the fault of the actors? Who takes blame for this being so horribly sad and just plain stupidly bad? I will take the Why? Because I choose to watch it and still excuse myself for doing's my fault.But that's o..because I've watched so many badly made movies lately that I feel it's part of life to watch them.I know and realize that everybody is entitled to make really bad films - so that we can enjoy the really good ones.And this is bad...on so many levels......but there will be better ones to come...however this is one that will be entertaining for those days when you have little else to do.How I wish I was casting this movie...I would have hired even more villain baddies to make it look authentically typecast.
Mash-the-stampede Being a major Van Damme fanatic, I made the terrible mistake of purchasing this film before watching it. BAD MISTAKE! To put it simply, this movie sucks!!! It's basically a C-grade version of Under Siege 2 with Van Damme in place of Segal. The film must have been made on no budget and all the supporting cast seem like they've been plucked out of a high school drama class!!! Not even the fight scenes can save this film from sucking! You can blatantly tell Van Damme is in front of a blue screen in the really anti-climactic motor cycle scene and half the time you can tell the train is a model and was probably the director's own train set from childhood!!! This film should not be watched by anyone even if you think you're the biggest Van Damme fan me you'll be glad you didn't. On the plus side, every single Van Damme film since this one has been a major improvement especially "In Hell" and "Until Death".